Writesonic.com vs Hypotenuse.ai. Which AI Writer Should You Go For?


Artificial Intelligence (AI) writers are pieces of software that can generate human-like written content. There are a few different types of AI writers. Some are designed to generate completely original content, while others are able to mimic the style of a specific writer. This blog will give you in-depth details on Writesonic.com vs Hypotenuse.ai.

AI writers can also be used to proofread and edit written content. One of the benefits of AI writers is that they can help to save time. For example, if you need to generate a large number of articles or other pieces of written content, an AI writer can help to do this much faster than a human could.

AI content writers are those who use artificial intelligence software to help them write better, faster, and more efficiently. By using software that can analyze data and identify patterns, AI content writers can streamline their workflows and produce better results more quickly.

What is an AI writer used for?

An AI content writer is a software application that uses artificial intelligence to generate content. The application looks at a set of data and then writes sentences or paragraphs that summarize the data. AI content writers can be used to create summaries of text documents, generate descriptions of products or services, or create articles on a given topic.

The software is especially useful for creating content that is difficult for humans to write, such as technical explanations or descriptions of complex data sets. AI content writers are becoming increasingly common as businesses look for ways to automate the content-creation process. The software is especially helpful for businesses that need to generate a lot of content quickly, such as news organizations or e-commerce companies.

An AI content writer is a computer program that can generate human-like content. This content can be used for a variety of purposes, such as creating articles, blogs, and even marketing material. One of the benefits of using an AI content writer is that they can help you create content faster than a human writer. They can also help you create unique content, as they are not limited by human creativity. Additionally, AI content writers can help you save money, as they do not require a salary.

How to choose an AI writer?

AI content writers are becoming increasingly popular as businesses seek to automate their content production. However, with so many AI content writers on the market, it can be difficult to know how to choose the right one for your business. Here are a few things to consider when choosing an AI content writer: 

1. The quality of the content. Make sure to read samples of the AI content writer’s work to ensure that they can produce high-quality, error-free content. 

2. The price. AI content writers can vary greatly in price, so be sure to compare a few options before making a decision. you need to consider your budget. AI writers can be expensive, so you need to make sure you choose one that fits within your budget.

3. The turn-around time. How quickly does the AI content writer produce content? Make sure to check the speed at which the AI content writer generates the content.

Quick comparison between Writesonic.com vs Hypotenuse.ai –

Features Writesonic.comHypotenuse.ai
Types of content generatedBlog articles
marketing copy
product descriptions
facebook ads
google ads
social media content
sales emails
landing page content
Blog articles
product descriptions
facebook ads
google ads
social media content
headlines and slogans
caption for Instagram.
Free PlanYESNO
Credit Card Required for Trial?NONO
Price30k words for 10$25k words for 24$
Languages Supported2522
Mobile AppNONO
Free Tools and resourcesYESNO
Ideal forContent writers
social media managers
SEO folks
Content writers
social media managers
SEO folks
Templates and Use Cases80 18
Inbuilt Grammar checkNONO
Inbuilt Plagiarism checkNOYES
Chat SupportYESYES
Email SupportYESYES
Customer RatingsG2: 4.8
Capterra: 4.8
Trustpilot: 4.9
G2 – 4.2


Writesonic.com is an online AI writing tool that helps you get your thoughts down on paper quickly and easily. It uses a natural language processing algorithm to understand what you’re trying to say and then generates a cohesive, well-written piece of text in response. Writesonic.com is an AI writer that can help you write better and faster. It is designed to improve your writing skills by giving you feedback on your writing and providing you with tips and examples.

Writesonic.com is a website that uses artificial intelligence to help people write better. The site provides users with a range of writing tools and resources, including a grammar checker, a thesaurus, and a writing coach. The site also offers a range of articles and tutorials on topics such as writing for different audiences, structuring an essay, and using different writing styles.


This AI tool by Writesonic is ideal for –

1. Content writers

2. Marketers

3. Bloggers

4. Social media managers

5. SEO folks


Hypotenuse.ai is an AI-powered writing tool that helps you get your point across more effectively. They believe that clear and concise writing is the key to successful communication, and the AI writer is designed to help you produce your best work. AI writer analyzes your writing style and makes suggestions on how to improve your clarity and conciseness. It’s like having a writing coach on your shoulder, giving you real-time feedback as you write.

Hypotenuse.ai is a tool that helps you write better by using artificial intelligence. Hypotenuse.ai can be used for any type of writing, whether you’re writing a blog post, an essay, or a technical document. It is especially helpful for writers who are non-native English speakers. 


The AI writer by Hypotenuse.ai is ideal for –

1. Content writers

3. Bloggers

5. SEO folks

Detailed comparison between Writesonic.com vs Hypotenuse.ai

1. Writesonic.com vs Hypotenuse.ai : Content quality and content type


When it comes to content quality, Writesonic.com does not compromise at all. The quality is amazing with good variety in the content generated. There are various types of content that is generated through the AI writer of Writesonic.com. The number of content writing options make it easy for the user to write many different types of content with just one AI writing website. The repetition is also very less. Types of content generated by this AI writer are –

1. Blog articles

2. Marketing copy

3. Product descriptions

4. Facebook ads

5. Google ads

6. Social media content

7. Sales emails

8. Landing page content

Writesonic.com vs Hypotenuse.ai - review
Writesonic Review


The content quality of Hypotenuse.ai is very good but the only problem with this AI writer is the lack of wide options of content that can be written. The only content it allows are 

1. Complete length blogs

2. Marketing copies 

3. Product descriptions. 

Unlike Writesonic, the variety of content types is less. But when looking at the content quality of blogs, it is very versatile. Based on the outline that one chooses, the content is very well generated. 

2. Writesonic.com vs Hypotenuse.ai : Content tones


Unfortunately, Writesonic.com does not have an option where they optimize the content based on chosen content tone. It will only be optimized based on the template. The basic idea is that a product description is a formal template so the tone will be likewise. But there is no option to choose the content tones. 


In Hypotenuse.ai, there is an option where the user can choose the type of tone they want their content to be in. The tones that are selected are very fairly shown in the generated content. The following are the types of content tones offered by Hypotenuse.ai.  

 Hypotenuse.ai - content tones
Content tones by Hypotenuse.ai

3. Writesonic.com vs Hypotenuse.ai : Language support


When we see the choices of languages that the user can select, Writesonic.com has over 25 languages. The content generated in all these languages is very efficient and of good quality. The grammar may vary here and there as it is generated by an AI after all. The languages offered by them are mentioned below. 

Writesonic.com vs Hypotenuse.ai - languages
Language support by Writesonic.com


As for the Language support offered by Hypotenuse.ai, they give access to about 28 languages. As per the content generation, the quality is great with minor grammatical mistakes that can be corrected easily.

Hypotenuse.ai - languages
Hypotenuse language support

4. Writesonic.com vs Hypotenuse.ai : SEO and Plagiarism check


The content is SEO optimized. But, there is no plagiarism checker. One will need another tool to check for Plagiarism. The content generated is mostly unique with few repetitions of re-searches.


They have a plagiarism checker, which makes it easier to check the content. The Content generation is also SEO optimized. All one has to do is mention the desired keyword and the blog will be generated based on the keyword.  

Writesonic.com vs Hypotenuse.ai - reviews
Hypotenuse.ai Review

5. Writesonic.com vs Hypotenuse.ai : Prices


They have three plans. Writesonic.com offers a free plan as well as a free trial for the paid plans. Following are the plans that Writesonic.com offers –

Writesonic.com pricing

FREE PLAN – offers 2500 words per month with access to all the language and templates.

SHORT FORM – Offers about 30k words for 10$. There is access to all languages and templates, but does not offer article writer and sonic writer option. The number of words required can be increased with the increased amount for the same.

LONG FORM – Offers about 47.5K words for 13$. The word count can be increased with increase in prices. All the features are available in this plan. 


Hypotenuse.ai offers two plans. They have no free plan. They do have a free trial. There is a plan where one can customize the word count according to their need.

 Hypotenuse.ai pricing

STARTER PLAN – Offers 25k words for 24$ with these features – Credits roll over from month to month, Article writing workflow, 200 watermark-free AI images (50 generations), Bulk product descriptions, Standard support, 1 user seat

GROWTH PLAN – Offers 87.5k words 49$ with following features – Credits roll over from month to month, Access to everything in Starter, Unlimited watermark-free AI images, 25 plagiarism checks on articles, Priority email and chat support, 1 user seat

6. Writesonic.com vs Hypotenuse.ai : API

When the API or the third-party integration is compared, both provide the same. The API is shown to be good and does the job that it claims. Both the AI writers are good with this aspect.

7. Writesonic.com vs Hypotenuse.ai : Templates


This AI writing website offers over 70 templates. These templates are very useful in writing a variety of content. With just one subscription, a lot of templates can be used. Some of the templates that they offer are –

1. Sentence expander

2. Quora answers

3. Stories

4. Amazon product descriptions

5. LinkedIn Ad headlines and many more

Writesonic.com vs Hypotenuse.ai - templates
Writesonic.com templates


They offer about 18 templates, which is less than Writesonic.com. Although there is less number of templates, they have a combination of very useful templates one can easily generate the following types of content.

1. Rewrite content

2. Instagram captions

3. Google ads

4. Facebook ads

5. LinkedIn posts

6. Website headlines and taglines

7. Landing page content

8. Meta titles and descript

Hypotenuse.ai templates
Hypotenuse.ai templates

8. Writesonic.com vs Hypotenuse.ai : Customer support

Looking at the customer support provided by Writesonic.com, they have Email support as well as chat support. One can simply add their query and see the already mentioned Q&A. If there is anything more, then they can always contact the support team which answers within a few hours.

Hypotenuse.ai also has very good Customer support. They have both Email and chat support. Simply check the Q&A section in chats to see answers to major FAQs, If there are more doubts you can contact them and expect the answer within a few hours.

Our verdict

looking at the final decision on which AI is better, it seems that both the tools are almost equally good in terms of the content quality. Both generate content in different languages and with good variety. The only difference being the type of content generated. Writesonic.com generates more types of content. 

When looking at the prices, both have equally same prices. If you need fewer numbers or more words you can choose Writesonic. As for Hypotenuse.ai, they have two plans with 25k and 87k words, Choose plans based on the price range as well as the type of content required. 

As for templates, Writesonic.com has more templates, so this AI writer wins in this aspect. In terms of the Plagiarism checker, Hypotenuse.ai wins, as it has a plagiarism checker.

Both are SEO optimized as well. Choose your AI writers based on content requirements and prices. So were you able to decide between Writesonic.com vs Hypotenuse.ai? 

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Tanmay Ratnaparkhe

Tanmay, Co-founder of Predis.ai, is a seasoned entrepreneur with a proven track record, having successfully built two companies from the ground up. A tech enthusiast at heart, a recognized SaaS expert, and years of hands-on experience in leveraging technology to fuel marketing success, Tanmay offers invaluable insights on how brands can boost their digital presence, improve productivity, and maximize ROI. Why trust us? Predis.ai is trusted by over a million users and business owners worldwide, including industry leaders who rely on our AI’s output and creativity. Our platform is highly rated across review sites and app stores, a testament to the real world value it delivers. We consistently update our technology and content to ensure you receive the most accurate, up to date, and reliable guidance on leveraging social media for your business.