7 Instagram Story Ideas for eCommerce stores You Need To Know


In recent times, Instagram has emerged as a popular source for e-commerce companies to showcase their products as well as services. The platform has proven to be revolutionary for businesses in the e-commerce industry. In Instagram, stories provide a great opportunity for brands as well as businesses to look for creative ways to reach their target audience without investing heavily in advertising campaigns. In this blog we will see some of the best eCommerce story Ideas for Instagram.

eCommerce story ideas help brands keep their followers engaged and up-to-date with what’s happening in business and give them something to look forward to daily. Regularly posting stories also allows you to experiment with different types of content, such as photos, videos, polls, or questions that can help increase engagement and build relationships with followers.

To help e-commerce businesses in this regard, we have created a list of ideas to elevate their social media strategy as well as boost their online visibility.

How Does Instagram help eCommerce?

It is no secret that social media has changed the way we communicate and connect with one another. With over two billion active monthly users, Instagram is one of the most popular social networking platforms today. And it is not just for posting pictures of your breakfast or sharing selfies. Instagram can be a powerful tool for promoting your business, products, and services. In fact, studies have shown that Instagram is one of the most effective platforms for e-commerce.

Instagram is all about sharing photos and videos, and since most e-commerce businesses are selling physical products, this is the perfect place to show them off. You can use Instagram to give your customers a behind-the-scenes look at your business, show off new products, or give special discounts. Additionally, they can use hashtags to increase visibility among people interested in their industry or target audience. Finally, with Instagram’s new shopping feature, you can even sell products directly from your posts! This simplifies the process for customers, helping them in discovering and buying your products.

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eCommerce story ideas for Instagram

Instagram marketing is not just limited to posting pictures or videos; Instagram is filled with content. To establish and grow a business, you need It is important to keep your followers engaged as well as follow the right strategy to keep getting new followers.

With that, the following are some of the best eCommerce story ideas on Instagram.

1. Crafting Engaging Behind-the-Scenes (BTS) eCommerce Stories

Your stories must be very catchy to attract customers and keep existing followers. One of the best ecommerce story ideas, and an avenue that many brands have not fully explored, is the Behind the Scenes (BTS) perspective. To do this, one can go behind the scenes of their company. This includes photos and videos of the product’s manufacturing and packaging. The public is usually intrigued to know about the process of manufacturing, and showing these details through stories can also add a sense of security in people’s minds as they can see how products are made.

Product Creation Process

One effective way to implement this strategy is by shedding light on the intricate journey of product creation. Take your followers on a visual tour, starting from the conceptualization phase, where initial sketches as well as ideas take shape.

Showcasing the various manufacturing stages, from sourcing raw materials to meticulously crafting the final product, offers an intriguing narrative of your dedication to quality. By highlighting the craftsmanship and attention to detail that goes into each item, you create a sense of value and exclusivity, allowing your customers to appreciate the true essence of your brand.

Packaging and Shipping

Packaging and shipping also play a vital role in the customer experience. Revealing the packaging process can be just as exciting as unboxing the product itself. Share behind-the-scenes footage of how products are elegantly wrapped and prepared for shipping, elevating the anticipation of receiving the package.

Moreover, in a world increasingly concerned about sustainability, showcasing your commitment to eco-friendly practices by using recyclable or biodegradable packaging materials adds another layer of appeal.

Offering a sneak peek into the order fulfillment and shipping process provides your audience with insights into the logistics behind their purchases.

One can also share behind-the-scenes photos of the office and work environment and make their stories interesting for their followers. Check out a reel where a small business making earrings posted a BTS video of how they make earrings.

2. Showcasing Customer Testimonials

Incorporating customer testimonials into your Instagram stories not only fosters a sense of community but also converts satisfied buyers into enthusiastic brand advocates. This strategy humanizes your brand, making it relatable and trustworthy in the eyes of your audience.

Here are two ways in which you can share customer testimonials:

User-Generated Content

  1. Feature Customer Photos and Videos: Showcase real customers using your products by sharing their photos and videos. This provides social proof as well as helps potential buyers see your products in real-life scenarios.
  2. Encourage Tagging and Hashtags: Encourage your customers to tag your store in their posts and use a specific hashtag that you’ve created for your brand. This helps you easily discover as well as collect user-generated content to share on your stories.
  3. Add Testimonials or Reviews: Alongside the customer’s content, include a brief testimonial or review from them. This adds credibility and context to the user-generated content, showcasing why they love your products.

Influencer Collaborations

  1. Partner with Influencers: Collaborate with influencers or brand ambassadors who align with your brand values. They can authentically promote your products to their followers, expanding your reach.
  2. Share Influencer Reviews: When influencers provide feedback on your products, share their reviews on your stories. Their endorsement holds weight and can influence your audience’s purchasing decisions.
  3. Show Daily Product Integration: Display how influencers incorporate your products into their daily routines. This provides inspiration to your audience and demonstrates the practicality of your offerings.

ecommerce story ideas - influencer marketing

For example, Rare beauty has used the influencer marketing strategy, which has duly increased the traffic toward their business account.

3. Exclusive Discounts and Promotions

Introducing exclusive discounts and promotions through your Instagram Stories is a dynamic way to captivate your audience and drive sales.

The concept of flash sales as well as limited-time offers taps into the psychology of urgency, prompting your followers to act swiftly to secure the deal.

Giveaways and contests add another layer of engagement to your Stories. These campaigns pique curiosity, inviting your followers to actively participate and interact with your content.

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Flash Sales and Limited-Time Offers

  1. Create Urgency: Generate excitement by offering time-sensitive discounts or promotions. Limited-time offers create a sense of urgency, encouraging followers to take action swiftly.
  2. Instagram-Exclusive Flash Sales: Make your Instagram audience feel special by announcing flash sales exclusively through your Stories. This rewards their loyalty as well as keeps them engaged with your content.
  3. Unique Discount Codes: Enhance the exclusivity by providing a special discount code that can only be accessed through your Stories. This gives your followers a VIP experience as well as encourages them to stay tuned.

Giveaways and Contests

  1. Engage with Giveaways: Boost engagement by running giveaways or contests exclusively for your Instagram followers. This interactive approach entices participation as well as spreads brand awareness.
  2. Interactive Story Elements: Encourage followers to interact with your Stories—like, comment, share—to enter the giveaway or contest. This drives higher engagement rates as well as extends your reach.
  3. Announce Winners and Show Prizes: Once the giveaway or contest ends, announce the winners through a Story post. Showcase the prizes they’ve won, creating a sense of excitement and showcasing your commitment to rewarding your audience.

4. Product Demonstrations and Tutorials

Product demonstrations and tutorials are a fantastic way to engage your audience and provide them with valuable insights into your products. These stories help your followers understand how to use your products effectively as well as creatively.

Whether you’re showcasing how to style your products or sharing tips on maximizing their benefits, tutorials add a practical touch to your brand’s content.

How-to Guides

  1. Step-by-Step Tutorials: Break down the usage of your products into easy-to-follow steps. This empowers your audience with the knowledge they need to make the most out of their purchase.
  2. Creative Styling Ideas: Demonstrate various ways your products can be incorporated into everyday life. This sparks inspiration as well as encourages your followers to envision your products in their own routines.
  3. Pro Tips and Tricks: Share insider tips on how to enhance the user experience with your products. These valuable insights not only add value but also showcase your expertise in the field.

Before and After Transformations

  1. Visualize Transformations: Showcase the remarkable transformations your products can bring about through before and after visuals. This provides tangible proof of the effectiveness of your offerings.
  2. Customer Success Stories: Share stories as well as testimonials from satisfied customers who have experienced positive changes using your products. Real-life experiences add credibility and resonate with your audience.
  3. Offer Guidance: Provide guidance on how to achieve similar results. Offering advice on product usage, frequency, and any additional steps needed helps your audience attain the outcomes they desire.

By following these tips, you can create product description stories on Instagram to help your customers understand your products and make a purchase decision.

5. Collecting Genuine Product Reviews

Any business account that offers services or sells products must occasionally have stories with reviews. Customers who have bought products or used services from the E-commerce brands can be asked to review the products, which can later be posted on stories on Instagram. Not only will this attract many other customers, but it will also increase your account’s engagement.

Posting random stories on your page will not get better engagement. There should be a set pattern to post about different aspects of your business. Sharing reviews of various customers after receiving them is a great way to build trust with your audience. This will also attract a suitable crowd to the business page.

The E-commerce pages can also partner with influencers to post reviews on their account, like how Elf cosmetics has done with their page.

6. Enhancing Engagement with Countdowns and Stickers

Using post countdowns and stickers on Instagram can be a great way to boost engagement with your followers. Post countdowns help create anticipation for upcoming events, products, or services and are also a great tool for reminding people of important dates. Stickers offer creative ways to engage with your audience in a fun and interactive way, allowing you to add text, polls, music, etc., which will draw more attention from users. 

Moreover, it’s a smart ecommerce story ideas for e-commerce businesses to occasionally introduce new products. This strategy not only familiarizes the audience with the products but also generates anticipation before they even hit the market for sale.

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7. Sharing Informative Stories for eCommerce Excellence

Through informative stories, brands can share valuable information about their products or services in a visually engaging way that helps them stand out from the competition. Not only do these stories provide potential customers with useful facts and insights, but they also help build trust by showing off the company’s expertise.  By creating content that informs, educates, and entertains, brands can establish themselves as trustworthy experts in their field and foster a loyal following on the platform.

For example, a brand selling beauty and grooming products can share information about its products’ benefits and their various ingredients. Let’s say that a brand sells body washes with chamomile extracts; the brand can post stories about the benefits of chamomile for the skin. Such informative stories effectively build awareness as well as keep followers engaged with the brand’s page.

A skincare brand can also post informative videos and pictures about skincare and various things in a skincare routine.

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Tools for Crafting Engaging Instagram Stories

There are a number of tools in the market to generate Instagram stories. AI tools for social media can be a great asset to businesses, as they help to automate tasks as well as improve efficiency. One such popular tool is Predis.ai.

Through Predis.ai, one can create interesting stories to post on Instagram. Predis.ai provides tools for caption as well as hashtag generation, which are critical for maximizing the reach and impact of Instagram posts. With Predis.ai, businesses can create up to 15 posts for free each month, with paid options available for those requiring more. It also has a number of free tools that you should check out.

Wrapping Up the Power of eCommerce Story Ideas

You should always be where your customers are as a company owner. And today that means using Instagram. But what’s the best way to use Instagram for your business? One way is to take advantage of Instagram Stories. Instagram Stories are a great way to connect with your customers and promote your products. Post stories with the above-given information in the blog to get better engagement and traffic on your Instagram account.  

By adopting the approaches mentioned, businesses can attract potential customers, build a stronger brand image, and increase customer loyalty.

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Tanmay Ratnaparkhe

Co-founder @Predis.ai, 2X Entrepreneur, tech enthusiast, and SaaS expert, specializing in Instagram marketing and AI. With a knack for leveraging technology for marketing success, they share valuable insights and strategies to boost your digital presence and productivity.