AI TikTok Maker and Editor

Craft captivating and viral TikTok videos using AI. Experience the power of AI and make videos with premium templates, images, voiceovers, assets and music. Revolutionize your TikTok content creation process.

Make TikTok online

Professionally curated TikTok templates for everyone

ecommerce discount tiktok template
light minimal template
furniture sale template
travel agency tiktok template
music festival template
online shop template
modern bright template
outdoor activity tiktok template
dark business template
jeans shop tiktok template
AI to make TikTok videos

Experience AI powered magic

With Predis AI, your TikTok video creation process becomes a breeze. Our advanced AI algorithms create personalized templates tailored to enhance your TikTok videos, covering a wide range of genres like dance, comedy, DIY, challenges, and more. Say goodbye to the hassle of recording videos; simply select from our extensive library of pre-made media and transform each scene into a masterpiece.

edit TikTok videos

Seamless Video Generation

Want to create TikTok content on the go? Predis AI is your answer! Our user-friendly interface allows you to effortlessly drag and drop media elements into your videos. Whether you're showcasing your talent, promoting your brand, or sharing entertaining content, our TikTok Video Maker ensures your videos will stand out from the crowd.

AI to make TikTok videos

Lifelike AI Voiceover TikToks

Level up your TikTok marketing with voicover videos. Improve engagement and connect better with your audience on TikTok with voiceover videos made with AI. Our AI generates optimal script, converts text to audio and embeds it in the TikTok with highlited captions. Generate voiceover TikToks in over 18 languages, with 400+ voices and dialects.

edit TikTok videos

TikToks in Multiple Languages

Go beyond boundries and break all langauge barriers to reach your target audience. Make TikTok videos in more than 19 languages. Give input in one language and generate output in another language. Maximize your audience reach with TikTok content made in multiple languages.

TikTok captions and hashtags

Smart Hashtags and Captions

Predis AI takes the guesswork out of crafting catchy hashtags and captivating captions. Our AI-powered tool suggests the most trending and relevant hashtags, ensuring your TikTok videos reach a wider audience. Let the AI work its magic, while you focus on being creative!

schedule TikTok videos

Schedule with Ease

Never miss a prime posting time again! With Predis AI, you can schedule your TikTok videos ahead of time. Ensure your content reaches your audience when they're most active, maximizing engagement and growing your TikTok presence.

supercharge your TikTok strategy

Embrace Your TikTok Influencer Journey

Ready to conquer TikTok and become a sought-after influencer? Predis AI is your all-in-one solution to kickstart your TikTok journey. From generating viral videos to managing your content strategy, we've got you covered.

schedule TikTok videos

Team Management - Simplifed

If you are an agency or company, add your team members to manage brand details, content generation flows. Simplify content workflows with our easy to use approval management system. Create and manage multiple brands and teams for efficient content creation.

supercharge your TikTok strategy

Premium Assets for the Win

Our AI ensures that your videos look professional and catch your audience's attention with most relevant and premium stock images and videos. Search for new images and videos easily through the built in intergration with top stock asset providers. With millions of stock assets, your TikTok is bound to captivate your audience, whatever your niche may be.

How to Create Tiktok videos with AI?


Give one line text input to

All you have to do is to give a single line text-input and will be able to find the right assets, captions, and hashtags to create a complete TikTok video for you in seconds.


Let the AI Magic Work

Get professional and stunning TikTok videos generated by AI that can be straightaway posted on social media. You can go ahead and make more customisations if you want to or you can just schedule and sit back while your videos get published on TikTok.


Make changes with ease

With our easy-to-use creative editor, you can make changes to the TikTok in just seconds. Choose wide animations, 10000+ multimedia options or upload your own video to make the video even more engaging. Just drag and drop the elements as you wish to.


Schedule with one click

Schedule and publish with just one click right from the app. No need to switch apps to manage your social media. Publish from the place you create your videos.

Frequently Asked Questions

Making a TikTok video is easy with Just sign up on and
1. Go to Content library and click on create.
2. Select Text to video option.
3. You can create TikTok using a simple text input, or business details, a blog, or a script.
4. Choose template that you like and hit Generate.

1. Go to content library and click on Create
2. Select Text to video and choose your input type
3. Select Voiceover video option and choose template, generate the TikTok
4. Open the generated TikTok, you will see the voiceover script and voices - both of which can be edited

Once the TikTok is generated, you can easily change the music,
1. Open the TikTok in the editor, go to Media tab and switch to Audio section
2. Now you can search for royalty free music or
3. You can go to the upload section and upload your own music

When you generate TikTok using, you have the option of adding your own assets to the TikTok. Select the assets you want to include and the AI will smartly include them in the TikTok.
You can use the built in editor to animate photos, elements, add transitions to the TikTok.

Now make and schedule your TikTok
posts right from where you
create them!

Now make & schedule your TikTok posts right from where you create them!