How to Write a Good Instagram Bio?

How to write a good Instagram Bio

Wondering why your Instagram profile often gets high reach and engagement but doesn’t translate into followers? 

Imagine this: someone likes your content and hovers over your Instagram profile. It has everything right: the profile picture, the engaging posts, and everything you need to win the user. But despite that, the user doesn’t feel compelled to hit the follow button. Why? 

Within seconds, you need to capture their attention, pique their curiosity, and convince them to hit that “Follow” button. That’s the power of a well-crafted Instagram bio. It’s your digital storefront window, your elevator pitch, and your first impression all rolled into one. The most challenging part – it needs to be done within 150 characters. Sounds like a tough nut to crack, right? 

Fear not! This guide is here to help you transform your bio from bland to brilliant. We’ll delve into the essential elements of a magnetic bio, explore inspiring examples, and offer actionable tips to make your profile stand out.

By the end, you’ll be equipped to write a bio that not only reflects your personality or brand but also attracts the right audience and fuels your Instagram success. So, let’s unlock the secrets of crafting a bio that truly shines!

What is an Instagram Bio?🤔

An Instagram bio is a section of your Instagram profile page that appears to the visitors as soon as they click on your profile. A bio is a description written regarding your company, brand, or personal self right below the username on your profile. 

A bio is where you include-

  • Hashtags
  • Information about yourself
  • Contact information
  • Website URL
  • Interests
  • A favorite quote

It can be anything that tells your visitors about your business or your personality. For instance, a fan of Harry Potter would love to write ‘Potterhead’ to showcase their affection in their bio. This way, every new HP fan who is a follower can see that they have something in common.

How to write a good Instagram Bio
How to not write a bio…

Therefore, it is essential to have a creative Instagram bio to make your profile stand out. Wondering what classifies as a good Instagram bio? Explore the answers to your questions below!

In essence, your bio helps to convey your brand’s personality and show the audience the services or products that you offer. This might even be the primary motive of your Instagram account.

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What Makes a Good Instagram Bio?💭

A good Instagram bio attracts visitors to your page and helps you gain more followers. Also, an Instagram bio attracts not only clients but also stalkers which increases the probability of you attracting more followers. 

Whenever stuck with what to add in writing an attractive Instagram bio, ask yourself the following questions –

  • How do you want your audience to know you?
  • What makes you unique?
  • Are you running any business?
  • What about your brand personality?

For an individual that has no business-related motive, a simple bio with their location, education/career and a catchy one-liner should be more than enough. Most people won’t even go beyond the one-liner.

However, for individuals who are into businesses, their sole motive is to gain maximum visitors to their page. For this reason, extra steps need to be taken to make the account seem fresh and provide convenience for the profile visitors. For example, the call button would help promote more clients to interact with the business owner. This is how you direct the interested users to get in touch with you.  

Also, business owners can send individuals their Instagram page/profile link from where users get to know more about the services offered by the business owners and their page. Business pages on Instagram can let users sign up for their offered Newsletter or Facebook page. If the goal is to build an Instagram following, the contact button will encourage your visitors to follow your feed or share their photos with a hashtag that involves your page. You can check here if your Instagram hashtags are working according to your needs.

Now, before you step into understanding the Instagram bio ideas and tips, understand the role that your Instagram bio plays in your overall strategy.

Why does Your Instagram Bio Matter?

Instagram bio matters for every Instagram user and their visitors. It is essential to have a well-written Instagram bio to establish your brand presence.

Essentially, the best Instagram bio for you is a key for people to learn-

  • What your identity is 
  • What you do
  • Where to find you

For this reason, you should focus on creating an Instagram bio that helps to portray your brand identity and establish a unique value for you. 

Finally, so far, so good. A few more steps and then you will be well versed in how to write a good Instagram bio. Next, it is important to discuss what goes into an Instagram bio before understanding the tips.

What are the Components of an Instagram Bio?

It is essential to write an engaging Instagram bio for business purposes or to present yourself. The fundamental factors that accompany an Instagram bio are as follows-

1. Username

The username is an essential look at your Instagram bio. You will find it at the top of the bio. It generally determines how people search for you or your brand. If you have a business, you are advised to use your business name. In case you find that it’s already in use, then keep in mind that it should be the first part of your business name. 

Provided it is not in use, your brand name should suffice as far as the username goes. Furthermore, there’s no need to add numbers and fancy symbols to make yourself stand out. A user viewing only your username and profile image should be absolutely clear on who you are.

Use’s Instagram UserName Generator to get creative and unique Instagram username ideas using our Free AI tool. Give an input, generate names, and copy in a click.

Pro-tip: If your brand’s name is taken, reach out to the account with that particular name. Politely request them to abandon it, even if you have to pay them a small amount for them to do so. In the long run, you will be able to see what it’s worth.

2. Description

Profile description is generally considered the core of any good Instagram bio. With a limit of 150 characters, you can express yourself in the best possible way, leading to gaining the user’s attention.

3. Profile Photo

You should never overlook this part of your Instagram profile. This will be the first thing that will be noticed by a viewer when he visits your profile. It is essential to make your profile picture easy to identify and eye-catching for the visitors to our Instagram page. Thus, it is important that you know how to set up a great Profile photo for your Instagram.

4. Story Highlights

This is simply another Instagram Story format where you can introduce yourself with interactive thumbnails on your Instagram profile. It’s a good idea to save your post from highlighting after saving it to a story. This enables the story to appear in your Instagram bio.

Make your highlight covers attractive, so first-time visitors will want to click on them and get to know more about you.

5. Contact Info

Contact info will let prospective customers connect with your business. You can effectively use your Instagram bio by adding your business contact info.

How to Write the Best Instagram Bio for You?

Since you only have a limited number of characters, ensure to write an eye-appealing Instagram bio. If you are looking for some tips, follow the systematic process and write attention-grabbing or funny Instagram bios.

1. Tell Visitors about Yourself and Why They Should Care

Firstly, when you start writing out a good Instagram bio, you have to decide how you want to express yourself. You can choose to explain your business contributions and whom you will serve.

When new users find your Instagram account, you can give them the info they take an interest in. Along with text, you can make use of some other elements as well. Try using different fonts, emojis, and symbols to create an outstanding bio.

2. Keep It Short and Sweet

A perfect Instagram bio should be short and sweet due to the limited space offered. You need to make sure every single letter you enter has a significance. A short and sweet bio can be a quick attention grabber. Moreover, this makes your bio easy to read and will hook your audience quickly. Nowadays, People hardly prefer to be caught up in a lengthy paragraph.

The limited and valued information presented in the bio will pique the curiosity of your viewers. Eventually, they will end up scrolling through your profile to learn more about your brand. Add your name, passion and profession, your mission or your goal along with a single yet appealing call to action.

Although the space is limited, you can still maximize its use by replacing words with emojis, using symbols, line breaks, etc.

For instance, instead of:

Cat lover, fitness addict, photographer, travelling to explore world and a writer . On a soul embracing journey to explore world. Hit follow to embrace this journey with me.

Try to use:

“🐱| Photographer | 🌍 | Writer |🏋️‍♂️|”

• Follow me on this journey 

The use of emojis and symbols in this shorter version of your bio concisely delivers your information. It also helps to make your bio look visually appealing to your customers. Do not forget to invite your profile visitors to engage with your content. Additionally, make sure to reflect your personality or your brand identity in your bio.

3. Focus on Keywords

Everyone understands the importance of adding keywords. Though they are not searchable when it comes to an Instagram bio, in this case, adding some relevant keywords that are helpful to your audience and niche, can be of great use.

All you have to do is take a notepad and enter some words that people may search for, and at the same time, make them relate to your brand, product, or service. If you identify and follow some of the famous words that your followers expect you to see, don’t forget to clarify who you are and what you do.

This is the right way to let your audience recognize that they are in the right place.

Instagram offers several options to users to drive good traffic to their site. For instance, users can swipe up story links or shop on Instagram. The severity held by Instagram is the only thing that frustrates marketers.

For instance, your bio is the only way to let your visitors visit your website or the page you want them to redirect.

If you wish, you can link to several areas like-

  • A signup page for a newsletter
  • A link curation page to promote several links
  • Your most recent video or article. 
  • Your YouTube channel/video link

It doesn’t matter what you choose to add, what impacts the most is how you are achieving them in your profile. A link in your Instagram bio should be strategically placed!

Pro-tip: If you’re a freelancer and don’t have a website, add a link to your portfolio so prospective clients can have a look. This way, they’d get an idea of your past work, and of whether you’d be a good fit for them.

How to write a good Instagram bio?

5. Add the Call-to-Action Button to Your Instagram Bio

Users interested in interacting with you can easily reach you through the phone number or link provided in the action button instead of a DM. Most of the time, users send a direct message to the person offering any kind of service which is usually tiring. Sometimes, it’s hard to manage them as you will find your inbox filled with several messages. This is why you should coordinate the clients directly to your preferred channel. 

You can easily find apps that will help you overcome this problem so you can direct your viewers to the webpage links. For example, sites like Linktree, Sked, etc. help you publish, manage, and even direct followers through the right channel way. 

How to write a good Instagram bio?

6. Add Your Contact Information to Your Instagram Bio

You can choose to add your phone number, email, or direction to your store if you have a particular location to offer your business service.

It is essential to fill out the contact information in the form of an “action button” to let the customers find you quickly whenever they tap on your profile.

You can select any of these options to provide contact information for your customers.

  • Phone number
  • Email address
  • Office address

This will allow your customers to easily access the Information and contact you for further details. Conveniently, this contact information will show up as clickable buttons on your profile.

Moreover, a well-written Instagram bio creates a big difference in boosting your social media presence. It provides individuals with an opportunity to tell the audience who they are, what they do, and how they can connect with them. It also helps drive more traffic to your website or YouTube video and could get you a step closer to having your account verified. One should invest their valuable time in writing and maintaining a good Instagram bio. Individuals should try bringing the most of them while writing their bios. Write it down and slay!

7. Add Your Branded Hashtag

A branded hashtag means a unique hashtag that is connected with your brand or the campaign you intend to run. It will help you as well as your users to further engage, search, and share related content. When a viewer clicks the hashtag, he will be able to see more related content of your brand, thus providing brand exposure. Moreover, you will be able to find and share posts of your followers who use your brand hashtags.

You need to encourage your audience to make use of your branded hashtags. For example, ask them to, “Join us on our adventurous journey using #explorewithABC”.  Furthermore, you should monitor the posts using your branded hashtags. Engage with such posts regularly, you should like, share, and comment on these posts. Additionally, repost the posts using your brand hashtags so that they can help you build a strong community around your brand.

Here is an example,

Imagine you run a travel blog named “Travelista Diaries” and your branded hashtag is #TravelistaDiaries. Here is how you can use this branded hashtag in your bio:

“ 😇✈️ soulful journey across the 🌍. Use #TravelistaDiaries  to share your adventures with us.”

The use of branded hashtags will encourage users to be part of your brand ultimately contributing towards your brand growth.

How to write a good Instagram bio?

8. Use Emojis Sparingly

Emojis make your bio visually appealing at the same time concisely deliver your message. Using emojis may sound fun, but be sure not to overly cluster your bio with emojis. Some of you might use them to replace specific words and this is not the objective of using emojis in your bio. The main aim is to complement your bio message in a precise manner to maintain a sense of professionalism.

If the emojis are used excessively it will clutter your bio and create confusion. To avoid all the confusion and misunderstanding, use emojis that are commonly understood so that your message is illuminated. Use emojis that relate to the content of your bio, for example:

If you are a chef,  use emojis such as 🍔🍕🍰🍟🥙🍝🍱🌮 .       

Similarly, a health and fitness page can use emojis such as 🧘‍♂️🏃‍♂️🏋️‍♂️🚵🥦🥑🥗. 

9. Use Instagram Stories Highlights

You find the Instagram stories highlight right below your bio and on top of all the other content you post. The stories highlight feature provided by Instagram works towards enhancing your bio by showcasing the best content on your profile. Highlights present right below your bio will help your viewer to get an accurate picture of your brand profile.

You can use your story highlights to showcase:

  • Product or service features of your brand
  • Customer testimonials
  • Tutorials to get maximum leverage of your brand products 
  • Behind-the-scenes shots of your workplace and employees

Highlights help to showcase your content in an organized and categorized manner. This will allow your viewers to conveniently explore specific aspects of your profile content where they can easily engage. This is how Instagram stories highlights will add a powerful element to your Instagram bio.

How to write a good Instagram bio?

10. Update Your Bio Regularly

Regular updating is necessary because your bio is a place to reflect the current status of your brand or profile. Regardless that you run a business or a regular profile, your bio should be fresh and highlight your current position. 

Use your bio to highlight the current priorities of your brand. You can share your current hobbies, interests, or projects that you are working on. Other than that, use your bio to inform your audience about content that is time-specific. For instance, the campaigns, events, and limited-time offers should be mentioned in your bio so that viewers can know better. Your bio is also a great place to showcase your achievements, awards, and milestones achieved by your brand. 

If you hold a personal account, you still need to keep your bio fresh. Try to change your bio according to seasonal holidays and festivities. When your bio is regularly updated, it maintains accuracy with all your brand developments and your present condition.

Use’s AI Instagram Bio Generator to experience the power of AI to make highly engaging Instagram bio ideas to take your Instagram profile to the next level.

Instagram Bio Ideas: 10 Best Examples

1. Würkin Stiffs

Würkin Stiffs’ Instagram bio reflects how it promotes its brand with minimum words yet a pleasing copy. They have used a concise and clear brand voice that aligns with the company’s other communication channels. A simple link is provided at the bottom that will connect you to the main website.

2. Manitobah Mukluks

Manitobah Mukluks is a footwear brand on Instagram that has a carefully organized visual aesthetic. The Instagram bio has displayed complementary photos and Stories thumbnails to maintain a polished, on-brand look. It also shares fun emojis and custom clickable links.

3. KaiKini Bikinis

KaiKini Bikinis use the stories highlight feature in abundance, giving their audience a look at how their products are made. They even post content on how to choose the right outfit for you. Moreover, they regularly update their bio informing about upcoming sales and events.

4. Johnny Cupcakes

The Instagram bio of Johnny Cupcakes seems to be very pleasant. The emojis have been used in a precise yet professional manner. You can easily find the contact information as well as the milestones achieved by his bakery. The overall presentation looks visually appealing to the visitors.

5. iHeartRaves

The Instagram bio of iHeartRaves has favored the use of emojis as they appeal to their younger target audience. The emojis have been used in stories title to make it pleasing. The bio consists of emojis to share product events, giveaways, and the latest collections. You can easily find a link in the bio to shop for products that have been posted on Instagram.

6. Patrick Adair Designs

Patrick Adair Designs has subtly used emojis in their Instagram bio. You can look at the bio below, and see the use of arrows directing towards the website. The brand has used stories to showcase the unique handmade process used to develop its product.

7. Beth Macri

Beth Macri’s jewelry is also custom and its Instagram bio directs users’ to the main Linktree URL CTA. The bio consists of story highlights with genuine reviews, custom designs, behind-the-scenes, sales progress, and much more. This is a decent yet pleasing way to prepare a brand bio.

8. Blume

The Instagram bio of Blume’s is targeted at women, written concisely. It directs the target audience as to where they can buy their product in-store. Moreover, they have used colors in their stories and bio that are relevant to their brand. There is a clear bio link that will allow you to shop their products online.

9. Poo-Pourri

Poo-Pourri has adopted a funny tone towards their Instagram bio. The profile tone is a complete match for the overall brand voice based on humor. The products featured on Instagram can be easily purchased by clicking the Linktree bio link. Moreover, it invites users with a pleasing CTA to get a good laugh.

10. Rocky Mountain Soap Company

There is a use of nature-inspired emojis in the Instagram bio of Rocky Mountain Soap Company. This is a reflection of how they have tried to keep up with the company’s products. The link of Linktree at the end of the bio lands on the page where you can explore more products.

You get a chance to engage with more content, win freebies, and shop on the online store available. They have highlighted the brand’s commitment to sustainability in the stories along with in-person stores and events.

Quick Tips on Writing Good Bios on Other Social Media Platforms

A lot of these bio ideas are relevant to other social media platforms as well, but here are some general guidelines.

1. How to Write a Good X Bio

Similar to Instagram, your X bio has to be crisp and direct, with just 160 characters to use. So, how do you make the most of those precious 160 characters?

Think of the bio as your brand identity or elevator pitch. What is the first thing you want to tell the folks who are landing on your page? Do you want them to think you are a witty, serious tech guru, a passionate foodie, or something else? Let your personality shine through the bio.

If you are a brand, it’s essential to clearly communicate what you do and who you serve. Include your location, website, and a catchy tagline. Don’t be afraid to add a touch of humor or personality to make your brand more relatable.

If you are an influencer or public personality, your bio should tell just why someone should follow you. Highlight your niche and expertise, and have a strong call to action. Encourage potential collaborators to reach out by including your email or DM handle. This will give a warm vibe to your followers and encourage them to follow and engage with your content.

2. How to Write a Good LinkedIn Summary

On LinkedIn, you have a higher number of characters to work with. However, ensure your Summary/About Us section is as crisp and sharp as possible, even if this means not using all of the 2000 characters.

Also, the language and diction used on LinkedIn are more formal and to the point than on Instagram and Facebook. Consider this while writing your LinkedIn summary.

Your tone should also be different based on the industry you’re working in. For example, a senior financial advisor would use a formal, to-the-point style of writing. People seeking service of this kind generally mean business, and would not want to see flowery or witty language.

On the other hand, if you’re a freelance content writer, go ahead and show off your wordplay skills! You may just attract a greater number of clients.

3. How to Write an Effective Pinterest Bio

Your Pinterest bio will max out at 160 characters, so provide an overview of the ideas you will be sharing on the platform, and not much more. Your bio should not take center stage of your profile; that honor goes to your pins and ideas!

It is also a good idea to include keywords that you think your target audience will use to find you. The SEO should not be overly apparent though; sounding like a blatant SEO robot will put a lot of people off!

To Conclude

So now we know that your Instagram bio is your online introduction which needs to be carefully crafted to have a lasting impact. All the essentials to create a perfectly balanced Instagram bio have been mentioned in this blog. You need to follow the proper procedures and maintain your bio with first-hand information regarding your brand. With the help of the latest Instagram bio ideas, you will be able to get a clear picture of what it is all about. 

Make flawless story reels to display beneath your bio using’s Instagram story maker.

Sign up today for amazing tools that will help you to smoothly manage your social media platforms. 

Let us know of any great Instagram bio ideas you may have, we’d love to hear from you! Share your opinions in the comment below or refer to the tips in the article.

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Tanmay Ratnaparkhe

Tanmay, Co-founder of, is a seasoned entrepreneur with a proven track record, having successfully built two companies from the ground up. A tech enthusiast at heart, a recognized SaaS expert, and years of hands-on experience in leveraging technology to fuel marketing success, Tanmay offers invaluable insights on how brands can boost their digital presence, improve productivity, and maximize ROI. Why trust us? is trusted by over a million users and business owners worldwide, including industry leaders who rely on our AI’s output and creativity. Our platform is highly rated across review sites and app stores, a testament to the real world value it delivers. We consistently update our technology and content to ensure you receive the most accurate, up to date, and reliable guidance on leveraging social media for your business.