If you are thinking that extra might mean something additional or more than the required amount then you are not entirely wrong. But this does not correspond to materials or objects. This is usually used for a person over Social media to indicate that someone is overly dramatic, excessive or over the top in their actions or behaviour.
Don’t we all have friends or family who are a little more dramatic than usual? If you thought of someone while reading this, then you’re right! They can be termed Extra. For example, when someone is travelling and not adjusting to the environment and making a lot of ruckus, then they can be termed with the above social media term.

Here, the above-mentioned meme shows how the person is being extra. Sometimes when a person is being extremely rude is also termed as being Extra. If you think someone is being rude, non-adjusting or being too straightforward, you can always term them with the above-mentioned social media term.
For example, “We all went to the wedding together in one Cab because our car was out for service. You should have seen Linda! She was being so Extra and not adjusting at all. In the end, we had to get two different cabs because she wanted a lot of space.” Here it shows how Linda was not trying to be polite and made a ruckus instead of just adjusting.

When someone is too high maintenance, you can also term them with this social media term. For instance, Person 1 – “Sarah, why are you wearing such a dull colour? It looks terrible on you.”
Person 2 – “Stop being so Extra! I wore it because I like it.”
Person 1 – “I only drink Vanilla latte, if they don’t have it I don’t want anything else.”
Person 2- “Don’t be so extra and choose from other options.”
How do you think you’ll use this term in daily conversations? Make sure to use it in Texts next time and don’t forget to be a little polite and less “Extra”!
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