Instagram marketing for real estate business – Complete Guide

Instagram marketing for real estate business

Real estate is a highly competitive industry anywhere you go. Whether you’ve been in the business for a year or a decade, you know that the key that drives real estate businesses is keeping connections and building a bigger network. In that case, even friends or relatives who need to buy or sell homes play an important role. On top of that, buying or selling a home is often an important emotional and financial decision.

This is where Instagram comes in.

Why do you need Instagram for a real estate business?

As you know, acquiring new listings can be a challenging task. Growing your real estate business needs you to not only keep your previous customers engaged but also create your own sphere of influence such that you find prospective clients on a daily basis. You might also be approached by customers- people who reach you through other realtors or brands.

Real estate marketing

Most people will try and look for listings online. According to the National Association of Realtors, with social distancing and health guidelines for the COVID-19 pandemic, 2020 was a crucial year that served as a turning point for how people buy and sell homes. 97% of home buyers used the internet, and 76% of home buyers used a mobile or tablet search to look for their dream homes. This is why you need to constantly stay on your toes and market your business online and on social media.

Instagram is now one of the hottest platforms for marketing of all kinds, not only because it is highly visual but also because it engages the audience. When it comes to the real estate business, showing off the property and its uniqueness is crucial to attracting potential buyers. In addition to that, Instagram can also be a great platform to reach a wide audience who can further connect you with potential clients.

Instagram can also help you monitor your competition and stay on top of all the trends that could affect your business.

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How do you use Instagram marketing for real estate business?

Now that you know that Instagram may be one of the perfect tools to use for marketing your architecture and real estate business, here’s a complete guide on how to make the best of it

1. Define Your Audience

The first thing to do before marketing is to know your target audience. Analyze your current client base to identify common characteristics like age, income, location, and preferences. Research local demographics. For example, according to the National Association of Realtors’ 2021 Profile of Home Buyers and Sellers, the typical age of the first-time home buyer is 33 years, and the majority of home buyers are married (60%).

real estate marketing audience

When you’re posting listings for properties in different cities, make sure you speak to the audience that is attracted by that city. For example, cities with a large number of universities may attract a younger demographic, while cities with high-paying jobs in specific industries may attract higher-income buyers.

2. Make the Most of All Instagram Features

The next step after you find your audience is to start attracting it. Instagram does not only let you make aesthetic posts for a cohesive feed but comes with so many other features. Instagram Stories will allow you to share short-lived content with your followers, such as behind-the-scenes glimpses of your business, local events, and property listings. Adding selected stories to Highlights will let your followers access these stories at any time, which may be a good idea for content such as customer reviews or even renovation samples.

Instagram Live and IGTV will allow you to broadcast live video streams to your followers, which can be used for virtual property tours or Q&A sessions.

Reels allow you to create short, creative videos to showcase your properties and engage with potential clients.

3. Try to Grow Your Reach

This may be one of the most important tasks to undertake when you’re using Instagram for marketing. Identifying a target audience and making use of all the Instagram features means your work is already half done!

The next thing to do is use location tags and hashtags with all your posts and reels. Make sure that they are relevant and trending so that your posts will reach a wider audience. Some examples can be #homeforsale, #dreamhome, #openhouse, or #luxuryrealestate.  You can also create your own branded hashtags to build awareness for your business.

improve marketing reach

Apart from this, you can also make use of Instagram Ads. You can target your ads based on specific demographics and interests to ensure you are reaching the right audience beyond your current followers.

4. Engage with Your Audience

Engage with your followers and potential clients. Reply to all positive and negative comments. Responding to negative or rude comments shows that the business actively engages with its followers and cares about their feedback. It also publicly shows other followers that the business is willing to take responsibility and address negative feedback. This can help build trust and loyalty among customers. Respond to direct messages promptly, without any unnecessary delay. 

Schedule frequent Instagram Lives and Q&A sessions to address potential buyers, showcase a walk-through of a new property listing, or an open event.

This will help build relationships and is another step forward to increasing your online visibility.

Transform your Instagram feed with interactive carousel posts created effortlessly using's Instagram Carousel Maker.

5. Post Frequently and Consistently to Show up on Your Followers’ Feeds

Consistent posting will drive better engagement and also create better social algorithms. What does that mean? Well, what shows up in your client’s feed is determined by what posts or accounts they engage the most with. That means it can keep evolving over time. 

Posting daily can feel daunting, and you can soon feel like you’re running out of ideas. To counter that, you can try using is an artificial intelligence-based social media marketing tool that will help you create content and captions and also analyze your competition all with AI-powered insights. You can even schedule posts to make your task easier while consistently interacting with your audience.

6. Drive Your Audience to Social Landing Pages

Social landing pages are web pages created for a specific marketing campaign that engage and drive followers from social media channels, posts, or ads. This page is often customized and tailor-made to cater to the audience’s needs. For a real estate business, social landing pages are a sure shot at getting your potential buyers to interact with your listings.  You can add videos of walk-throughs or virtual tours, client testimonials, and insert specific calls to action like scheduling a tour or calling your office. This will make it a lot easier for your potential client to contact you, at least for an initial inquiry.

7. Record and (Post) Scroll Stopping Reels

Instagram Reels offers real estate professionals a golden opportunity to captivate and engage their audience. These bite-sized videos, with their fun and creative format, are a powerful tool for showcasing listings, providing quick property tours, and more.

By leveraging this feature, you can effectively stand out in the crowded real estate market and leave a lasting impression on your audience.

From BTS (behind-the-scenes) to interactive Q&A, reels lend a distinct brand voice and create long-lasting connections with the audience. Check out how Courtney Rufh | REALTOR® leverages reels to showcase new listings in a fun way. 

8. Enable Action Buttons

When it comes to real estate marketing on Instagram, it’s important that potential buyers can easily reach. 

So, enable action buttons on your company’s page to ensure your customers can interact with your brand. With an action button in place, interested buyers can easily contact you or schedule an appointment. 

Here are a few things you should consider for action buttons:

  • Using action-oriented language will tell your users what you want to do. Some common CTAs are: “Learn more” or “Schedule Your Call.” Check the following image for some inspiration. 

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6 Best Instagram Content ideas for your Real Estate Business

Content buckets help you organize your content creation efforts and make sure that everything you post is aligned with your brand values, goals, and audience interests. Here are some ideas to showcase your real estate business on Instagram

1. Property Photos and New Listings

It might be obvious, but uploading property photos are crucial for realtors on Instagram. Make sure to give the audience a sneak peek into the home they’re looking at, its unique features, and what makes it so attractive. This will compel the potential buyers to ask for a virtual tour.

Real estate Instagram marketing - property listing

Instagram Real estate - listing properties

2. Client Testimonials

Potential home buyers often look for success stories of people who found their perfect home. Buying, selling, or even renovating a home is a unique experience for every client. Sharing their story, thoughts, and feelings about the experience on Instagram through posts and covering the process in a time-lapse video on reels will get you clients who look to build trust before checking out a brand’s listings. 

marketing for real estate - client testimonials

real estate client testimonial

3. Company Milestones

While you build trust with your clients, also show them your achievements, progress, and what you strive for. This serves not only as proof of your competency in business but also shows that you celebrate your success with them.

real estate Instagram ideas - milestones

social media marketing - sold property update

4. Renovation Ideas and Home Maintenance Tips

A great idea to engage all your customers—past, present, and future—is to show them the potential of a home that is already made. Provide home maintenance and renovation tips incorporating different styles, such as Modern, Contemporary, or Minimalist Interior Designs.

Instagram marketing - property tips

real estate Instagram ideas - renovation tips

Creating a time-lapse video of the process is not only engaging and compelling but also extremely satisfying for viewers.

5. Covering Open House and Virtual Showings

Covering events such as an open house through Instagram Live or sharing reels and videos as a means of a virtual tour are both great ways of engaging the audience.

virtual tour - real estate

instagram content ideas for real estate - property tours

6. Realtor Bios

Marketing for real estate is not only about the property and its potential but also about your relationship with the client. Sharing your bio and a short post about yourself on Instagram will help the clients understand you better and decide whether you are a good match. Be sure to talk about your passion for making homes and helping others find theirs!

Extra Tips and Tricks to Boost Engagement

1. Crafting Compelling Captions for Maximum Engagement

Once you’ve nailed down your content strategy, remember that captions are crucial for capturing attention and driving engagement. Here are some tips:

  • Ask questions to spark conversation: Instead of just presenting information, pose questions that invite viewers to comment and share their thoughts. This fosters a more interactive experience.
  • Use storytelling to connect emotionally: People connect with stories. Weave narratives into your captions, highlighting the lifestyle possibilities a property offers or the joy of finding the perfect home.
  • Highlight unique features and benefits: Don’t just list square footage and bedrooms. Go beyond the basics and showcase what truly sets a property apart.
  • Include clear calls to action: Tell your audience what you want them to do next. Whether it’s contacting you for a showing, visiting your website, or saving a post for future reference, make your desired action clear and concise.
Generate engaging and effective captions with's Social Media Caption Generator!

2. Contests and Giveaways to Boost Engagement

Contests and giveaways are a fantastic way to generate excitement and attract new followers. Here are some things to consider:

  • Partner with local businesses for broader reach: Collaborate with businesses that complement your services, like home stagers or mortgage lenders. Offer a prize package that appeals to your target audience and leverage each other’s reach for wider promotion.
  • Offer incentives relevant to your target audience: Tailor your giveaways to what your ideal client would value. This could be a free home consultation, a gift certificate to a local home improvement store, or a basket filled with housewarming essentials.

Analytics on a page

3. Analytics and Tracking Your Results

Don’t just post and pray! Regularly analyzing your Instagram performance is essential for understanding what resonates with your audience and what needs improvement. Here’s what to track:

  • Monitor key metrics to measure success: Track metrics like follower growth, engagement rate (likes, comments, shares), reach, and website clicks. These will tell you how effectively your content is performing.
  • A/B test different content and strategies: Experiment with different post formats, captions, and hashtags to see what generates the best results.
  • Adapt and refine your approach based on data: Use your insights to tailor your content strategy to what your audience responds to best.

4. Use Your Hashtags Strategically

Creating wow-worthy content is not enough to boost your Instagram game! You need to amplify the post and ensure it reaches a massive audience. 

That’s where you need to harness the power of hashtags. 

Strategic hashtag usage will elevate the visuals, making your content more discoverable and connecting you with potential buyers. 

Consider the following pointers before you decide on hashtags: 

  • Carefully research the trending hashtags in your niche. Also, use relevant hashtags that resonate with your target audience and post. 
  • Go for a diverse mix of hashtags. Ideally, you should use 5-10 relevant tags. 
  • Also, analyze the hashtag performance to check which tags get you more eyeballs. 

5. “Story”-Telling is Your Best Bet

Instagram is not only about getting more likes and comments. While regular posts will put you on top of the league, Stories has the power to engage potential buyers. This feature is a new and interesting way to engage your followers and initiate a seamless interaction with your brand. 

Stories give an inside peek into your brand, adding a human touch and allowing you to develop authentic connections with prospective buyers. 

Here are a few tips you need to take into account: 

  • Use Relevant Stickers and GIFS: Fun stickers and gifs are a great way to show your brand’s distinctive personality. For example, if you want to show excitement for a new property,  add an “Excited” sticker. 
  • Create  Highlights for New Listings or Open House: You can add the Story as Highlight until you have closed a new listing. This way, it becomes easier for the prospective buyers to explore details about the property whenever they want. 
  • Use Location-Specific Hashtags: This is a proven strategy for attracting more qualified leads. Some hashtags you could try are #openhouseNewYork, #newhomeBoston, or #newlistingScranton. 
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Instagram is constantly evolving, so staying updated on new features is key. Here are some trending options to consider:

  • Use Instagram Guides for curated content: Create informative guides showcasing neighborhoods, property types, or design trends.
  • Explore AR filters for a virtual experience: Leverage Augmented Reality (AR) filters to give potential buyers a virtual sneak peek into a property. Imagine showcasing furniture placement or design possibilities within a space.
  • Live video tours and events: Take advantage of Instagram Live for interactive virtual tours of properties. Encourage viewers to ask questions and explore the space in real-time, creating a more immersive experience compared to static photos. You can also host live events like market updates or discussions with local experts like mortgage brokers or home inspectors.
  • Collaborate with influencers: Partner with local social media influencers who cater to your target audience. This could be a lifestyle blogger, interior designer, or even a local business owner. Collaborate on content creation that showcases properties and leverages the influencer’s reach to attract new potential clients.
  • Leverage user-generated content (UGC): Encourage your followers to share their experiences with your services or their own homes using a branded hashtag. Reposting UGC can build trust and social proof, while also fostering a sense of community around your brand.

Wrapping it up

By following these steps and consistently creating high-quality content, you can establish a thriving Instagram presence for your real estate business. Remember, Instagram is a marathon, not a sprint. Be patient, engage with your audience, and track your results to refine your strategy. With dedication and creativity, you can leverage the power of Instagram to connect with potential clients, showcase your expertise, and ultimately drive more business.

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Tanmay Ratnaparkhe

Co-founder, 2X Entrepreneur, tech enthusiast, and SaaS expert, specializing in Instagram marketing and AI. With a knack for leveraging technology for marketing success, they share valuable insights and strategies to boost your digital presence and productivity.