Oh no! “I received a text from a friend with the word banger, and guess what, I was completely blank.” – is this you too? Keep going through the blog to know more!
Banger can be used in the following situations –
- When some music or song is amazing or good and you want to express how much you like it, you can use the word Banger.
- When you are describing something exceptional and really good you can use the word Banger.
- Any event or party can be described as a hit by using the word Banger.

“The songs by Labrinth are Banger. You should listen to them sometime.” Here the person is describing the song and how much they like it. If someone uses the word Banger for a music or song then they mean it is really pleasing to the ears. “The song Lover by Taylor Swift is such a banger right?”
“The movie Dune was such a Banger, if you haven’t watched it I suggest you watch it soon.” Here the term Banger is used in the sense that the movie was mind-blowing. Anyone would be tempted to try out things that are Banger because of how much weight it puts on the subject. “Did you hear Oppenheimer was a Banger, when do you wanna go watch it?” Another example showing how tempting a movie is.
Banger is best when used personally, with friends, work buddies and most commonly used word by GenZs. “Did you hear the book ‘Looking for Alaska’ is a Banger? Sad that I don’t read books much.”
Imagine you were at a party last night and want to express how it was. Then simply use the word Banger, it sounds cool and fresh. “The party at Martins’ last night was such a Banger. We had a couple beers and danced all night.” Always remember that Banger is an informal word and might not go well in formal gatherings or your formal conversations. It is a word used to express enthusiasm and admiration for something.
“I attended the Comic-Con this year and OMG every cosplay was a Banger.” Anime community can also use the term like this. “Naruto is such a banger man, it’s a lot of emotions in one anime.” Banger is a word that can be used in any informal way over texting or on social media.
If your friend has posted a picture from an event or a party just comment, “Banger” and the message is pretty much conveyed. “This picture is such a Banger” Or “The music video you shared is such a Banger.”
Don’t pull yourself from using the word Banger again because we know you can use it effortlessly now!