How to See Someone’s Instagram Story Secretly?

How to See Someone's Instagram Story Secretly?

Instagram stories are a great way to share content and get attention from your followers. These stories last only for 24 hours and are showcased in the top bar of the feed. As of 2023, 86.6% of Instagram users post stories, and 36% of businesses promote their products using stories.

Stories enable content creators and brands to attract interest from their followers, generate engagement, and serve as a great way to inform and educate the audience. Since you can know how many people viewed your story, they act as a means to understand just how active your followers are, and understand how many engage with your content vs the ones that don’t.

But are you someone who wants to see someone’s Instagram story secretly? Is it possible to see the story anonymously? And can this be done safely and ethically? Let’s find out the answers to these questions and more!

Is it Possible to See Someone’s Instagram Story Secretly?

So, let us get into the crux of the matter —can we really see someone’s Instagram story secretly? The answer isn’t a simple yes or no.

However, if we go by the official answer, it is a NO. Instagram doesn’t officially endorse the concept of viewing stories anonymously. Since stories are the only way to understand who is watching your content and the main metric for measuring the success of a story is views, it doesn’t provide any features that will allow you to snoop upon someone.

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3 Ways to See Instagram Stories Anonymously

However, there are easy workarounds. These hacks will allow you to see a story anonymously but will take a few additional steps to be done. Let us explore these in greater detail.

Hack 1: Using Airplane Mode

The easiest is exploiting Instagram’s pre-loading feature. Since Instagram relies heavily on your internet or mobile network to load high-quality images and videos, it can often become very slow. To give you a more seamless experience, the app will load basic content in the background to ensure that you can view content even if you have a slow connection or inconsistent coverage.

In this hack, you simply have to make sure that the story you want to view has loaded before you switch on airplane mode. Follow the steps below for this:

  1. Open the Instagram app and wait for the Stories bar to load.
  2. Go to the profile of the user whose story you want to view.
  3. Swiftly activate Airplane Mode, making sure that your internet connection or mobile network is cut off.
  4. Tap on the user’s story that you want to view and see it as you would normally. Close the story and the app after you are done.
  5. After you turn off the app, you can turn on airplane mode to go back to view your content as if nothing has happened.

If done properly, you can instantly see someone’s story and even close it without leaving a trace. 

Hack 2: The Swipe Method

There is another hack to viewing someone’s story without them knowing. However, note that this will only show you the static story sans any movement or audio.

Swipe Stories on Instagram

In this method, you will be swiping from the adjacent stories to the story you want to view without properly clicking on it. This way, even if you have got a glimpse of the story, your name won’t appear in the “Seen by” list.

Here’s how to execute it:

  1. Locate the story you want to see, but do not tap on the story or profile directly. Instead, navigate to the story of a user right after them in your feed.
  2. When you are on the other user’s story, slowly swipe left, but make sure not to let go of your phone screen.  Imagine yourself cracking a safe, each centimeter revealing a glimpse of the hidden treasure.
  3. Only go halfway or a little ahead when the intended user’s story opens. This way, you will get a peek at the first frame or the snippet of the video that the user has shared.
  4. Once viewed, swipe right and go back. Even though you have had a glimpse of the adjacent story, Instagram will not count it as a view, and your name will not be seen in the viewer’s list.

Hack 3: Use Third-Party Apps

In both the previous methods, you did not have to create a secondary account or install any additional app to view someone’s story. However, if you want to linger on a story for more details and still do not want your view to be counted, there are third-party apps that will allow you to do so.

One of these apps is the Insta Stories Viewer, a free app that will allow you to see stories from open accounts that do not require any authorization. To view a story using this app, simply follow the steps below:

  1. Open your browser, and go to the website Insta Stories Viewer (
  2. Go to the account whose story you want to view anonymously, and copy their username (@username) or Instagram link (
  3. Paste the username or link in the box provided on the Insta Stories Viewer and click on the search option.
  4. You can now watch their stories anonymously without your view being counted.

The best part of this is you do not have to download any app or give access to your Instagram profile. This is a crucial element, as third-party tools that you do not trust may misuse your account. 

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The Final Word

While the aforementioned techniques offer safe and ethical ways to peek into someone’s story, we do recommend that you maintain caution. Third-party tools may allow you to view, download, and access stories of accounts but raise serious concerns about data privacy and potential misuse. Some of these tools are also considered unethical. Instagram may ban you if it notices that you are using these tools.

While you may have your reasons to see someone’s Instagram story secretly, you do not always need the invisibility cloak. Since tons of users watch stories, your name may not stand out. You may want to watch content of competitors or other brands for competitive analysis. Here, you can always use secondary or personal accounts.

So, the next time you find yourself tempted to see someone’s Instagram story secretly, you can use these methods. However, make sure to always be ethical and respectful.

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Tanmay Ratnaparkhe

Co-founder, 2X Entrepreneur, tech enthusiast, and SaaS expert, specializing in Instagram marketing and AI. With a knack for leveraging technology for marketing success, they share valuable insights and strategies to boost your digital presence and productivity.