Instagram Story Ads – All You Need To Know

Instagram Story Ads - All You Need To Know

Are you prepared to take your Instagram advertisements to the next level?

To share promotional material, 98.1% of US creators use Instagram Stories. Understanding the fundamentals of Instagram Story ads is essential if you wish to take full advantage of this well-liked social media site. 

These brief, eye-catching advertisements can help raise the brand’s visibility, improve traffic, and have enjoyable, engaging conversations with your target audience.

Explore our well-researched tips and tricks and read on to learn more about the manifold benefits of Instagram story ads. Additionally, this comprehensive guide walks you through a step-by-step process to curate impressive Instagram story ads.

What Are Instagram Story Ads?

Instagram ads are commercials that appear between viewers’ Stories on the Instagram app as users scroll across the Stories feed. They provide businesses with an efficient tool for engaging and communicating with their target audience in a genuine and captivating way.

Instagram Story ads are different from other forms of advertising because they allow marketers to achieve leads at the bottom of the marketing funnel by including links and creating clickable stories. These advertisements have also demonstrated a higher return on investment.

Instagram sponsored ad by Louis Vuitton

Key Features of Instagram Story Ads are:

  1. Full-Screen Engagement: When ads take up the whole screen, it gives sponsors a prominent space to promote their goods and services. Businesses are able to convey powerful messages to consumers and capture their interest with this full-screen interaction.
  2. Vertical Style: Story ads are made to be viewed vertically, which perfectly complements how people naturally hold their mobile devices. Thanks to this vertical format, ads on the platform will display correctly and be optimized for mobile screens.
  3. Interactive Components: To increase user involvement with Instagram story ads, marketers can include interactive components. These elements could include surveys, quizzes, swipe-up links, and additional call-to-action buttons, and users can engage right away with the advertisement content.
  4. Target audience: Instagram offers a wide range of advertising options to assist advertisers in efficiently reaching their intended audience. To guarantee that the most appropriate consumers see their ads, companies may focus on consumers’ preferences, demographics, behaviors, and other factors.

Benefits of Using Instagram Story for Ads

1. Assured Visibility

When users launch Instagram, stories are the primary feature they view because they are positioned at the very forefront of the application. Thanks to this placement, Instagram advertising stories are now prominent on the app and simple to find. 

Furthermore, Instagram stories vanish after a day, which instills a rush in visitors to watch them right away.

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2. Highly Interactive

Instagram stories are very dynamic and appealing because they give users a variety of ways to engage with them. 

Here are some illustrations of how interactive elements can be used on Instagram stories:

  • Stickers: Instagram users can add a variety of stickers, such as place identifiers, hashtags, and emoticons, to their stories.
  • Surveys: Users can include polls in their stories so that their followers can cast votes for an intriguing question.
  • Quizzes: Instagram also has a quiz sticker that lets users make quizzes in their stories, which is an excellent method to upscale engagement.

Instagram story stickers

3. Ampifies Traffic to Websites

One of Instagram’s many appealing characteristics is the ability for brands to include a link on Instagram stories that takes users to their website. This has the potential to boost traffic and conversions significantly. 

Businesses can take advantage of the swipe-up button in the story to add a link to an app or web store page. Additionally, e-commerce companies can greatly benefit from this feature, as it makes it simple for them to advertise their goods and increase sales using Instagram Stories.

Instagram story ads benefit from the Shop Now button, which makes it effortless for users to make purchases within the app. However, only companies that can use Instagram shopping and have an Instagram Business account can access this option.

Instagram ad by French Connections

How to Generate Instagram Story Ads: Step-by-Step Guide

Step 1: Navigate to your Ads Manager and select “Create” to access “Quick Creation.” You can also change it to “Guided Creation.”

Step 2: Next, decide on a marketing goal. For Instagram Stories, you have the following possibilities:

Instagram story marketing objectives

Step 3: In the Placements section, choose “Automatic Placements,” where Instagram Stories is already selected. Selecting “Manual Placements” necessitates checking the “Stories” box beneath Instagram.

Instagram story placements settings

Step 4: Choose the budget and timing for your advertisement.

Step 5: Next, select the ad format as per your requirement.

Step 6: Complete your advertisement by adding any remaining information, such as a headline and overview, and add any pictures or videos.

Step 7: When you’re satisfied with your advertisement, click “Confirm” to complete the process.

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What Is the Price of an Instagram Story Ad?

The price of story ads can differ significantly based on several variables, such as the marketing campaign’s overall goals, industry competition, choice of targeting, and creative ad placement.

The following are some significant variables that affect Instagram story ad costs:

  • The value bid by the advertiser
  • The anticipated action rates, or the likelihood that a user will finish the action for which the advertisement is designed
  • Ad value and relevance (i.e., the likelihood that a user will find the advertisement interesting)

Additionally, you can identify the cost of your Instagram ads under three broad categories as follows:

  • CPC: Instagram’s cost per click varies between $0.40 and $0.70 for all metrics. This accounts for all clicks on an advertisement, including clicks on links, likes/reactions, comments, and shares. Note: Instagram’s cost per click for advertisements with a destination URL falls between $0.50 and $0.95.
  • CPE: The price range of Instagram’s cost per engagement is $0.01 to 0.05.
  • CPM: The price per thousand impressions on Instagram varies from $2.50 to $3.50 for more successful promotions and corresponding ad sets.

Tips to Create Engaging Instagram Story Ads

1. Make Use Of Exceptional-Quality Images And Videos

Instagram stories are a visual medium, so posting clear, aesthetically pleasing, and high-quality visuals is essential. Do not post shaky videos or blurry photos. Make the most of your advertisements’ brief time to capture viewers’ interest.

The suggested resolution for Instagram stories is 1080 x 1920 pixels to guarantee that your content receives the necessary amount of participation. 

Take a look at the following instance. Starbucks has successfully drawn audiences in by using an excellent, eye-catching product image. An impressive call-to-action and product details have also been included to facilitate a speedy purchase.

Instagram story ad by Starbucks

2. Include a CTA

Remember to include a call to action in all of your advertisements. This is particularly significant with Instagram stories ads because viewers only get a brief window of time to interact with your content. You must give them a way to interact with your business further if you hope to lure in such consumers.

Depending on the goal of your promotion, you may choose to include a “Learn More,” “Swipe up to shop,” or other call-to-action buttons. 

Here are a few of the available choices:

CTA buttons for Instagram stories

3. Make Your Ads Catchy and Easy to Understand

Owing to Instagram stories’ brief duration, you must communicate your intent as effectively as possible. When sharing an image, provide some text or a note that offers context. Check that your brand pitch is evident in any video you publish.

Additionally, avoid overly describing your visual content and keep the message brief. The goal is to captivate the audience and hold their interest for five to fifteen seconds. Thus, the message should be concise and simple to comprehend.

Use to create customized templates that turn your Instagram stories into visually stunning works of art.

4. Utilize a Quiz or Poll to Involve Your Viewers

You can effectively capture audience interest and encourage them to interact with your Instagram stories ads by using polls and quizzes.

The viewers only need to select a possibility in a poll, which requires very little work on their part. After that, you can share the poll’s outcomes on your profile, and those who gave votes are probably going to visit and look them over. This will maintain viewer interest long after the advertisement has ended.

In the same way, a quiz link works well as a CTA to increase website visitors. You include a link to the quiz on your web page and an intriguing quiz subject in your advertisement.

5. Ensure Proper Text Positioning

Instagram story ad by H&M

The phrase “Sponsored” is displayed in the upper left corner of an Instagram stories advertisement. Your goal is to get the viewers to focus on the advertisement’s content rather than on the fact that it is an advertisement. To accomplish this, place your text where viewers will first see it—at the bottom of the screen.

If viewers perceive your content as simply another Instagram story rather than a planned advertisement, they will interact with it more. Use this tactic to detract from the advertisement’s presence.

6. Post Glowing Testimonials

Perhaps one of the best methods for drawing customers into your store and encouraging them to make a purchase is through audience testimonials. So why not use your stories to promote them?

It’s a win-win situation because consumers are far more inclined to be persuaded by somebody else’s positive review of your merchandise, and you won’t come across as exaggerating!

That’s a Wrap!

Thanks to Instagram story ads, it’s now simpler for advertisers to build awareness and encourage conversions for their brands. After a story goes live, you can also monitor its efficiency using Instagram’s analytics tools.

With the help of this comprehensive guide to Instagram stories ads for 2024, you now possess every detail required to curate captivating and successful advertisements for your company.

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Tanmay Ratnaparkhe

Tanmay, Co-founder of, is a seasoned entrepreneur with a proven track record, having successfully built two companies from the ground up. A tech enthusiast at heart, a recognized SaaS expert, and years of hands-on experience in leveraging technology to fuel marketing success, Tanmay offers invaluable insights on how brands can boost their digital presence, improve productivity, and maximize ROI. Why trust us? is trusted by over a million users and business owners worldwide, including industry leaders who rely on our AI’s output and creativity. Our platform is highly rated across review sites and app stores, a testament to the real world value it delivers. We consistently update our technology and content to ensure you receive the most accurate, up to date, and reliable guidance on leveraging social media for your business.