Measuring ROI on Social Media for Shopify Store

Measuring ROI on Social Media for Shopify store

Do you have a Shopify store for your online business? Are you looking at measuring ROI on social media for Shopify? If yes, you have made a fabulous start, but you are not alone. Over 4.7 million eCommerce websites are built using Shopify, with the app being used in over 175 countries.

Shopify is estimated to grow to $7.4 billion by 2025, and 24.5% of all eCommerce will be done using this app.

These are incredible numbers, but it also begs the question: how is your Shopify store really unique from the competition? What can you do that sets you apart from the rest? 

The answer is to utilize the power of social media to help amplify your brand. Social media is a powerful tool for Shopify store owners and can help you reach your potential customers. You can use social media to build brand awareness, update your potential customers about the latest offers and products, and generate revenue.

But amidst the frenzy of likes, shares, and comments, one crucial question remains unanswered: is your social media presence actually making you money?

That’s where Return on Investment (ROI) comes in. Measuring ROI on Social Media for Shopify isn’t just about counting likes; it’s about quantifying the impact of your efforts on your bottom line. Let us understand more about how you can measure ROI on social media for Shopify and use it to transform your social media game.


How do you Calculate the ROI of your SMM Campaigns?

Let us start by understanding how ROI is calculated. One of the most common formulas for marketing ROI is:

(Increased Sales – Marketing Spend) / Marketing Spend = ROI

For example, you get $50,000 in additional sales by spending $10,000 on your marketing budget.

So the ROI on your spend will be calculated as:

($50,000 – $10,000) / ($10,000) = 4

This also means that you have generated 4x or 400% as much revenue as it costs. A positive ROI means you are doing well, while if the ROI is negative, it means you are losing money on your campaigns.


Best Shopify app for Social Media Marketing

What Are the Aspects of Social Media That Incur Costs?

Now that we know the formula for calculating ROI, we need to also look at some of the factors that are associated with your social media costs. Every time you spend a dollar on your ad or campaign, you incur a cost to generate a lead or increase awareness.


These costs include:

Direct Costs

  • Paid Advertising: This includes platform-specific advertising like Facebook Ads, Instagram Ads, and TikTok Ads. You set a budget and target your ads to specific demographics and interests.
  • Content Creation: Creating high-quality content like engaging videos, infographics, and blog posts requires time, resources, or hiring professionals.
  • Social Media Management Tools: Platforms like Hootsuite, Buffer, and Sprout Social offer valuable tools for scheduling posts, monitoring analytics, and managing multiple accounts, but they come with subscription fees.
  • Contests and Giveaways: Hosting contests or giveaways can attract new followers and boost engagement, but they often involve offering prizes or discounts, which incur costs.
  • Influencer Marketing: Partnering with relevant influencers to promote your products can be a powerful strategy, but it involves paying them fees or providing them with free products.

Indirect Costs

  • Time Investment: Managing your social media presence takes time, whether it’s responding to comments, engaging with followers, or creating content. This can be the time you spend on this activity or the time spent by your team on social media management.
  • Employee Training: If you have employees managing your social media, training them on best practices and platform features requires time and resources.
  • Data Security and Compliance: Ensuring data privacy and complying with platform regulations can involve additional costs for legal advice or software solutions.

Understanding these costs is crucial for accurately calculating your ROI and determining whether your social media efforts are truly profitable. Remember, not all costs are equal.

Some, like paid advertising, are directly tied to specific campaigns and can be easily measured. Others, like time investment, are more indirect and require careful estimation.

Why Should You Be Measuring ROI on Social Media for Shopify?

Now that we know how ROI is measured and the cost factors that are involved in running your social media, the question that can arise is – is measuring ROI on social media for Shopify necessary?

Measuring your social media ROI provides a much-needed anchor, offering a tangible way to assess the effectiveness of your strategies and optimize them for maximum impact.

Some of the additional reasons to measure Shopify’s Social Media ROI include the following:

  • Decision-making about your marketing spending: You can run social media ad campaigns and keep on posting daily, but is it really worth the investment and effort?

    By calculating the ROI on this activity, you can better understand where your focus should be and make relevant decisions. Campaigns with ROI should be your prime focus, while those with lower or negative ROI need to be re-strategized.
  • Identify profitable strategies: Not all social media tactics are created equal. Tracking ROI allows you to identify campaigns that drive sales, optimize your content mix, and allocate resources to the strategies that deliver the most bang for your buck.
  • Gain buy-in from stakeholders: Demonstrating the tangible impact of your social media efforts can win over skeptical stakeholders and secure the resources you need to scale your social media marketing initiatives.
  • Improve Marketing Campaigns: Using ROI as the base for your marketing campaigns, you can gather valuable data on what resonates with your audience, adjust your approach based on real-time insights, and stay ahead of the curve.

Ways To Improve Marketing ROI For Shopify Store


Businesses with the best ROI from social media tend to focus on continuous improvement and targeted outreach. You can also replicate this using some of the tips mentioned below:

1. Start With An Objective

Before you start any campaign, you need to define your social media goals. Your goals can include:

  • Brand awareness: Reach, impressions, follower growth
  • Website traffic: Click-through rate (CTR), referral traffic from social media
  • Lead generation: Form submissions, email opt-ins, social media mentions with purchase intent
  • Sales: Conversion rate, average order value, revenue generated from social media campaigns

Make sure you choose the metrics that best align with your goals.

2. Optimize Your Content for Conversions

Your social media game is defined by how good your content is.

While most Shopify stores tend to share posts or ads boasting about their products or discounts, you can use eye-catching content and premium visuals to help your Shopify store stand out. These include:

  • Focus on high-quality visuals: Eye-catching images and videos can grab attention and increase engagement.
  • Craft compelling captions: Use clear and concise language that highlights product benefits and triggers curiosity.
  • Include strong CTAs: Tell your audience exactly what you want them to do, whether it’s visiting your website, subscribing to your newsletter, or making a purchase.
  • Utilize product tags and links: Make it easy for customers to discover and purchase your products directly from your social media posts.


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3. Targeted Outreach

Have you noticed lately that your simple search on Google or a social media platform will lead to ads about the particular product cropping up every now and then?

This is because marketers and advertisers use your search and targeted advertising to get their products in front of the right audience.

You can improve the ROI of your business by focusing on targeted customer outreach. Instead of just posting online or creating generic ads, create focused ads that work on information like:

  • The products that the customers are looking for
  • Their demographics: age, geography,
  • Behavioral parameters: what are they searching, platforms they are searching on, and others.

4. Test & Update

Built a stellar marketing campaign or ad? The process doesn’t just stop there.

If you have got stellar ROI on your campaigns, you need to figure out aspects that worked and those that could be improved. Make sure to analyze your campaigns and social media metrics, helping you get clarity on what exactly is working for your brand.

You can factor these insights into your upcoming campaigns or make relevant updates to campaigns that are already running. We also recommend running A/B testing on your campaigns to see what kind of content works and make adjustments accordingly. 


Measuring your social media ROI is like navigating a financial labyrinth – data-driven decisions pave the path to profitability, but it can be overwhelming to navigate alone. That’s where steps in, your AI companion for unlocking the magic of social media marketing.

Social media and marketing teams are often overwhelmed with processes like:

  • Content Creation & Design
  • Strategic Brainstorming for Campaigns
  • Social Media Management & Execution
  • Running Ads & Managing Engagement

With AI content creation, you can help automate and simplify aspects of your social media processes. Instead of having to start from scratch, your AI companion can help you build stellar social media content using just a few instructions.

Your team can then build on this draft, make edits, and run the campaigns instantly. The speed with which you can change, edit, and move can help you stay a step ahead of the trends and generate huge ROI for your Shopify Store.

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Tanmay Ratnaparkhe

Tanmay, Co-founder of, is a seasoned entrepreneur with a proven track record, having successfully built two companies from the ground up. A tech enthusiast at heart, a recognized SaaS expert, and years of hands-on experience in leveraging technology to fuel marketing success, Tanmay offers invaluable insights on how brands can boost their digital presence, improve productivity, and maximize ROI. Why trust us? is trusted by over a million users and business owners worldwide, including industry leaders who rely on our AI’s output and creativity. Our platform is highly rated across review sites and app stores, a testament to the real world value it delivers. We consistently update our technology and content to ensure you receive the most accurate, up to date, and reliable guidance on leveraging social media for your business.