There are a lot of terms on social media which might seem similar. Dead and Ded are two such terms. Although they might sound similar, their meaning is completely different. This social media term has been used all over digital platforms to show that something is funny or hilarious. It indicates a reaction of a person to something especially funny and to something that a person can’t stop laughing about.
Have you ever seen a meme on Instagram that was so funny that you started laughing? And to make things more funny, you couldn’t stop laughing? Yes, in these contexts you can use the term Ded and showcase all how funny something was.

Here Ded literally doesn’t mean being dead, it simply means being exhausted from laughing a lot or being dead because of the dark humour a post or meme might have had. Every person has a different level of feeling ‘Ded’ based on their humour and of course on the meme. For example,
Aliya sent a meme that said – “You’ll feel refreshed after a nice weekend followed by images of the person yawning all day on Monday.” To this, her friend replies – “This is so me. I’m Ded!” There are a lot of dark memes as well to which we can simply react with the term mentioned above.
For instance, look at the following meme,

If you can relate to this meme, you can simply type “I’m ded” and show how much funny or hilarious it is for you.
Some more examples –
- “This meme is so hilarious. I’m Ded.”
- “My 12-year-old niece told me how she has a boyfriend and I’m still single. It was hilarious to others but I feel Ded after listening to her.”
- “Our professor told us some hilarious stories from his college days and we’re so Ded from laughing so hard.”
Now go ahead and use this term every time something funny happens or when you get a hilarious meme as a message!
Other social media terms you may be interested in,