20 Social Media Post Ideas for Financial Advisors

A visually appealing graphic stating social media post ideas for financial advisors

As a finance influencer, providing credible and reliable content to followers is important, as it can help you gain clients and establish yourself as an authority in the industry. Social media platforms can be a great way to find opportunities as a financial advisor, and creating content can be a fun and engaging activity.

But creating content is no longer fun if you are unable to generate new ideas for your audience. If you feel your content is unsatisfactory or fails to generate content ideas for your pages. You are not alone; we all have been there. To make your content that the audience will love, here are top social media post ideas for financial advisors:

1. Financial Quotes

Quotes can not be missed from the content strategy of any Instagram page, providing an incredible opportunity to engage with the audience. Even if quotes are not niche-specific, they make an easily consumed content idea. 

With quotes, bringing up new content for your audience is quick, easy, and simple. Another interesting benefit is that people often share quotes in their stories or among their social circles. This only increases the reach of your Instagram finance account. 

The use of well-researched hashtags along with good quotes will facilitate the introduction to the new audience. When you include quotes in your social media strategy, ensure you provide your audience quality and focus on your niche.

Use Predis.ai’s “Quotes to Post” feature to create social media posts in an instance. Transform your Facebook feed with compelling posts crafted easily using Predis.ai’s Facebook Post Maker.

An educational graphic with an inspiring financial quote

2. Investments

Investment management is one of the key roles of financial advisors. This makes investment a must-include topic for social media post ideas for financial advisors. To start with the investments as a content idea, you can build your content from investment basics. Try including the benefits of the same in your posts. 

Talk about investing in real states, ETFs, Index funds, cryptocurrencies, or startups. Additionally, curate an investment guide and create social media posts that revolve around the same. With your content, you will be able to help your audience to track, analyze, and upgrade their investment management.

3. Taxes & Planning

Tax planning can be difficult, but content ideas that simplify it are not! If you are a financial advisor, provide valuable knowledge to your audience by sharing information about tax planning in a way it gets easier to understand. 

An Instagram post depicting how Big Shaq saves money on taxes

Crete carousels over FAQs, tax-saving strategies, tax-planning tips, and top mistakes to avoid in your content for social media. Sharing client stories featuring effective tax planning can be one way to persuade your audience using content towards tax planning.

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4. Insurance

Next on our list of social media post ideas for financial advisors are insurance topics. Insurance is a crucial financial tool that provides protection against potential risks and uncertainties.

While it may seem complex at first glance, breaking down the basics can help individuals gain a better understanding of this important concept. To start with insurance as one of the content sub-parts, begin by explaining the basics of it. 

Cover posts that educate the audience with the basics. Further, try to proceed with different types of insurance like health insurance, life insurance, home insurance, etc. One easy and simple content idea is to simplify the claim process, insurance policy evaluation, and risk management for your audience. 

If you want to target a specific audience, try creating content that talks about a specific group of people. For example, a content piece that shares valuable insights about insurance policies for small businesses will target owners of small businesses.

5. Financial Literacy for Common People

This content idea for Financial Advisors can alone be one of the content pillars of your content strategies for your finance page. For a weekly post, introduce a difficult jargon or concept in a simpler way that targets common people. 

For people willing to strengthen their finance basics, create a post suggesting books and education resources (links to reputed websites, podcasts, courses, YouTube channels, etc.). 

To better understand your audience, you can also create a quiz to help you understand the type of content you should deliver.

Social media post ideas for financial advisors: benefits of filing tax return early

6. Savings

An important content idea for a financial advisor is posting about savings. Cover content for audiences with different financial conditions and circumstances. 

Saving money is a fundamental aspect of financial success and security. Whether you’re just starting your financial journey or looking to improve your existing saving habits, understanding different strategies tailored to various financial conditions and circumstances can make a significant difference. 

How a middle-class man saves money will be entirely different from how a rich person does it. A saving challenge (30-day saving challenge or no weekend spend challenge) for your audience is one intriguing way to increase engagement by letting your audience participate in it. 

A representative image showing the importance of saving money

7. Savings for College Students

As a financial advisor, your content targeted at college students can be valuable. For targeting college students, create content that speaks of ways to strategize budget and college money-saving tips. 

For example, students aspiring to pursue higher education are always looking to find ways to fund their college expenses. Providing your audience with information about part-time jobs can be one of the most insightful social media post ideas for financial advisors.

Money management as a student: social media post ideas for financial advisors

Create posts about time management and ways to balance both work and academics. Student loans, frugal living, and money-saving strategies are some of the post ideas for Financial Advisors.

8. Retirement Planning

Retirement is a milestone that requires careful planning to ensure financial security and a fulfilling lifestyle in your golden years. As a financial advisor, providing valuable insights and strategies to your audience regarding retirement planning can be immensely beneficial. Let’s delve into the essential aspects of retirement planning to help individuals make informed decisions for a prosperous future.

Start by explaining the basics of retirement saving plans, such as Individual Retirement Accounts (IRAs), 401(k) plans, and pension schemes.

You can also talk about retirement income sources, retirement withdrawal strategies, and healthcare for retired people. Target retired individuals or people who are retiring soon.

social media post ideas on retirement planning

9. Habits to Save Money

As a finance advisor, your content can revolve around financial advice that guides the audience to save money. Talk about how the expenses can be monitored and tracked. Another highlight for this topic can be automated transfer to the savings account. Our wants often lure us, but that sometimes makes us spend more. 

Help your audience to prioritize needs over wants and help them save in the long run. Encourage your audience to cancel unused subscriptions. When considering money-saving habits, repurposing and DIYs can also be extremely beneficial. This allows new people to recognize and reach your content. Create separate posts for each of these topics.

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10. Stock Market

The stock market has seen a rise, and people are stepping forward to go in-depth into stock concepts. But the stock market is not easy. So, it’s important to educate your audience about the stock market basics. 

Talking about stock market concepts like stock, indexes, bonds, and market fluctuations is one of the best social media post ideas for financial advisors. Strategies for investing in the stock market are another way to create valuable content for your audience. 

Market updates, investment research tips, stock analysis, and investment platforms are some of the other ways to create content about the stock market.

Illustration of a person typing on a laptop with the screen displaying "Investment", symbolizing social media post ideas on stock market investment

If you want to be consistent with your social media content, talking about market trends will never leave you with an absence of content. You can make market trends, like technical analysis, chart patterns, moving averages, or key price levels, simpler for your audience. For experts, you can make it a go-to place for all the recent trends in the finance market.

An Instagram carousel image set displaying market trends

12. Client Success Stories

The best way to earn the trust of your audience is by sharing real-life success stories as your content. Share a small clip posting client testimonials.

Case studies are another great way to show how your strategies helped the clients to achieve their financial goals and achievement stories. Success stories that involve successful retirement planning, investment success stories, debt payoff, etc., can be used as finance content ideas for your social media channels. 

As a financial advisor, sharing stories and testimonials from your followers who have benefitted from your guidance can highlight the positive impact of financial education.

13. Myths about Investing

Next on the list of social media post ideas for financial advisors are myths about investing. When it comes to making financial decisions, people are often bound by misconceptions and myths. Create content that helps in making informed financial decisions by debunking financial myths. When it comes to making financial decisions, we are often bound by misconceptions and myths. Create content that helps in making informed financial decisions by debunking financial myths. 

Start with a weekly series where you debunk financial myths for your audience. Create a series of posts that compares myths with realities. One fun way to engage your audience is by creating a quiz for facts and fiction. Add myths covering finance’s important domains like retirement, budgeting, credit score, etc.

14. Ask Questions & Create a Post

Let’s face it, we all have those lazy days when our motivation levels are at an all-time low. However, even during these moments, leverage your audience’s creativity and engagement to gather ideas for your next post. 

Why is this content idea a hit? 

It increases the engagement of your audience. Additionally, you can get to know what your audience needs. It is always better to serve what’s been asked for! And with this idea, you get to relax (just so you put in more effort in curating the best posts once you get the ideas, soft grin!)

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15. Give Your Audience Humor

Adding a pinch of humor to your posts is the best way to engage with the audience. Light-hearted finance-related memes that incorporate financial situations and money-saving strategies can be the best to cover in your content.

Financial puns, cartoon strips, jokes, and GIFs are a few other ways to make your finance content fun to read.

A financial meme carousel incorporating humor about managing finances, designed to engage the audience

16. Credit Score Management

Maintaining a good credit score is crucial for financial health, yet many people are unaware of how to manage it effectively. Use your social media platforms to educate your audience on the factors that influence credit scores, such as payment history, credit utilization, and length of credit history.

Create informative graphics and carousels that explain how to check credit scores, the importance of monitoring credit reports, and tips for improving and maintaining a high credit score. Discuss the impact of credit scores on loan approvals, interest rates, and even job prospects.

You can also address common misconceptions about credit scores, such as the belief that checking your own credit score will lower it. By providing clear and accurate information, you can help demystify this often misunderstood aspect of personal finance.

17. Debt Management Strategies

Debt can be a significant burden, but with the right strategies, it can be managed and even eliminated. Share content that guides your audience through various debt management techniques. Social media post ideas for financial advisors could involve explaining the pros and cons of methods like the snowball and avalanche approaches to paying off debt.

Create posts that offer advice on consolidating debt, negotiating with creditors, and understanding the difference between good debt (like mortgages) and bad debt (like high-interest credit card debt). Sharing real-life examples of people who have successfully paid off their debt can motivate and encourage your followers.

Additionally, provide tips on avoiding debt traps, such as payday loans or high-interest credit cards, and offer alternatives like emergency funds or low-interest personal loans.

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Tanmay Ratnaparkhe

Co-founder @Predis.ai, 2X Entrepreneur, tech enthusiast, and SaaS expert, specializing in Instagram marketing and AI. With a knack for leveraging technology for marketing success, they share valuable insights and strategies to boost your digital presence and productivity.