Key Instagram Shopping Statistics for 2024: Top Insights & Tips

2024 Instagram Shopping Statistics You Should Know

Social media has taken over every aspect of our lives – from the way we consume content to where we travel and even where we shop! In the year 2024, we all shop online. But did you know that shopping nowadays is not just confined to a brand’s app or website? This is where social media enters the picture yet again.

Ever since the surge in online shopping, Instagram has transformed itself into a digital marketplace. This has created a win-win situation for both businesses and consumers. With its consistent new features, Instagram has made itself a hub for all businesses, big or small. These businesses can promote their products and services to a whopping 2 billion users on Instagram! If you are wondering about this huge number, it is the monthly active users count for Instagram.

No wonder businesses have all started their Instagram business accounts to guide all this traffic towards them. Over 200 million businesses are already active on the platform! These businesses are using Instagram marketing to make their way into the crowd.

If you are considering joining the fun and creating your own Instagram business account, this is the best time to do so. But in order to make the most of Instagram for your business, you might need some numbers up your sleeve. These are the key Instagram shopping statistics that will help you develop a marketing strategy and amplify your brand presence this year.

Understanding these statistics is crucial for business owners or marketers. Let this compilation of over 39 Instagram shopping statistics be your helping hand in the world of Instagram Shopping.

So, let’s dive right in!

General Instagram Statistics

  1. Instagram is the #1 social media platform for people to connect with brands. Instagram is a great place for any business to connect with its audience. According to the Global Media Consumer Research Study, Instagram is the #1 social media platform for people to connect with brands. People go on Instagram and follow their favorite brands. As a result, an average Instagram business account grows its followers by nearly 1% monthly.
  2. Instagram has 2 billion active monthly users. You get access to 2 billion potential customers! Imagine what you can do with so many people in one place. With the right marketing, your conversion rates will be over the roof!
  3. Instagram’s shopping feature has led to a 1.2x increase in purchase intent.
  4. Over 50% of Instagram users use the Explore tab each month.


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Instagram Shopping Statistics

  1. 44% of Instagram users use Instagram for shopping each week.
  2. 70% of shoppers look to Instagram when making a purchase.
  3. 54% of users find it easy to discover and shop products on Instagram.This statistic is proof of the effectiveness of Instagram Shopping. This shows that the majority of users find it simple to locate and purchase products on the platform. This is an important piece of information to consider when discussing Instagram Shopping Statistics.
  4. 83% of surveyed Instagram users discover new products on Instagram.In a survey commissioned by Facebook, 83% of respondents surveyed said Instagram, a visual-first platform, helps them discover new products and services. This information is very important to brands that consider using Instagram shopping posts and utilize the billion monthly active users as a market for their products.
  5. 36% of users purchase products within 5 hours of discovering them on Instagram. This statistic is a testament to the power of Instagram Shopping, demonstrating that it can be an effective tool for driving sales. It shows that when users discover products on Instagram, they are likely to make a purchase within a short period of time. This indicates Instagram Shopping can be a great way to reach potential customers and convert them into paying customers.
  6. 62.4% of social users use Instagram to follow or research brands or products.
    Social media is a powerful consumer tool for research. 82.5% of social media users say they use social platforms for collecting information about brands and products. More than 60% prefer to use Instagram for this research phase of the consumer cycle… better level up those social selling skills, right?
  7. 58% of U.S. shoppers say they have, at some point, purchased a product after seeing it on a social media platform like Instagram.
  8. 87% of users say they take action after seeing a product on Instagram.
  9. 50% of users are more interested in brands after seeing their products in shopping posts. This statistic is a powerful indicator of the effectiveness of Instagram Shopping posts. It shows that half of users are more likely to engage with a brand after seeing their products in shopping posts.
  10. Conversations with customers in Instagram DMs convert 70% of the time.
    According to Meta, businesses that use Instagram’s direct messaging to connect with local customers have a 70% conversion rate.
  11. 2 out of 3 active users say Instagram allows them to build meaningful relationships with brands.
    According to Meta, Instagram offers a unique opportunity to connect customers and companies. Instagram allows more personal customer service.
  12. 62% of users say they are more interested in a brand after seeing it in an Instagram Story.
  1. 130 million users tap on shopping posts each month.
  2. People like visuals, but they especially like videos. In fact, videos generate 38% more engagement than photos.
  3. Reels get 22% more interaction on Instagram than standard video posts.
  4. User-generated content gives brands a 4.5% higher conversion rate than other types of content on Instagram.

    You might want to start mixing user-generated content—i.e., photos and videos from your customers—into your marketing campaigns. 
  5. Product tagging increases sales by 37%.
    Instagram businesses that tag their products in posts enjoy more sales on average than their non-tagging peers.
  6. 70% of users watch Instagram Stories daily.
  7. 67% of Instagram users click on the Story link/swipe up.

    67% of Instagram users interact with stories that include a link. Using this link, people can instantly be redirected to the brand’s website or a product page. In such IG stories, keep in mind that you have a few seconds to catch their attention and persuade them to click on the link sticker. If your Instagram business profile has less than 10,000 followers, this link feature is disabled. If you are in this situation, you can use the IG stories as a call to action to let your followers click the link in your bio, for example. 
  8. 50% of Instagram users have visited a website to buy a product or service after seeing it in Stories.
  9. 46% of people turn to Instagram for livestream shopping.
  10. 18% of U.S. adults said they prefer Instagram Live for livestream shopping.
  11. On average, major brands post on Instagram 1.56 times every day.
Use tools like Reels Story Maker, and Video Maker to create varied content for your handle.

Influencer-Generated Content Statistics

  1. Instagram Reels will be utilized for influencer marketing by 53.7% of U.S. marketers.
  2. 61% of consumers trust influencer recommendations more than brand content (38%).
  3. 78% of consumers name Instagram creators as influential in helping them discover new brands.
  4. 87% of users say influencers have inspired them to make a purchase through Instagram.

Business Statistics

  1. Businesses put around 8.7% of their total revenue towards their ad budget.
  2. 27.4% of US Instagram users are between 25 and 34 years old.
  3. Instagram marketers spend 69% of their budget on influencer marketing on Instagram.

Instagram Demographic Statistics

  1. Instagram is the preferred platform of social media users aged 16-34.
  2. Nearly 85% of Instagram’s audience is younger than 45. If you are trying to reach Gen X or Boomers, you might be better off spending your time and money on a platform with an older demographic. (Only 2.6% of Instagram’s audience is over 65 years old.)
  3. Instagram users consist of about 51.8% are male, and 48.2% are female.
  4. 62% of Instagram users are between the ages of 18-34.
  5. India has the largest number of Instagram users (362.9 million), followed by the US (169.65 million users) and then Brazil (134.6 million users).

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Tips To Use In Your Instagram Marketing Strategy

Now that you have enough Instagram shopping statistics to prove that Instagram is the ultimate business marketplace that you and your business should leverage, let’s look at some tips to ensure that your marketing strategies are a success:

1: Be Consistent

  • Maintaining consistency is crucial whe­n it comes to social media. Use he­lpful tools like Content Scheduler to come up with fre­sh content ideas and schedule­ regular posts.
  • Automating your posts will guarantee a consiste­nt online presence­, even during the busie­st times.

2: Use Different Forms Of Posting

  • Kee­ping your social media content varying can increase engagement. Instead of sticking to just one type of post, like­ photos or text updates, mix things up by incorporating differe­nt posting formats.
  • Use reels, storie­s, quizzes, and polls to provide a unique e­xperience for your audie­nce.

3: Research Your Competitors.

  • Never underestimate your rivals. Investing time­ in studying your competitors’ social media prese­nce can be valuable.
  • By identifying the­ posts that generate the­ most engagement, you can gain insights into what re­sonates with your target audience­.
Utilizing tools like Competitor Analysis can assist you in analyzing their be­st-performing content. Based on these insights, you could cater to your audience.

4: Ask users to use the Instagram’s “save” feature.

  • Instagram’s Save Feature is important to boost your engagement. Instagram says that allowing users to save your posts increases engagement on your profile. This means more people are interacting with your content.
  • Encourage Saving with Calls to Action. To get the most out of this feature, ask your followers to save your posts. Add a clear call to action in your captions, like “Click the save button!”
  • In addition to using the Instagram Shopping feature to showcase your products, there are other ways you could showcase your other tools.
  • The Feedlink Link in Bio tool helps small business owners and UGC creators consolidate all their tools in one platform and save tons of time and money to build link-in-bio pages and publish blogs, newsletters, and social media posts.

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No matter what you are selling or offering, Instagram has an audience for you. 

Are you worried if Instagram is even worth a shot for your business? The answer is a big YES!

These Instagram shopping statistics are bold proof that you should start your online business. Everything in this blog makes a strong case for Instagram. Instagram is indeed a great place for businesses like yours to reach people who are interested in buying.

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Tanmay Ratnaparkhe

Co-founder, 2X Entrepreneur, tech enthusiast, and SaaS expert, specializing in Instagram marketing and AI. With a knack for leveraging technology for marketing success, they share valuable insights and strategies to boost your digital presence and productivity.