How to get on top of your game as a social media content creator

Social Media Content Creator Stand Out and Succeed

Being a social media content creator seems super exciting on the outside. In many ways, it is! You get to deliver content that will potentially be seen by thousands, if not more. You also get to think freely and do whatever it takes to increase your brand’s visibility and online engagement.

However, as with any creative job, the pressure can get seriously high. You’ll often find yourselves in downward spirals where your numbers seem to be stagnant and the ideas don’t flow.

Let us consider some key facts to understand the relevance of social media content creation:

  • Social media users are expected to increase to 6 billion by 2027.
  • 96% of small businesses use social media in their marketing strategy, and 76% of professionals say that it has helped them drive web traffic.

Read this guide to learn how you can excel as a social media content creator. Dive in!

About Excelling as a Social Media Content Creator

Focusing on top-notch content is essential if you want to drive audience engagement and establish credibility as a social media content creator. 

Each piece should revolve around a well-thought-out digital marketing strategy, whether it is about creating text, audio, or visual content. Here’s some vital information that every content creator should know:

Types of Social Media Content

  1. Photos: Post high-quality photos to attract and engage audiences. Top platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Pinterest are highly visual. Your compelling imagery can attract new audiences.
  2. Videos: Video content is highly engaging and is a primary focus for channels like YouTube and TikTok. Videos can capture attention, and work great for storytelling and brand promotion.
  3. Graphics: Graphics can convey information engagingly. You don’t have to be a professional designer to post graphics on your official social media accounts. Several apps can help you create stunning visuals.
  4. Text: Written content will always remain powerful. Platforms like X and Instagram Threads rely heavily on text. Well-crafted posts, meta info, descriptions, and captions can enhance the impact of your visual content.
  5. Audio: Audio content, especially on platforms like TikTok and Instagram Reels can engage with your audience. A good sound has an emotional and psychological impact on the viewer, which can enhance your fan base.
  6. Carousels: Carousels are a collection of multiple photos. These are popular on Instagram as they are an interactive way to present your content. This means one post with multiple pictures to display aesthetically.

Creating content for social media platforms builds strong relationships with your target audience. Your content speaks volumes about your expertise and knowledge in a specific niche. A solid content creation and marketing strategy enhances brand awareness. It connects you with audiences, that otherwise would not be possible.

Successful content creators generate income from platforms like TikTok, Instagram, and YouTube. You can follow these tips when following key strategies:

  • Write engaging questions
  • Post humorous memes
  • Create interactive polls
  • Collaborate with influencers

Top Benefits

  1. Monetization and Collaboration: You can post your content to monetize your efforts. As a content creator, you can also sell digital products or collaborate with brands to generate revenue.
  2. Balancing Work: Many content creators start as freelancers while holding full-time jobs. As your income grows, you can transition to full-time content creation and take advantage of the flexibility to work with different clients and projects.
  3. Staying Informed: You can stay ahead in the competitive world by understanding the types of content and key strategies for effective content creation. Keep working on your skills, stay updated with trends, and engage with your audience to become a successful social media content creator.

Tips to Become a Better Social Media Content Creator

We truly want our readers to establish their goal of reaching the highest position there can be as creators. You also need to grab every technique and tool that will help you become more instinctive with your work. Here are some tips that will help you reach the top position as a social media content creator:

Use this simple productivity hack

If you are a social media content creator, you’ll be used to sudden dips in productivity or even a string of very unproductive days. That’s just the nature of content creation; sometimes it feels like you were made to create content. Other days, the words and designs just don’t build up in your head. The work-from-home scenario that most of us are still a part of makes this even worse with the many distractions one can have at home (pets? Netflix?). It’s natural and completely okay!

However, there is one productivity hack that is particularly useful if you are a social media content creator or a creator of any kind for that matter. It’s one I use, and it works wonders for me.

The idea is that to be productive, you first need to get into the flow of completing your tasks. It can be hard for creators to get into this flow because content creation requires a perfectionist attitude. Not one element in the piece of content can be out of place, or the copy/creative/video can look very unappealing or unprofessional.

However, perfection in itself can be a productivity killer. If you start your day wanting to create perfect content straight away, you simply won’t be able to start due to the sky-high expectations.

a social media content creator in stress

Instead, start your day to get into the flow of work. This would often mean producing an average piece of content first thing in the morning. This will get you going without having to put too much thought into the quality of your content.

Once you do get going, focus on quality will come rather naturally! At the end of the day, even if you have to scrap that first text/creative you worked on, it will be worth it!

Treat your brand as an individual character

Building a singular, holistic brand identity is extremely important if you want your brand to truly stand out. Ideally, a marketer should use all brand elements with the development of this personality in mind. These include logos, taglines, jingles, product design, and anything that’s used to express the brand’s nature.

In some ways, social media has given a great opportunity to even small brands, to find their niche and develop their personality. Again, this is important to stand out in a sea of social media pages selling products and ideas.

One of the most interesting brand personalities I’ve seen on Instagram is that of dbrand. This is a company that manufactures skins and cases for portable devices.

While most brand personifications are aimed at evoking positive emotions, dbrand takes a different approach. Their website and social media accounts are portrayed to be run by robots. The brand thus showcases its products in the brashest, least emotive forms possible. It is not uncommon to see a dbrand post with a caption like ‘Give us money.’

dbrand's instagram post about airpods skin

As you can see in the post above, the caption is brutally honest, and the brand even goes to the extent of trolling its followers. While unconventional, this does increase engagement.

dbrand's instagram post about face mask

In the post above, dbrand is advertising its masks by taking pride in making money off the pandemic.

This is an extremely risky form of marketing and certainly will not work for all brands. However, this strategy has made dbrand the most well-known maker of skins and cases in the entire world.

Just goes to show the power an effective brand personality can have.

Be informed of what’s hot on social media

If you’ve spent ANY time as a social media content creator, you’ll know that some of the most engaging content online has to do with recent events and social media conversations. The concept of integrating trending topics and current events into your marketing efforts is known as moment marketing.

Essentially, as part of your daily work routine, it can be very fruitful to spend some time going through the Web to find hot topics. Join in ongoing conversations, and ask provocative questions to your followers. Before you know it, your engagement rate numbers will start rallying up!

finding trending topics online can be beneficial to a social media content creator

There are several ways you can efficiently obtain snapshots of what’s happening on social media. Here are a few simple ones:

  1. Active scrolling through social media: Love scrolling through social media? Great! You can do this productively now! Rather than scrolling passively, take notes on all trends you observe on all platforms so you can later integrate these into your posts. Also, it’s a good idea to follow pages related to your industry so you’ll always be in the loop of what they’re up to.
  2. Google Trends: The Google Trends homepage can give you a basic snapshot of what Internet users in a particular geographical location have been searching on Google.
  3. Feedly: This incredibly popular web app lets you create multiple feeds related to topics (and sources) of your choice. This is super helpful if you wish to create content for multiple topics simultaneously, as you can create separate feeds for each. For social media content creators, this is one of the most efficient ways of scraping the Internet for current events.
  4. Browsing through discussion forums: Make it a habit to go through discussion groups like Reddit, and not just for memes. Join subreddits that are relevant to your industry to gather insights on ongoing discussions. You can also join your competitors’ subreddits to see what followers of their brands are talking about!
trending topics on reddit is a tip get on top of your game as a social media content creator

These tips should keep you on top of all the hot content on the Internet. We’ve written a more detailed blog on tracking social media trends. Have a look!

Make full use of social media tools

A social media content creator often has a lot on their plate. They also have the brand’s budget to respect. While it’s okay to be a little skeptical before spending on tools, you should know that some tools are worth paying for, for how they improve productivity and content quality.

Here are some tools that you should try and check out to create better content:

You can think of as a social media content creator for content creators. When you need assistance in ideating quality content, can be mighty helpful. There are three broad ways the app can do this.

  • Post creator: With a simple input on what you want your social media post to be about, can generate one for you, in seconds.
    The travel-related post below was auto-generated by when I requested a post idea for ‘automobile tips and reviews.’ After the post has been auto-generated for you, you can easily edit the captions (or generate more), add hashtags, and get insights on how your post is expected to perform. social media content generator

  • Content calendar: After your posts have been generated, you can conveniently view them in the form of a content calendar. Here, you can see how your social media feel will look, and easily edit all your posts.
content calendar from copywriter
  • Content analysis: The content analysis feature gives you an insight into how your competitors’ posts are performing on Instagram. Thus, you can take inspiration from their best-performing content, and avoid pushing content related to their worst-performing posts. Spying on your competitors legally and ethically, has never been so easy.
content analysis and posts

Read a detailed review of by TechBullish here.


formats available for a social media content creator on canva
Source: Canva

Sure, you can pride yourself on attaining Photoshop and Lightroom mastery. But even as a designer, you can’t deny that Canva is a brilliant tool for creating aesthetically pleasing creatives quickly. It may be a bit too simple to handle complex edits and animations, but when you want to put out good-looking content as soon as possible, there’s little else that does the job as well as Canva.

You can use this effectively when there’s an ongoing discussion/trend on social media and you have to post about it immediately.


later, a post publishing tool
Source: Later

We’ve discussed extensively how you should plan your content rather than posting it spontaneously. One of the best ways to plan content is by using a post scheduler. Create your posts (including captions) in advance and schedule them for later posting on Instagram. This ensures you never miss a post and always post at the optimal time. It also means you see your future feed before it is live, and get to make any changes that you’d want to, for aesthetic purposes. Later is a brilliant publishing tool!

Paying for genuinely helpful social media tools like, Canva, and Later is an investment more than a spend. After all, your main goal is to create quality content on time, right?

Spend time researching your audience.

If your brand’s content strategy is saturated, it’s upon you to correct it as a social media content creator or manager. One effective way of doing this is by researching your audience thoroughly. This often takes time but is very fruitful in the grand scheme of things.

First, it is important to recognize your target audience. Then, you have to figure out their behavioral patterns on social media and work out how you can align your content with these patterns.

There are many ways of doing this. However, you’ll likely gather the most useful insights through unstructured, means. For example, in real-life interviews and focus group arrangements, members of your target audience can give you detailed insights into how they use different social media platforms and the content they like to see.

You can also reach out to your audience more casually, like asking them for content suggestions on Instagram Story polls/question stickers.

Be aware of your brand’s goals on the platform.

The kind of content you push on Instagram and other platforms should ideally be contributing to your brand’s social media goals.

For example, most brands selling products create Instagram accounts with a long-term view of increasing sales/website traffic. In this case, you should prioritize increasing followers. Hop on to this blog for detailed insights on how you can increase followers in 2023. But in short, you have to push content regularly, use the right hashtags, and make use of the full suite of Instagram’s features.

If you are tired of that traditional Instagram hashtag research process then you must try our new free Instagram hashtag generator tool that will give you a detailed list of trendy hashtags in just one click!

Alternatively, some brands prefer to use social media to showcase their CSR activities. This has become a trend since the modern consumer is increasingly concerned about the environment and society. In this case, you should not gear your content towards selling products.


If you desire to achieve the highest degree of success, you cannot drop out if you feel you are stuck. Just like any other business, you need to be consistent in regard to content creation and posting. 

The target audience present on social media platforms daily scrolls through a flooded feed of mind-boggling content. So in this flooded feed, if they get attracted to your content, it’s now your responsibility to maintain a fresh feed for your audience. This means you need to be consistent with your post, at the same time following the latest trends to grab a hold of your audience’s interest.

Your consistency works towards maintaining a bond with your audience, where they cannot resist viewing what’s new on your page. Additionally, your being consistent, sends a signal to the ever-watching algorithm that your content is worthwhile. Once you are in the radar of the algorithm, your dedication will not be overlooked, thus boosting your reach rate.

If you often face writer’s blocks (as we all do) or are confused about what content to push out, do check out’s automated Content Calendar. Just small inputs from your side, and this tool will provide you with a week’s worth of content ideas. And they’re all personalized by the power of AI, for your handle!

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Keep it Simple

Keeping a sense of simplicity in your content comes down to holding onto two points. The first is to identify the essential points of the information you want to present in your content. The second one is to eliminate the rest of the loaded information which does not contribute to delivering relevant content. 

In a frenzy to create the most desirable content, you may end up with overloaded information that may be of no use. This type of content may leave your audience confused, preventing them from understanding the actual target point of your information. Thus necessitating the delivery of simplified content that can resonate with a broad audience. 

This is why you need to adopt simplicity so that your content can become engaging, inclusive as well and universally appealing. Eventually, it will help you to reach a top position as a content creator on a muddled platform.

Keep it Simple - a tip get on top of your game as a social media content creator

The content presented above delivers a clear and understandable message. There is no sort of extra loaded Information that will impact the clear understanding of the message.

Focus on a specific niche

Gather all your thoughts and expertise so that you can decide on a specific niche for the content you create. Selecting a particular niche allows you a chance to stand out as an expert in a specific field for your audience. You will be able to create tailored content that is relevant and valuable to your audience. But this does not mean that you need to right away pick up a topic and start your work. You need to be sure that the field you choose is the one you want to continue to represent further as a content creator. 

To pick up a specific niche you can first experiment and create content with several different topics. Identify whether the topic you select and the way you represent it is pleasing to both you and your audience. This is an important step, so select wisely what is best for you. Other than that you also need to consider how you can put in your effort to make it best for your viewers.

Once your niche is selected, create content that includes fresh topics with the latest information aligning with top trends. This will elevate your level as a go-to resource in the particular field you select.

Focus on a specific niche - a tip get on top of your game as a social media content creator

The above profile is of a content creator who is a food blogger and food photographer with a specific niche.

Focus on a specific niche - a tip get on top of your game as a social media content creator

The content created for this profile showcases brilliant food photography. The content on the profile is relevant to the niche selected by the creator.

Develop your voice

Here is a  crucial tip for becoming the top content creator,  “Develop your voice”. 

You need to develop a unique voice for your content if you wish to stand out as a creator. Nobody will show a peak of interest in content that is as common as any other content on the platform. You need to strive harder to establish a unique brand voice that will make your content authentic and memorable.

The best way is to use your personality and emotional resonance while creating content. By adopting this strategy you can forge a deep connection with your audience from the content you create.

It may take you a while to develop your unique brand voice. But all that hassle is worth it as it helps you to stand out on a competitive platform.

Develop your voice - a tip get on top of your game as a social media content creator

Here the burger king tries to use slight humor in the content created. you can explore and experiment with different tones to select the one that suits your style.

Network both in-person and online(Online Networking & Offline Networking)

If your business is related to social media platforms, building both online and offline networks is crucial. The lasting relations you build up with fellow creators, and experts in your industry open up doors of success and opportunities. Additionally, you get valuable insights from their channel and experiences.

An in-person network base can create lasting relationships by strengthening your bonds. For example, Imagine you are a food blogger and want to expand connections with expert creators in this field. You should attend conferences related to the food industry. Here you can meet other creators and showcase your ideas to build potential partnerships and sponsorships. Try attending workshops and after-parties to gather expert knowledge, and advice and strengthen existing bonds.

An online network will expand your reach exposing your content to a global audience. For example, you are a food blogger wanting to expand online network connections. Your best option is to use online social media platforms like Instagram, Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn. Interact and engage with people related to the food industry like chefs, food writers etc. Share your content online with experts and enter discussions to establish yourself as a food blogger.  You also get opportunities like:

  • Participate in food-related blogger forums to exchange ideas and seek advice.
  • Collaborate with other food creators to promote each other.
  • Enroll in relevant online courses and webinars to build networks with instructors and other participants.
  • Share your content on TikTok, Pinterest, and food-related sites to attract a broader target audience to your blogs.
  • Engage with your blog subscribers with newsletters and the latest updates to build a strong online community.

This gives us an idea of how both online and in-person networks help you to grow as a top content creator in your field.

Explore new platforms

As a creator, you must expose your content on various other platforms. When great content is presented on a social media platform, viewers simply cannot resist engaging and interacting. So how about taking it further upwards by allowing your content to be showcased on new social media platforms?

Every social media platform has its unique way of showcasing the content you create. Similarly, the technique to increase the demographics also varies on different social media platforms. The content created should be on the current trends on the platform so that it can attract a broader audience.

So opening up to new platforms can help you create innovative content to the platform’s needs. Eventually, the hard work you put into creating your content will be paid off when different platform viewers actively engage. The amount of exposure given to your content will be enough to reach that top spot as a creator.

Level up your hashtag game

How to make sure your content reaches a broad audience with relevant interests? Use hashtags that are by your content. Correct use of hashtags allows your content to be found by relevant people. Moreover, it will drive traffic to your content which can increase the likes, shares, and views.

Here are a few pointers on how to use hashtags on different social media platforms:

Use 1 or 2 relevant hashtags per tweet along with asking your followers to retweet. This will work wonders to increase engagement on Twitter. 

To increase organic reach, use a couple of hashtags on Facebook to maintain professionalism. Simply type the relevant hashtag you want to use in the search bar and pick the best hashtag.

For LinkedIn, you can use 3 relevant hashtags in the body of your content. This will allow your content to reach an audience outside your connection network.

You can use up to 30 hashtags on Instagram to increase the reach and drive engagement. Though the allowance is up to 30, try to use 10 to 11 relevant and popular hashtags for your posts and reels.

Pinterest prefers hashtags based on keywords to show you the latest content on the hashtags provided. Post fresh content with 1 or 2 unique and specific hashtags for your topic.

Clickable hashtags are used on TikTok to categorize content and increase reach rate. A minimum of 100 character limit is provided for TikTok captions, so accordingly adjust your hashtag strategy.

Create content with these tips so that your content doesn’t lack any specific element. This will help you to reach the peak of content creation.

Dominate Social Media 🔥

Boost social media output and ROI effortlessly with AI


If you want to be a top social media content creator, you must stay informed about the latest trends, and post regularly.

Here are some ways in which you can elevate your social media content creation strategy:

1. Learn from Your Competitors

You don’t have to establish new strategies. You can gain valuable insights just by analyzing what your competitors are doing well. Moreover, if there is a gap, you can use it to your advantage and fill it to connect with the target audience. Conduct a competitor analysis to understand their strategies.

2. Collaborate with Influencers and Content Creators

Partner with experienced influencers and content creators. This will help you enhance your online presence and establish fruitful collaborations which can attract more leads.

3. Utilize AI and Editing Apps

While social platforms offer basic editing tools, using dedicated photo and video editing apps like can take your content to the next level. These apps provide advanced features that help you create professional-looking content. Use reliable software to:

  • Avoid the frustration of losing unsaved work
  • Brainstorm content ideas
  • Generate meaningful text
  • Think of the latest captions and hashtags.

Always review and edit AI-generated content to ensure it complements your brand’s voice and standards.

4. Develop a Detailed Social Media Content Creation Strategy

Planning and implementation of a strategic plan are integral to creating a comprehensive social media strategy. This plan should include:

  • Your target audience
  • The type of content you’ll post
  • Your publishing schedule
  • The platforms you’ll use
  • Overall goals.

A well-structured strategy helps you meet your broader marketing objectives.

5. Leverage Accessibility Features

Ensuring your content is accessible broadens your reach. Add alt text to images, use captions in videos, and stay updated on accessibility features across platforms. This inclusive approach makes your content available to a wider audience.

Social media platforms get updated regularly and algorithms keep evolving. Staying informed about new features and trends can give you a competitive edge. Using new features and the latest trends can elevate your audience engagement and give you SEO benefits because of algorithm preferences.

To conclude

The road that leads to being a successful content creator isn’t an easy one. Mere dedication and hard work will always be of great help to reach the peak of content creation. This blog contains all the specific necessities required to be a top content creator on social media. other than that, if you ever need any help or guidance regarding social media, visit Use the best tools at our site to prepare and create content that will boost your engagement and reach.

For more social media tips and updates, follow us on our Instagram!

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Tanmay Ratnaparkhe

Tanmay, Co-founder of, is a seasoned entrepreneur with a proven track record, having successfully built two companies from the ground up. A tech enthusiast at heart, a recognized SaaS expert, and years of hands-on experience in leveraging technology to fuel marketing success, Tanmay offers invaluable insights on how brands can boost their digital presence, improve productivity, and maximize ROI. Why trust us? is trusted by over a million users and business owners worldwide, including industry leaders who rely on our AI’s output and creativity. Our platform is highly rated across review sites and app stores, a testament to the real world value it delivers. We consistently update our technology and content to ensure you receive the most accurate, up to date, and reliable guidance on leveraging social media for your business.