Let AI work for you while you focus on business!
Make stunning content at scale - and save money while doing it.
Check your savings with the calculator here.
Can I cancel my subscription at any time?
Yes, you can cancel your subscription at any time. We will be sorry to see you go and not charge for the next month. We have a no refund policy so wont be able to issue refunds for the unused period.
How are credits consumed?
You can use credits to generate content (single images, carousels, videos etc), or to resize generated content into different sizes and also to regenerate AI images.
The credit usage policy is as follows:
1 Content Generation = 1 credit. Once a post is generated, one credit is consumed. After this the post can be edited / duplicated / downloaded / published as many times as needed. These activities dont consume any subsequent credits.
1 resizing = 0.5 credits. You can resize your generated content into different sizes. While creating multiple variants by resizing your creative, 0.5 credit shall be consumed per resize variant.
1 AI image regeneration = 0.2 credits. If you want to regenerate the AI image in your generated content, you can change the prompt and click regenerate.
All unused credits & limits expire at the end of the monthly plan cycle and are replinshed again as the new monthly plan cycle starts.
Do you have a Free Plan?
Yes! Under the Free plan, Users can AI-Generate 15 posts per month. Users Can publish their posts only using the Predis.ai scheduler and there will be a small Predis.ai branding on the posts. Here are examples of the Predis.ai watermark.
Is Predis.ai safe for my Social Media Accounts
Predis.ai uses the official Instagram/Facebook/TikTok/GMB/Twitter/Pinterest APIs to access data. We are regulated by the API guidelines of Instagram/FacebookTikTok/GMB/Twitter/Pinterest and dont do any unauthorized actions your Social Media Accounts. Also, We dont store any unnecessary data about your profile at our end.
Do You Support Any Other Languages?
Yes, Predis supports 18+ languages. You can give your input in your preferred language and the AI will generate your creatives and videos in the same language.
Is this a Mobile or a Desktop App?
We have a web application and also apps on the Google and Apple App stores. Now start generating and scheduling social media posts on the go using app.predis.ai
Can I change my plan?
Yes, you can always upgrade your plan based on your needs. Once you upgrade your plan, your benefits and work from your previous plan will be carried forward to the next and upgraded plan. You will be charged the extra amount on pro-rata basis.
How many social media channels can I manage?
You can publish to multiple channels within a brand. If you want to publish to more channels than what is allowed in the plans, you can buy the social media channel add-on and add more channels.
I have more questions.
You can either chat with us or drop us an email at hello@predis.ai