How to Drive Sales through Facebook Shop? Top Tips

drive sales through facebook shop

With over 3.07 billion active monthly users, Facebook is one of the most popular social networking platforms. Many of its users employ the platform to engage with brands. Some even use it to shop for new products.

Reports show that Facebook has the largest social commerce buyers. The same study suggested that Facebook commerce will reach 64.6 million shoppers by the end of the year. This social media giant offers the power to drive thousands of dollars worth of sales for your business. Hence, you must have a presence on Facebook that encourages your visitors (both new and repeat) to shop. 

Why Should You Set Up A Facebook Shop?

We live in the digital era. Today, social media e-commerce is widely prevalent. So, as a brand and a business, the more avenues you have to sell, the better it is for your business.

Contrary to popular belief, establishing a presence online and making more sales does not imply pulling your hair out. Facebook makes it a cinch to double-dip your existing stock, primarily if you already sell on marketplaces like Instagram. Fortunately, the process of setting up a Facebook shop is straightforward. It does not require a massive investment, energy, or time, but the results can be exponentially rewarding, depending on your engagement.  

Tips To Drive Sales Through Your Facebook Shop

Continue reading as we discuss top tips to drive sales through Facebook shop:

1. Listen to The Conversations About Your Brand

Social listening is a crucial process. It involves browsing the social media platform conversations and mentions linked to your brand and then studying them to conclude some worthy insights. This action could be anything from expressing gratitude to a happy customer to modifying the returns policy following negative feedback.

By keeping a tab on what your customers say about you, you will know what people expect of you. You can also use this to interact with your customers and show them your brand’s human side.

BarkBox, a reputed Dog toy subscription company, consistently engages with their customers on social media. They take the time and effort to compliment the customer’s furry friends.

They are also quick to express gratitude for their customer’s appreciation.

You can know what the audience expects of you by tracking the customer’s conversations. Using this knowledge, you can modify your social media strategy and the service or product offering to cater to your customers.

2. Integrate Facebook On Your Website

For a solid presence on social media, you must have a website attached to it. There are multiple ways to integrate the website with Facebook, especially for WordPress users. Here are some prevalent ways to integrate Facebook into your website:

  1. Add a Facebook Share Button: With a share button, you nudge your visitors to click on it and share your pages or products with your friends on Facebook. It is an easy way to have your customers market for you. Also, it is essentially more authentic when someone you do not pay shares your products.
  2. Add a Facebook Like Button: With this integration on the website, your visitors can leave a like on your Facebook page without even visiting it. It can increase the total number of likes on your posts. Naturally, when you have more likes on a post, it increases its visibility. So more people will visit your Facebook page. In turn, this amplifies the possibility of cracking a sale.
  3. Facebook Login: Enable a sign-up on your website by allowing visitors to log in with Facebook. It has two-fold advantages:
  • It increases the possibility of visitors connecting with you on Facebook.
  • It simplifies the sign-up process for visitors.
  1. Facebook Messenger: Businesses must have a chat option on their website for customers to communicate with them. With Facebook Messenger, the process becomes more straightforward. 
  2. Meta Pixel: It is another tool by Facebook. You can use the tool to see what your customers do when interacting with your ads. For instance, if a potential customer clicks on an ad and buys your product, you can see this activity through the Pixel tool. It will help you optimize the ads and target people more likely to take action.
  3. Directly post to Facebook from WordPress: Sharing every post from your website on Facebook can be time-consuming. Consider learning to post directly from your WordPress website and reducing this effort. Through this process, you won’t have to visit Facebook and still increase engagement. 

3. Add Top-Quality, Square Images

When shopping online, we are inclined towards products with good-looking pictures. You probably won’t be motivated to buy it when a product has a less-than-great image. The same applies to the Facebook marketplace.

Presentation is imperative to crack sales. Moreover, adapt to the medium you use. Add pictures from different angles, show every plausible variation of the product in the listing, and include photos of the product in action. Square pictures work better on Facebook, as they tend to crop the listing’s preview when it shows on the user’s feed.

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4. Build a Community

Making a Facebook group is an excellent way to bring together like-minded customers. It also helps you build a sense of community around your brand.

These groups can also be a great source to share information about the tutorials, events, customer success stories, and UGC. Motivate your customers to share their content. The idea is to make them an authentic medium for customers to connect without being too salesy.

For instance, Lululemon, a renowned active clothing brand, has a Facebook group, Lululemon Sweatlife. They have over 14K members. The brand employs this group to keep members connected, share some at-home workout regimes, and connect with them. Several group members also share details of upcoming fitness events or their workout regimes.

Overall, these groups are a customer’s chance to form a community around the brand and interact with the visitors most positively and helpfully. The idea behind this is to establish connections and encourage people to spend more time with your brand authentically, without the explicit goal of making sales. Regardless, this loyalty built along the way will pay off as conversions in the long run.

5. Post Engaging Content

Like every platform, there is no one-size-fits-all approach to creating content on Facebook. So, before you share anything, think about your brand’s personality. 

  • What does your audience find relatable?
  • Does your brand have an educational or funny tone?
  • Do your customers search for solutions to complex problems through you, or do they wish to be entertained?

Knowing the answers to these questions can help you share engaging and relevant content with your followers. It has a greater probability of generating more shares and may, in turn, go viral. Consider creating memes around a popular trend. It will help you connect with the Gen Z audience.

For instance, Amul, a renowned Indian brand, creates shareable and relatable content and memes on its Facebook page. These generate conversions and boost sales.

Also, when it comes to sharing engaging content, do not stick to a theme. Consider mixing it up. This variety can build more interest amongst the followers. You can also create posts where you share quirky facts, ask your followers questions, or publish reels wherein you depict how to use the product.

6. Do A Competitor Analysis

You cannot simply decide one day to start selling on Facebook. So, take the time to research and see what the landscape looks like for the products you wish to sell. It will present to you two crucial details:

  • What is the competition in the product niche or type? You can know this by surveying the businesses that already sell similar products,
  • How to position your products to beat your competitors via competitive pricing and impactful product description

7. Run Exclusive Offers and Deals

Offering exclusive discounts, sales, deals, giveaways, or offers is a proven technique to boost your Facebook sales. It motivates your followers to stay connected with you. Naturally, the more people who follow you, the greater the probability of a customer buying something, especially at a discount. However, how you make these offers also matters.

For instance, should your offer be available to someone who stumbled on your Facebook page, or should you keep exclusivity for your active followers?

Naturally, providing exclusive discounts to your followers who regularly engage with you motivates others to interact with your page. Another way to offer special discounts or offers is by making it compulsory for the follower to tag a certain number of friends. It will increase your followers and boost the probability of cracking a sale.

8. Invest In An SEO Strategy

Your Facebook Marketplace also has a search engine that works similarly to Google. A good SEO strategy will yield good profits in the long run and ensure your products always land on the first page when users search for them. This minute investment will multiply many times over and boost your sales.

9. Diversify the Content Formats

On average, 1500 Facebook posts are shown in a user’s feed daily. Why not make the most of it? So, to stand out from the competition, you must diversify your content strategy. For this, consider mixing and matching different content formats.

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Here are some formats you can experiment with:

  • Text-only posts: Many businesses see success merely by posting long-form content on Facebook. However, the virality of your text-only posts depends majorly on your audience. Storytelling can be the best way to boost this format.
  • Videos: Share videos directly to your feed via a Facebook story or livestream. Audiences and Facebook algorithms appreciate good-quality, organic video content, as it leads to people spending more time on the app.
  • Images: Photos always stand out in the text-heavy news feed. So, share with your audience some BTS pictures, product photography, or how your customers use your products.

Always establish a genuine connection with your followers, regardless of your chosen content format.  

10. Use Facebook Ads

Your Facebook ads can reach up to 26.7 percent of the global population. Thus, to maximize the potential and reach of your campaigns, you must:

  1. Know your audience
  2. Create ads suitable to your product type

Begin by building a digital window shopping experience for your potential customers. You can find several ad types on Facebook to list your products. You can choose from the following:

  1. Carousel ads
  2. Image ads
  3. Video ads
  4. Stories ads
  5. Collection ads
  6. Instant experience ads
  7. Slideshow ads

Consider which ad type best suits your products, and go for it. However, regardless of your chosen ad type, always use Audience Insights. It is a crucial tool for understanding your target audience. So, gather the insights and target your ads to users with relevant lifestyles, demographics, interests, and locations. By targeting interested people, you maximize your ad budget and get maximum ROI.

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Do’s and Don’ts

Besides the above-listed tips, here are some do’s and don’ts that will prove instrumental in your journey to drive sales through Facebook shop.


  1. Organize your products into collections: Form clear categories. It will make browsing professional and intuitive.
  2. Feature your Bestsellers: Highlight all your bestselling products to entice your audience.
  3. Showcase products from different angles: Make the most of the 3D image features to give your customers a comprehensive feel of the products.
  4. Tag the products in stories and posts: Boost the product’s visibility by tagging them strategically in the content.
  5. Be attentive towards the commerce manager insights: Analyze the data. It will help you understand customer behavior and plan further strategies.


  1. Do not neglect Facebook advertising: While it is vital to have an organic reach, you cannot rely solely on it. Employ Facebook ads to reach your target audience.
  2. Do not overlook retargeting: You will probably miss out on potential sales if you do not retarget website visitors who show interest in your products.
  3. Do not ignore influencer endorsements: Influencer marketing is huge these days. So, to boost sales through your Facebook shop, you must include Influencer endorsements in the ad campaigns. These can help you build credibility and trust.
  4. Do not skip the A/B testing: Never settle for mediocre ad performance. Conduct A/B tests regularly. It will help you optimize your ad campaigns and yield better results.
  5. Do not ignore alternative ad placements and formats: Never limit yourself to a single ad placement or format. Instead, experiment with different formats and placements. It will help you learn what works best with your audience.

To Sum Up

When it comes to driving sales through your Facebook shop, it’s essential to employ a multi-faceted approach that combines social listening, community-building, engaging content creation, strategic advertising, and SEO optimization.

In this regard, with the Facebook Post Maker, you can create visually appealing posts tailored to your target audience, ensuring maximum engagement and conversion potential. And with the help of Facebook Ad Maker, you can seamlessly design and launch highly effective Facebook ads to further boost your sales and reach your target audience.

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Tanmay Ratnaparkhe

Tanmay, Co-founder of, is a seasoned entrepreneur with a proven track record, having successfully built two companies from the ground up. A tech enthusiast at heart, a recognized SaaS expert, and years of hands-on experience in leveraging technology to fuel marketing success, Tanmay offers invaluable insights on how brands can boost their digital presence, improve productivity, and maximize ROI. Why trust us? is trusted by over a million users and business owners worldwide, including industry leaders who rely on our AI’s output and creativity. Our platform is highly rated across review sites and app stores, a testament to the real world value it delivers. We consistently update our technology and content to ensure you receive the most accurate, up to date, and reliable guidance on leveraging social media for your business.