Someone just sent you a text with the abbreviation ICYMI? Dont worry! The meaning is simple. ICYMI simply means “In case you missed it”.
Have you ever missed some information or stuff that you received? Or you might have had someone miss some instructions or information that you gave them. In this case, you can simply use the abbreviation ICYMI! To be precise, the meaning of ICYMI is very simple unlike how intimidating it might have looked over text or social media. It can be used professionally as well as personally.
Suppose you sent someone a PDF with some information and expected a reply in context to it, then you can simply add a text with ICYMI. For instance, you can say, “Just sent you the weekend report ICYMI.” Here, the person will be alerted in case they missed a message and they will be intimated to read or go through the stuff you sent them.

In another way, teachers and tutors can use ICYMI in the following ways.
“Sent you all the PDF of verbs and adverbs ICYMI at the lecture/class.” Here the students will immediately look at the material sent to them in case they missed it or have doubts with it. So it can be used in this context as well.
“Mentioned the homework in the group ICYMI in the class.” is another way of using ICYMI.
In offices and work-related environments, ICYMI can be used on various occasions. For example, “ICYMI the details of the meeting are in the company group.” Or if someone missed some message you can send a message using ICYMI – “The meeting invitation is sent through Email and not through WhatsApp. ICYMI, check your mail”.
“ICYMI the salary slip has been sent to you all over text message.” is another way of using it professionally.
In informal ways, the abbreviation ICYMI can be again used in various ways. Let us take you through it with certain examples. “Hey! ICYMI I have sent you a pic of me, can you tell me if it is good to post online?” Aren’t these kinds of conversations common among friends? The abbreviation just makes the text small and easygoing. ” ICYMI I have sent you the images of lipstick shades that I want, go through the images before buying”.
ICYMI can also be used on stories over social media. For example, “The Amazon recommendation links are on my highlights ICYMI” Or “The details regarding the sale are on our recent post, ICYMI”. This way even business pages and influencers can use this abbreviation over social media.