The Best Instagram Strategy for Your E-commerce Store

Instagram strategy for your ecommerce store

Are you looking for an Instagram strategy for your e-commerce store? As it turns out, Instagram has expanded its realm with a host of new features, allowing you to share short videos, reels, stories, and other engaging content.

The platform is not just for content sharing; it can also be a goldmine for businesses to connect with their target audience and convert them into loyal customers.

Instagram is the third most-used social media platform (tied with WhatsApp), with 2 billion active monthly users. But what makes the platform all the more amazing for e-commerce companies is that 85% of its audience is younger than 45, with almost 31% being aged between 18 and 24 years.

This Gen-Z and Millennial audience is crucial for most e-commerce stores, making it the ideal platform to promote your business or your products.

But navigating the vast world of Instagram e-commerce can be daunting, especially for new businesses. That’s where this blog comes in—your ultimate guide to crafting a winning Instagram strategy that transforms your store from a follower magnet to a revenue machine.

We’re about to unveil an Instagram strategy for your e-commerce store and best practices that’ll propel your brand to Instagram stardom, boost sales, and build a thriving online community.

Prerequisites to Start Instagram E-commerce:

full shot woman online shopping

Before we get started with Instagram hacks for e-commerce, let’s touch on the fundamentals. Instagram is a platform for both businesses and individuals to share content and build a community.

To help businesses stand out and leverage additional features, Instagram allows you to have a separate Instagram Verified Business Account. This is crucial to help you build trustworthiness and run your business smoothly.

So let us understand the prerequisites to start selling on Instagram:

Step 1: Get Approved For Shopping on Instagram

Not every business gets an Instagram shopping pass. Ensure your products and operations comply with Facebook’s Commerce Eligibility Requirements.

This includes adhering to their policies, connecting your Facebook page or Instagram professional account to your website (you will require an authorized domain to ensure this), and operating in a supported market (you can check out the list of countries here).

Step 2: Set Up Your Business Account

Next, go to your Instagram account (if you already have one) and tap the “Switch to a Business” option. Tap “Continue” and follow the steps mentioned.

To have an Instagram Business Account, you need to enter your business email, phone number, and physical address. This allows users to find and get in touch with your brand easily.

Step 3: Verify Your Account

Once you have connected your Instagram Business profile, you must submit your account for review. To get this done, follow the steps below:

  1. Head to your Instagram Settings.
  2. Turn on “Shopping.”
  3. You will notice an option to “Submit your account for review.” Click this option.
  4. The account review will typically take a few days, and Instagram may ask for additional information to verify your account. Turn on your Instagram notifications so you do not miss this.
  5. Once completed, you can check the status in the “Shopping” tab.

Step 4: Start Creating Content

At this point, your Instagram Business and Facebook Business Page is ready. Now is the time to start sharing high-quality product photos and engaging videos of your products on Instagram.

Showcase your offerings in their best light, experiment with different formats like Stories and Reels, and sprinkle in behind-the-scenes glimpses to build personality and brand trust.

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The Ultimate Instagram Strategy for Your E-commerce Store

With your Instagram Business Account ready, you can now be prepared to unleash your firepower.

To help you do this, we bring you the best Instagram strategy for your e-commerce store that can transform your social media presence from a “pretty pictures” gallery to a sales-generating powerhouse:

1. Create Helpful Content

Most E-commerce brands make the mistake of using their Instagram presence as a product website page. They share images of their products, the price, and the details, but that is just about it. No details, no valuable information, no tips, just products!

If you want your audience to connect with your brand, you must provide them with tips and glimpses of how your products can add value to their lives. For this, you can share informative tips, how-to videos, tutorials, or other content formats that add value.

Create content that educates, entertains, and ultimately positions you as the go-to authority in your field. This builds trust, loyalty, and brand affinity, paving the way for future sales.

2. Add Product Tags

Once you start creating unique content, do not forget the strategic use of product tags. Product tags help you add product information to the picture, allowing users to easily access your product page.

This works brilliantly, as the user can get a glimpse of your product and buy it instantly. No need to go to your website, search for the product, and then add it to your cart. Removing friction from the buying journey leads to more satisfied customers and boosted sales.

3. Use Hashtags Smartly

Think of hashtags as magic beans that lead shoppers straight to your virtual door. Research relevant and trending hashtags in your niche, but don’t go overboard – stick to a focused selection that accurately reflects your offerings.’s e-commerce Post Maker can help you discover the perfect hashtags while creating stellar content to attract the right audience and boost your discoverability.

4. Collaborate With Influencers and Creators

Don’t you love the hype when an influencer or celebrity flaunts a product you own? In the online world, influencers and content creators are the new stars and have a considerable following. 

Partnering with micro-influencers or niche personalities in your space can unlock a flood of brand advocates. Choose influencers who resonate with your target audience and collaborate on authentic content campaigns. Leverage their established audiences and trust to showcase your products authentically.

5. Explore Multiple Ad Formats

Instagram ads aren’t a one-size-fits-all solution. Explore different ad formats like single images, video ads, carousel ads, and Stories ads to find what resonates with your audience. Each format offers unique strengths, and you will only realize the ones that work well after testing out multiple ad formats. 

Since this can often be daunting, we recommend using ready-to-use templates of’s Instagram Reels Maker. This can help you explore multiple formats, such as reels, short videos, and shorts, helping you build content apt for each ad format. 

Best Practices For Instagram Business

influencer marketing job concept

Now that you’re armed with potent strategies, let’s add some sparkle with these essential best practices:

1. Consistency is Key

Treat your Instagram like a well-tended garden. Post regularly, maintain a consistent aesthetic, and stick to a schedule that aligns with your audience’s activity. The idea is to keep posting regularly so your brand is known to your audience and is at the forefront of their minds.

2. Prioritize Quality Over Quantity

Sure, we need to post frequently, but not at the expense of quality. Prioritize stunning visuals, engaging captions, and informative product descriptions.

Remember, a few high-quality posts can pack more punch than a barrage of mediocre ones. We also recommend spacing out your posts and having a schedule. This ensures you can post regularly without compromising on the quality of your posts.

3. Optimize Your Bio and Profile

Your bio is your Instagram elevator pitch. Use clear, concise language to explain your brand and value proposition. Include relevant keywords, a captivating call to action, and a link to your website.

Make sure your profile picture is high-quality and reflects your brand identity.

4. Respond and Engage

Show your audience you care! Respond promptly to comments and messages, answer questions enthusiastically, and participate in relevant conversations.

If your online brand is genuine and the audience feels heard, they are more likely to come to you for product advice and buy from you. Building genuine connections creates a loyal community and fosters brand love.

5. Analyze and Adapt

Instagram is a dynamic ecosystem. Stay up-to-date with the latest trends, track your performance with analytics tools, and don’t be afraid to experiment. Adapt your strategy based on data insights and feedback from your audience.

6. Celebrate User-Generated Content (UGC)

Nothing builds trust and authenticity like real people loving your products. Encourage UGC by running contests, featuring customer photos and stories, and giving shoutouts to loyal fans.

Reshare their content, feature them in your stories, and make them your brand ambassadors. The customers will love being the star of your brand, and this will help you build a genuine connection with your audience.

Make Your Product Stand Out on Social Media 🤩



And we are done! With an Instagram strategy for your e-commerce store, you are ready to take your brand to the next level. Remember, your journey doesn’t stop here.

It’s a continuous cycle of experimentation, refinement, and growth. And that’s where becomes your invaluable gardening tool. Think of it as your AI-powered Swiss Army Knife for Instagram success.

The tool lets you generate captivating captions and videos to help you get those stunning Instagram Reels that will make your customers stop dead in their tracks. This also helps you fuel your creative engine and explore more ideas to create engaging fresh, eye-catching content.

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Tanmay Ratnaparkhe

Co-founder, 2X Entrepreneur, tech enthusiast, and SaaS expert, specializing in Instagram marketing and AI. With a knack for leveraging technology for marketing success, they share valuable insights and strategies to boost your digital presence and productivity.