How to Turn off Vanish Mode on Instagram?

How to Turn off Vanish Mode on Instagram?

Imagine having a fun chat on Instagram with a friend, sharing jokes or memories, and suddenly, all your messages disappear—that’s Vanish Mode. If you prefer your chats to stick around, you need to make sure that Vanish Mode is turned off.

Vanish Mode is a feature on Instagram that allows your messages to disappear after they’ve been seen by the recipient. If you want to turn off the vanish mode but don’t know how to, we’ve got you covered.

Read on to explore a step-by-step guide on how to disable vanish mode on Instagram and make your chats stick for the long haul. Let’s start!

An Overview of Vanish Mode on Instagram

Vanish Mode on Instagram is a privacy-centric feature that makes your conversations ephemeral. Introduced in the year 2020, the Vanish Mode can be activated by either the sender or the recipient and disappears when the recipient reads the message and the chat is closed. 

It is like having a conversation that stays viable only for that moment. While the idea sounds intriguing, not everyone enjoys their words disappearing into thin air.

What is the option for people who want to preserve significant information or cherish a lighthearted moment shared in the chats?  

The good news is that you can turn off Vanish Mode and your private messages stay put. Turning off Vanish mode on Instagram is a simple yet essential step for those who prefer their chats to defy the transient nature of messages.

You can turn off the Vanish mode on Instagram for specific people. Before we learn to turn off the Vanish Mode on Instagram let us understand why Vanish Mode is important. 

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Learn to Turn Off the Vanish Mode on Instagram

When Vanish Mode is active you can send self-destructing messages that disappear without a trace when the chat is closed or the user turns off the Vanish Mode on Instagram. Follow the steps below to turn off Vanish Mode on Instagram and retain your cherished conversations. 

Launch the Instagram Direct Message

Tap on your Instagram app to launch it. Navigate to the direct messages icon and select the chat that has the Vanish Mode turned on. You will recognize it by the darker theme and perhaps the disappearing messages.

Instagram Direct Messages Icon
Instagram Direct Messages Icon

The Magic Swipe:

Place your finger at the very bottom of the screen, where the last message or the text input area is. Now, gently swipe up as if you are trying to pull the messages up towards the top of your screen. This gesture is akin to opening a curtain or unveiling a secret passage that leads you back to the familiar territory of lasting messages.

Swipe Up To Turn Off Vanish Mode
Swipe Up To Turn Off Vanish Mode


Watch for a notification at the top of your chat window that confirms Vanish Mode is turned off. Your chat background should return to its default color, signaling the return to normalcy.

Access the Chat Details:

Open the chat in question. Now, click on the recipient’s name or profile picture at the top of the screen. Once you click on this, you will get a more detailed screen where you can see the person’s profile as well as different setting options. 

Access Chat Details
Access Chat Details

Among the options presented, find and tap on “Privacy and Safety.” This section houses various settings that allow you to control different aspects of your interaction with the user.

Click on Privacy and Safety
Click on Privacy and Safety

Toggle off Vanish Mode:

Look for the Vanish Mode option. It might be a simple toggle switch that you can click if you are looking at how to turn off vanish mode on Instagram permanently. By doing this, you effectively turn off vanish mode, ensuring that any further messages remain visible in the chat.

Toggle Off Vanish Mode
Toggle Off Vanish Mode

Watch this if you are still confused about how to turn off the vanish mode on Instagram. 

How to See the Vanishing Messages?

Picture this! Your friend has turned on the Vanish Mode and the messages disappear once you close the chat. But you want to preserve some messages in the conversation for future reference. Here are some ways to save messages sent in Vanish Mode on Instagram. 

  1. You can use another device or camera to take a physical picture of the vanishing messages. 
  2. An easier option would be to screenshot the messages or screen record. However, remember that the sender will be notified when you do that. 
  3. If you don’t want the hassle of the sender being notified you can check the messages through your mail if you have that function enabled. This a great way to buy some time before you craft a response or screenshot without the knowledge of the other person. 

When Should You Turn On Vanish Mode?

Considering the short life span of the messages if the Vanish Mode is not active, people tend to gravitate towards turning on Vanish Mode for private conversations. Here are some ideal scenarios where activating Vanish Mode can be beneficial.

While Sharing Sensitive Information

When sharing critical details such as login credentials or financial information, activating Vanish Mode ensures that this sensitive data disappears once it’s been read by the recipient. It adds an extra layer of security to your chats by reducing the chance of unauthorized individuals accessing the information.

Spontaneous Moments

Have you ever shared a joke, picture, or meme that’s hilarious at the moment but loses its charm over time? Vanish Mode is tailor-made for these fleeting exchanges, allowing every laugh and giggle to be as transient and as private as it is intended to be. 

Surprise Plan

Planning a surprise birthday party or a special event? Discussing details in Vanish Mode ensures that there is no trail left behind and keeps the suspense intact. 

However, please remember that this Vanish Mode feature works only for one-on-one chats and not for group messages. Also, this feature does not work when you communicate with a person with whom you are not connected through the app. In other words, the feature works only for an existing chat. 

When Vanish Mode Doesn’t Vanish: Troubleshooting Tips

Sometimes, technology does not work quite like it is supposed to. Are you finding it hard to turn off Vanish Mode on Instagram despite following the steps meticulously? If you are swiping up and nothing is happening, don’t fret. Here are a few tricks to troubleshoot while trying to turn off the Vanish Mode on Instagram. 

1. Update Your App

Ensuring your Instagram app is up-to-date is akin to giving it a health check. Regular updates not only introduce new features but also address bugs and glitches. If the Vanish Mode seems reluctant to vanish, check for app updates, as they might hold the key to resolving this issue.

2. Restart Your Device

Sometimes, your phone needs a quick nap to refresh itself. Restarting your device can work wonders at fixing minor glitches, including those pesky instances where Vanish Mode refuses to disappear. Give your device a break, and you might find the problem resolving upon reboot.

3. Clear the Cache

Think of this as a digital decluttering session for your Instagram app’s brain. Clearing the cache can help Instagram forget it was stuck in Vanish Mode. Open your device settings to clear the Instagram app’s cache. This might be the key to restoring normalcy to your direct messages.

Beyond the Vanish Mode- Making Your Chats Stay

Instagram is not just about vanishing direct messages. It is a great way to connect and share with people around the globe. In addition to managing your digital content, it is also essential to manage your chat settings on Instagram.

Follow these tips to further enhance your Instagram experience. 

Customizing Your Chat

Did you know you can change the theme of your chat or even assign custom chat names? You can use the Settings menu in your Chat to customize its theme and name. 

Using Interactive Features

You can also use GIFs, polls, message effects, and reactions to make your conversations fun and interesting. 

Wrapping Up

So, next time you want to have a conversation with someone but want to keep it only between the two of you, activate the Vanish Mode on Instagram. However, when your chat mysteriously disappears, turn off your vanish mode on Instagram with a simple swipe up. You can also change your privacy settings and bring your conversations back from the brink of disappearance. 

There is more to Instagram than direct messages. With its array of features, Instagram offers a canvas for your digital interactions.   Engage and entertain your friends with interesting Instagram stories, reels, or posts harnessing the power of AI. 

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Tanmay Ratnaparkhe

Co-founder, 2X Entrepreneur, tech enthusiast, and SaaS expert, specializing in Instagram marketing and AI. With a knack for leveraging technology for marketing success, they share valuable insights and strategies to boost your digital presence and productivity.