Instagram content ideas for candle business

Content ideas for candle business

Are you finally ready to quit your 9-to-5 job and turn your candle-making hobby into a full-fledged business? 

While you want your candles lighting every home, reaching out to potential buyers can be overwhelming. 

So, what’s the best way to take your small candle-making business to the next level? 

It’s simple. Master your Instagram marketing game. 

Why, you may ask? Instagram is a visual platform that is very popular for social media marketing. 

With over 1.6 billion monthly users, there is a wide range of audiences that can be targeted for your social media. If you are a candle business, Instagram can help you reach billions of users and share product details.

This blog will equip you with unique and new ideas to make your social media account attractive to a wide range of audiences. Let’s understand marketing on Instagram and explore content ideas to promote your candle business.

Instagram content ideas for candle business

Along with posting often, it is also important to keep the posts engaging and polished. Let us look at how to create polished posts for your business page on Instagram.

1. Share product images

The very first posting idea for any business is the product images. When it comes to showcasing your products on social media, high-quality images are crucial to making a good first impression. The quality of your images reflects the quality of your products, so it’s important to ensure that they are polished and visually appealing.

However, the quality of the images is not the only factor; timing is also crucial. It’s important to post your content when your audience is most active on social media. This will maximize your reach and engagement.

candle product images - content ideas

To determine the best time to post your content, take advantage of social media analytics tools to track your audience’s behavior. This will give you insights into when your followers are most active, allowing you to schedule your posts accordingly.

candle instagram post idea

For best results, take these factors into account: 

  • Be consistent 
  • Use relevant hashtags to make the post discoverable. 
  • Avoid overposting. 3-5 posts a week are enough. 
  • Make sure your content aligns with your brand’s visual identity. 

2. Candle making process

One thing that audiences truly enjoy is witnessing the process by which your business creates and produces its products. Show a glimpse of your candle-making procedure to give your followers an idea of how the candles are made.

By showcasing the creative and meticulous process behind crafting your candles, you’re giving your followers a deeper understanding and appreciation for the product.

This transparency not only builds trust by revealing the craftsmanship behind your candles but also enhances your brand’s credibility.

Customers are more likely to feel confident in their purchase when they have insight into the care and expertise that goes into making each candle. This further solidifies their connection to your brand and increases their likelihood of buying.

candle making - instagram content idea

You can also post videos or reels on creating the candles or even the process of decorating the candles. This is sure to keep the audience engaged and also give them an idea of how the products are made with quality in mind. Try to use trending audio in the reels to get more views and insights.

Want to create a long-lasting impression on your prospective buyers? Here are some unique ideas to showcase candle-making content: 

  • Show creative ways to mix candle scents and colors.
  • Document your journey as a candler, showing how you are truly unique in your business. 
  • Highlight the FAQs from candle lovers and provide quick solutions.

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3. Share benefits of candles

If you are in the candle business, then you might know about the plethora of benefits they offer. However, many people underestimate the soothing effects of the candles.

Not only do candles create a warm and welcoming environment, but they are also perfect for relaxing or setting the theme for special occasions.

Scented candles, in particular, serve aromatherapy purposes, with fragrances like lavender or chamomile known for their calming properties.

Incorporate these details into your Instagram post, highlighting how candles serve as more than just sources of light but as enhancers of mood and well-being.

candle benefits post ideas

These candles can also be used as cozy decor for the winter. Candles can also be used as decor for your coffee tables or even side tables. Mention all of these benefits to make your candle sales reach new heights.

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4. An insight into packing orders

Show your customers the packing scenes from your small business. When packing orders, try to film a video and post it in the form of reels.

Sharing packing scenes through video reels is an effective way to showcase your product, build trust with customers, and create a sense of urgency that encourages them to make a purchase.

It humanizes your brand and strengthens the connection between you and your audience, ultimately driving sales and loyalty.

candle packaging post idea

Keep the packaging aesthetics in line with your business and create a good-looking packaging video. This will catch more attention from new people and, hence, get you more orders.

5. Customer reviews

For any business to grow, it is necessary to display various positive customer testimonials. Hence, why not post these on Instagram to show how popular your candles are?

testimonial - instagram content idea for candle

Try to use customer-sent images and feedback in your stories and highlights. Making this a story highlight will help keep it on your page and help you catch new customers. The trust factor for any business, for that matter, comes through customer reviews. Add these reviews to your highlights so people can discover them while checking out your page.

6. Seasonal and festive candles

Candles can be used as decor on multiple occasions. Candle sales are especially high during Valentine’s Day, which is why posting about candles around these times is a great way to increase sales.

seasonal candle post idea

Post about how candles create a great ambience for occasions and parties. Share on Instagram how candles can be the perfect decor for any festival. Whether it’s Christmas or Easter, these scented candles can make the ambience more cosy and festive.

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7. Promote candles as a gifting idea.

Now, this works around the year. One of the best gifts that someone can give to anyone within an affordable price range is scented candles. These candles now come in different shapes, sizes, and fragrances.

These are the attributes that make it a perfect gift. Whether it is a birthday present, housewarming gift, or even a return gift, candles are sure to make the perfect and thoughtful gift.

candle gift - instagram post

If you want to give something that the other person is sure to like but do not want to go over the top, then candles are the perfect gift to go for.

8. Giveaways and offers

Hosting giveaways is the best way to get targeted recognition for any small business. Simply create a giveaway with the desired rules, and you are good to go. The most common rule in giveaways is to follow the account and later share it with friends and on social media. This will allow your followers to share your posts and stories with their followers, and you can get a great deal out of the giveaway. You will get more followers this way, and more people will know about your brand and what you sell.

candle giveaway instagram post idea

For your candle business, you can also share about the times when your items are on discount. This will attract more customers and give your account better engagement. Hence, it is good to offer discounts once in a while.

candle give away content idea

9. Behind the scenes

Customers are always intrigued by behind-the-scenes content on Instagram. Share about your workspace and creation process. This will help the customers or followers get an insight into what your daily routine looks like.

behind the scenes - instagram candle business

You can also share about the sales that they offer in stores (if you have a store) or about the product storage and packing videos. Reels are a great way to get more followers, so it is better to post enough reels in a week.

If you are keen on posting behind-the-scenes for your small candle business, here’s a quick look at some interesting ideas: 

  • Creatively showing your workshop will reinforce your brand identity and highlight your working style. Such content is not just visually engaging but also shows your buyers what they can expect from you. 
  • Play with the FOMO (Fear of Missing Out) factor and spark your audience’s curiosity by giving a little peak into new releases. From videos to static images, there are endless ways to raise their interest. 
If you are running short of ideas, use AI-powered tools like to generate content ideas that are sure to captivate your audience. 

10. Collaborations

Try to collaborate with Instagram influencers and spread your content to a wider audience. You can collaborate with influencers who are willing to talk and share about the products they make. This is a great idea to get going with your social media marketing.

However, when collaborating with influencers, spend some time researching their audience.

Identify their audience demographic and ensure it Aligns with your product. Thereafter, plan your content strategy accordingly for maximum impact. 

11. Weave a “Story” around your candles

Did you know that the product shown on Instagram Stories increased the interest of 58% of consumers? As a small candle business owner, creating an Instagram story about the scented candles you sell can effectively reach potential customers and promote your products. 

Whether launching new candles or showing behind-the-scenes, Stories are a great way to captivate users. Here are a few tips  to create engaging candle-making business-related Instagram Stories: 

  • Use GIFs, checklists, and pools to bring more life to your Instagram Stories. This will keep your users engaged and encourage them to interact with your brand. 
  • Post videos or photos of the candle-making process in the Stories. This allows your buyers to have a sneak peek into the process and give your brand a touch of authenticity. 
  • Furthermore, you can post a countdown to launch a release of your new collection or a sale. 
  • Share discounts or sales on your stories. This will capture interested buyers’ attention and encourage them to start conversing with you. 

Why choose Instagram for social media marketing?

These days, social media marketing is all about creating content that is shareable and engaging. Instagram is one of the most popular social media platforms on the internet. And it’s not just for entertainment; businesses can benefit from using Instagram as well. Here are some of the reasons why you should choose Instagram for your social media marketing

  • Visual content: With its focus on visuals, Instagram is the perfect platform for businesses that want to share beautiful photos and videos. And with the recent additions of Instagram Stories and reels, businesses now have even more ways to share creative and engaging content.
  • Good engagement: Instagram has good engagement rates for good content, which means that your content is more likely to be seen and shared by your followers. And with the ability to use hashtags and post location tags, you can reach even more people with your content.
  • Builds relationships: Instagram is all about building relationships. By posting engaging content and responding to comments, you can create a strong bond with your followers. This can lead to more customers and sales in the long run.
  • Non-Intrusive Product Promotion: Instagram is all about optics and emphasizes compelling storytelling. Unlike conventional marketing channels, Instagram allows you to promote your product in a subtle and non-intrusive way. It lets you build trust and add value to your brand with interesting visuals. This friendly approach helps you create meaningful and lifelong connections, ultimately driving sales for your business. 

Wrapping it up

If you are seeking ways to conquer the Instagram game, keep in mind that consistency is the key. You need to follow a strict routine when posting content ideas for your candle business. Quality content is also imperative to keep the followers in the loop. 

Captivating captions and engaging videos will help you boost engagement. This will improve your conversion rate and bring you more sales and revenue. Don’t forget to identify your target audience to ensure your message reaches the potential prospects. 

For better engagement, you need a wide variety of content to post regularly.  Finding new content ideas is quite challenging for many businesses. This is where helps. The automated content generation tool helps you in creating eye-catching visuals and captions for your posts. 

Sign up today to build content that hooks a large customer base and increases your product visibility. 

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Tanmay Ratnaparkhe

Co-founder, 2X Entrepreneur, tech enthusiast, and SaaS expert, specializing in Instagram marketing and AI. With a knack for leveraging technology for marketing success, they share valuable insights and strategies to boost your digital presence and productivity.