If you are wondering what aesthetic means, you are at the right spot! Aesthetic refers to an appreciation for art or beauty. It mostly means in the visual sense but can also refer to sounds. In simple words, it is used to express the beauty of something on social media or even in real life.
“Aesthetic” can be applied to a lot of things, even vibe! For example, “The dress that she was wearing on her graduation day was so aesthetic, I really loved the colour and pattern”. Or “OMG! I love your vibe, it’s so aesthetic.”

When you see cute stuff on social media, especially with pastel colours, you can go with the term aesthetic. “The cup and saucer set I bought from Pinterest is so aesthetic. It’s lilac and so tiny!” Here the visuals and color pattern of the material was termed aesthetic because it was visually appealing. Anything visually appealing or appealing to the ears or taste can be termed aesthetic.
For example, “Please recommend me some cute diaries because your taste is so aesthetic.” Or “Can you bring your painting journal at my shoot, i wanna use them since they are so aesthetic.”
Here are some other examples,
“The renaissance trend on Instagram is so aesthetic, I love how creators are making such unique reels on it.” Don’t we all agree how amazing the backgrounds in the Renaissance trends were? Those are visually appealing and hence we call them aesthetic.
“I listened to an unboxing ASMR and I think I have never heard a sound so aesthetic.” Here is an example of how the term aesthetic can be used in terms of sounds. “The sound of rain is melodious and I feel it’s aesthetic even to hear.”
Feel free to use it for music and movies as well, because why not? “The song Lovely by Billie Eilish is so aesthetic that I’m hearing it on loop!” “I heard the movie Harry Potter is such a vibe. It’s aesthetic is mostly dark stuff yet it is full of positivity. Haven’t you watched them already?”
“The coffee house near my college is so aesthetic. It’s so Instagrammable and the taste is also amazing.” Next time you talk about anything appealing to the eyes, ears or taste, you can simply use the word aesthetic and your social media game is going to look strong!