Most of us know what a CEO is, but might be unfamiliar with its exact full form. CEO stands for Chief Executive Officer. As the top executive in a company or organisation, a CEO is in charge of overseeing the whole operations and resources of the business, making important corporate decisions, and serving as the primary liaison between the board of directors and corporate operations. They are usually elected by the board of directors.
CEO is the head of a company or the runner of any company. For example, “John Myers is the CEO of JM Enterprises.” Here it is indicated that John Myers is the head or the runner of the company called JM Enterprises.

CEO is the alternative for words like – Chairman/Chairwoman, President, Managing Director, executive director and chief executive. It is mainly used to indicate that someone owns a company or operates the company at the head level. More examples –
- Mark Zuckerberg is the CEO of Meta Platforms.
- Parag Agarwal is the CEO of Twitter.
- Ryan Roslansky is the CEO of LinkedIn.
- Evan Spiegel is the CEO of Snap Inc., the company that operates Snapchat.
- Ben Silbermann is the CEO of Pinterest.
Chief Executive Officer is a term that can also be used for people who runs online businesses and companies. For example, “Mila Johnson is the CEO of Clarify skincare and has been running the online business since 2022.” Or “Huda Kattan is the CEO of Huda beauty.”
CEO can sometimes also be used in a hilarious way to express certain things. For example, “He is the CEO of being lazy.” Here it is indicated that the person being spoken about is so lazy that he can be considered as a CEO of lazy people!
CEO can also be used to indicate someone’s behaviour by the GenZs. For example, “He acts like he is the CEO of the company when he talks to us. He gets on my nerves every time he tries to show he is superior to all of us!” This usage may sound negative and rude, but people still use CEO in this manner as well.
That was all about the abbreviation CEO and its usage. How else do you think it can be used? Explore and use CEO instead of Chief Executive Officer from now on!
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