Have you ever heard your friends using the word Fam in conversations or group chats and you remained quiet because you did not understand what that means? Let’s figure out what this term exactly means. Fam is a social media term usually used to denote the word family for people who are friends, colleagues and groups of people who are like family.
This term is mostly used by youngsters and mostly in informal conversations. If you are planning to use this with work colleagues, then make sure you are super friendly. Otherwise, it might seem very odd and out of place. For example, if you have a group of colleagues, who have a personal group chat then you can simply use this term. You can go like, “Hey Fam, who’s coming for work tomorrow?” Here we used this term because the colleagues are friends and are close for this kind of conversation.

If you are talking to your friends, you can most definitely use this term and make conversations. For instance, “Hey Fam, what’s up.” Here the person is calling the members in a group chat family and conversing so because they are close.
Fam can also be used as a short form for Family. For example, “I can’t make it to the Football game tonight. Going out with the fam for some wedding.” Or “Let’s meet tomorrow after I have lunch with the fam.”
If you are texting one person, who is a friend, cousin or colleague, you can use this term. For example, “Hi fam, been long since we hung out. Let’s go for a movie this weekend.” If you are close to someone who is like a family to you, then you can use this term and make conversations.
Let’s take another example, “Good morning fam, are we done with the preparation for Lyla’s birthday? I’m about to bring her to the spot soon.” This way you can use this digital media term and make things interesting and show your affection to the people you love!
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