Can I Put Ads on Shopify Store? Explained

Ads on Shopify Store

This article will clarify all your queries about putting ads on Shopify Store. First, be happy that you can run ads on your Shopify store and generate some extra money.

Well, on the Shopify store, your priority must be to sell products. Shopify provides you with great support to make more earnings than you can earn from the advertisers. At the same time, if you are struggling to get enough conversions, you can leverage displaying ads on your store to earn some money.

Various networks, like Google AdSense, StudAds, etc., provide you the opportunity to run their ads on your Shopify site and earn. We will discuss everything you need to know before running ads on your site.

Can You Advertise on a Shopify Store?

Yes, you can advertise on your Shopify store.

Adding advertising is a great source of revenue from your Shopify store. When you are yet to get your first sale and your frustration starts arising, remember you still have the option to earn from ads. When you are getting traffic but are not able to get a conversion, advertisements will allow you to leverage this traffic to earn money.

You will have different formats like video ads, text links, and banner ads.

Factors to Weigh Before Proceeding

There are many factors to consider before implementing ads in your store.

  • Ads should not destroy the user interface of your store. Make sure your viewers get a pleasing experience exploring your products. Otherwise, you will end up losing traffic.
  • Ads should not be of poor quality or have a negative reputation.
  • Ads should be well aligned. Otherwise, they would eat up your product or content space.
  • Make sure you are not promoting your competitor’s products. Or else you will lose your potential customers and get a penny for advertising others’ products.
  • Promote products or services which are relevant to your target audience.
  • Choose the right ad display that fits well with your store theme and doesn’t pull down the look and feel of the page.

Steps for Implementing Ads

Here, we will show you an example of putting ads by Google AdSense in your Shopify store. Follow the steps below.

  • Sign up to Google AdSense
  • Go to the Ads section.
  • Click on the “By Ad unit” section.
  • Select Display ads.
  • You will get various Ad formats to choose from. Size options are available, like fixed and responsive, and orientations like horizontal, vertical, and square. Choose what fits the best on your Shopify page.
  • Click on the ad preview to see an HTML code to copy. Copy the code.
  • Go to your Shopify store.
  • Go to the “Themes” section.
  • Click on “Customize.”
  • Tap on “Add section” and choose “Custom liquid.”
  • Drag and place the “custom liquid” part wherever you want to place the ad.
  • Clicking on “Custom liquid,” you will get a box to paste the HTML code. Paste the code and save.

It may take 30 mins. to 24 hours. Maximum for the ad to pop up on your page.

Please check the below video for more clarity.

How to add Google AdSense to your Shopify store

Best Practices for Ad Placement : Optimizing Ad Positioning

We will discuss a few things that you need to remember while positioning your ad.

  • Don’t let the ad take more space on your page so that it interrupts the user interface.
  • You can use the sidebar to place ad units so that it doesn’t eat up your products or content space.
  • Put ads right above the fold to increase ad visibility.
  • Choose responsive ad units.
  • If you use Google AdSense, they provide you Auto-Ads option, which lets you control the number of ads, ad format, etc.

Monitoring Ad Performance

There are several ways to measure the performance of ads you’re running on your site. We have mentioned a few of them below.

  • Knowing your audience demographic could help you measure or predict the ad’s performance. Tools like Google Analytics will help you with audience insights.
  • Through the competitor’s analysis, you will understand the potential of the ads you’re running. Tools like will help you with thorough competitor analysis.
  • If you are using the Google AdSense platform as an ad provider, you can link your AdSense account with Google Analytics, and this will make the whole ad performance analysis process super easy.
  • AdSense dashboard allows you to track your ad performance in real time.
Social media performance analyzer or Shopify ad analyzer

Avoiding Common Pitfalls

There are many IFs and BUTs of integrating ads on your Shopify store. Shopify takes care a lot about its user experience and focuses on a smooth interface. You also should keep this in mind to make your store more successful. Remember a few Don’t we have discussed below before implementing ads.


  • Promote your competitor’s products.
  • Put multiple ad units that take up more space.
  • Run Ads that are not relevant to your target audience.
  • Run an Ads template that doesn’t go with your site theme or design.
  • Put ads from advertisers that have a negative reputation.
  • Not monitoring your ads performance.

Frequently Asked Questions

Let’s discuss some FAQs below:

  • Can I customize the ads appearing on my site?

Yes, you can. There are many options, like ad size, orientation, and format.

  • Are there any criteria to fulfill to be eligible for running ads on my site?

Well, it depends on the ad network you are using. But normally, there are no criteria set up by Shopify. Advertisement networks like Google AdSense network didn’t set up any such criteria.

  • Can I put Ads on an e-commerce site?

Yes, you can. Ad networks are more likely to approve ads for blogs or content sites. But they do approve e-commerce sites also.

  • Can I stop the ad which is currently running on my site?

Yes, you can.

Wrapping it up

When it comes to increasing the revenue of your Shopify store, putting ads on your store can be a great way, but you should think about the impact the addition of ads will have on your customers before you do it. When choosing an advertisement for your store, you should keep these things in mind to maximize revenue and customer satisfaction.

If you have good products and optimize your store well, it’s not too difficult to profit from Shopify by selling products. Shopify gives you a trouble-free, potential platform to make money from. So, prioritize your products. Even when you run ads on your site, ensure it doesn’t overshadow your products. is the best AI-powered social media management platform currently available. It has a flawless integration with the Shopify app. can enhance your Shopify store and help you earn money by selling products or running ads. The creativity, vast features, and AI excellence of this tool will help your Shopify store in many ways. Let’s have a look at how it will be helpful for you.

  • It helps you provide social media marketing ideas.
  • Helps you with competitor analysis tools.
  • Helps you in product listing by generating video and images.
  • Give your store a new identity.
  • It manages scheduling and publishing your posts across all social media platforms.

Above are a few basic features. does much more than that. Over 300,000 users trust it in 80 countries. Click here to explore and start for free.

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Akshay Kulkarni

A tech enthusiast with a background in marketing and operations. Specializing in growth marketing, an expert in e-commerce and social media marketing. When not scaling businesses, he enjoys staying fit and sipping on a strong cup of coffee.