Among the hundreds of terms and abbreviations used on Instagram, Facebook, Whatsapp, emails and other social media, is YSK. Now what does YSK mean? It simply means “You should know”. This term essentially gives someone a heads up by saying you should know this or you should know that or you should know so and so.
There are multiple uses for this abbreviation and one can use it very easily in daily life. An easy example would be, “You forgot your charger at the office today, informing you because YSK.” In this scenario, the person must have been searching for the charger and the heads-up allowed them to know where the charger was. So YSK can very well be used in cases like these.
Even when informing someone about facts, this term can be easily used. “YSK how your report made such a huge difference at the meeting today. Keep it up!” Here the abbreviation was used to send a positive message. You can utilize this term to let someone know about something or state facts. “YSK the capital of Australia is Canberra”. Here facts have been stated and are being informed with the abbreviation YSK.

Other usage can be as follows,
“Your outfit at the party looked fabulous. Just thought that YSK I liked it.” You can even use it to compliment someone as in the above example. “YSK that aesthetic videos are my favourite”. In this way, you can also use it to let someone know details about yourself or someone else.
“Omg! YSK how well he plays the Paino. You would literally love it if you ever heard him play!” Here details about someone else is expressed and YSK is effortlessly matching the text situation.
When informing someone about something or someone, you can use the YSK abbreviation. A usage suggestion would be, “YSK that this kind of seasoning can make the food spicier than it should be.” Or “I think that YSK that making reels on Instagram is not an easy job.”
Sometimes YSK is also used to correct someone or something. “YSK that the details in your video are wrong.” Here the abbreviation was used in sort of a corrective way. Now, not everyone on social media is going to love being corrected, so you need to be mindful about how you use this term. In a soft manner, you can use it as follows,
“Your Wishlink doesn’t have links to a lot of items that are on your reels. Just thought ysk so you can update them.”