10 Examples of Creative Ad Copywriting and Viral Campaigns from Top Brands

“Diamonds are Forever”

“Think Different”

“There are some things money can’t buy; for everything else, there’s Mastercard.”

These are not merely sentences – they are creative ad copywriting examples that are living testaments of how powerful and smartly written words can be! 

When written intelligently, words can become memorable taglines that capture attention, ignite enthusiasm, and drive sales. 

The marketing world is becoming fierce. The best way to counter this competition is to craft persuasive ad copy. It acts as a bridge between your brand and the audience, encouraging them to take action. 

However, most copywriters often struggle to have that “lightbulb moment” when writing a copy that converts like crazy. 

If you are one of them, this blog is for you. Stay with us as we share tips and tricks for writing compelling ad copies along with creative ad copywriting examples. 

Are you ready to get your creative juices flowing? 

But before we set the ball rolling, let’s start with the basics: 

What is an Ad Copy, and Why it Matters?

Ad copy is clever, crisp, and witty text written or spoken to grab attention and spark interest. 

What’s the main goal of writing a compelling ad copy, you may ask? 

Motivate your audience to take action. Catchy ad copy inspires your audience to act and can turn prospects into loyal customers. Whether it’s a traditional billboard, landing page, or social media post, these copies are great storytellers and connect your potential buyers deeper.  

Optimized ad copy combined with impressive visuals can stir excitement among buyers and drive sales.

Let’s understand the power of ad copies with an example. 

This ad campaign subtly conveys that French Fries without Heinz ketchup are incomplete. So, next time you think of French Fries, you will likely buy Heinz. 

Now, that’s the power of creating a viral ad campaign! 

Writing Compelling Ad Copies: Why is it Essential?

As William Bernback, a pioneer in the advertising industry, once rightly said, 

“Good advertising will make the product attractive. Great advertising will make the product unforgettable.”

Every brand has a tone and voice. However, it sometimes gets buried under the cacophony of marketing gimmicks.  And that’s where the magic of (great) copies works!  They set a narrative and establish a tone that resonates with your brand’s personality and value.  

For example, a viral ad campaign for a baby clothes brand will have a playful and fun tone. Effective copywriting captures and holds your audience’s attention till the last word. 

Imagine you are driving and spot a billboard advertising men’s casual wear. The copy is so enticing that you slow down a bit to have a good look at it. Whenever you want to shop for casuals, that brand will pop up. Reason? – the subtle messaging sticks in your mind. 

Through persuasive storytelling, gripping language, and strong calls to action, an impressive copy will turn consumers from mere observers to active participants. 

Another reason for writing compelling ad copies is that they effectively communicate your brand’s value proposition. With skillful wordplay, attention-grabbing headlines, and lovely graphics, advertising copy can carve out its space in consumers’ minds. 

Emotional Vs. Rational Copywriting: Which Approach is More Effective?

“Advertising that makes you feel something, whether it’s anger, pride, laughter, or happiness, is the best.” – Tug McTighe. 

While it’s true that emotional ads pull at the heartstrings, rational copies talk hard facts. No wonder a copywriter always feels a tug-of-war-like situation. 

Now the question is which way to go? 

There’s no straight answer! It depends on your audience and business goals. 

Before that, have a look at emotional copywriting.

What is Emotional Ad Copy?

Emotional copies use words that evoke human emotions to connect with prospects and encourage them to buy a product or sign up for a solution. 

These ads speak from the heart rather than the head and leave a lasting impression on customers. 

Let’s quickly understand the power of emotions with a creative ad copywriting example from Coca-Cola’s viral ad campaign – Open a Coke, Open Happiness: 

The famous beverage brand shows how opening cokes can trigger “happy memories.” 

Here’s a quick summary of what an emotional copy can do: 

  • Creates a memorable experience by stirring the right emotions 
  • Connects with the buyers on an emotional and personal level 
  • Encourages impulse buying 

Having said that, it’s essential to avoid overly emotional trigger words, as it may make the copy a bit manipulative. 

What is Rational Advertising?

Unlike emotional copies, rational ads appeal to the audiences’ left-brain or rational sides to purchase or act on something. 

This email ad copy by Lyft discusses the tangible benefits and encourages recipients to sign up.

In a nutshell, rational ads: 

  • Focuses on salient features and calculable benefits 
  • Speaks about how and not why or what 
  • Build a loyal audience base. 

A word of caution: When taken too far, this approach can seem dull. So, use your right brain regularly to cut the dullness. 

We hope the difference between rational and emotional ads is clear. Now, here are actionable tips for ad copy optimization. 

5 Actionable Tips for Making Ad Copy Stand Out in the Crowd

Writing compelling ad copies is an art with a slight hint of data science. With creative wordplay and smart strategy, you can create copies that can literally stop people in their tracks. 

The thumb rule here is to stay true to your brand’s tone, and you can turn passive spectators into sure-shot customers. 

Here are five practical tips to help you create ad copies that resonate with your target audience. 

  1. Turn Their Pain into Gains 

Have you bought a product or signed up for a service because the ad was too “cool”?

Probably not!

A cool advertisement might have piqued some interest but wouldn’t encourage you to purchase a product or service. 

An important thumb rule for creating a viral ad campaign is to talk about “how,” not “why” or “what.”

Understand your target audience’s pain point, discuss it, and show how to turn it into their gain! 

Talk about real data-backed problems rather than just random issues. This will make your copies more relatable, and they will be able to find practical solutions to their pain points. 

During the brainstorming session, imagine yourself in the user’s shoes to understand how they feel and how you can improve their situation. This will directly appeal to 

The best and most creative ad copywriting example for this is Uber. 

Uber’s “Go Anywhere You Want” addresses the most common problem – not finding cabs easily. This copy gives the company an approachable and friendly tone while providing a solution – book a cab and go wherever you want! 


How do you know what bothers your target audience? 

There are many ways to learn about your target audience’s pain points. One such method is collaborating with client-facing teams, such as sales or customer services. The insights you gather from them will help you catch your prospect’s pulse. 

2. Decode Your Competition to Stay Ahead

Imagine you sell premium-quality kitchenware. You have invested significant funds in advertising, but the ROI is lower than expected. 

While trying to find reasons for this, you realize your ad copies aren’t up to par with your competitors. Your ads lack clarity and miss a crucial point—what is your unique value proposition?

Knowing your competition inside out is the key to creating a catchy hook for your brand. Analyzing your competitors’ ad copy can help you find gaps or weak points that you can capitalize on. 

Let’s see the example of the above-given kitchenware brand again.  While analyzing your competitors’ copies, you realize they missed an important point – how easy to clean these kitchenware are? You can develop a strong narrative about ease of cleaning for your kitchenware and make your advertisement more effective. 

Thankfully, many automated tools like Predis.ai make analyzing competition hassle-free

3. Smart Call-to-Action (CTA): The Key to Conversion

A well-written CTA is like a lighthouse. 

Like a light tower guides ships in the wilderness to shore, a CTA will inform your audience about what to do next! Therefore, invest time crafting clear and attention-grabbing CTAs so your viewer knows what step to take next. 


Take this Instagram ad by EnaGen Bio. The company wants its viewers to take action—click on the ad and shop its new products. 

4. Don’t Miss to Use Emotional Triggers

Integrating emotional triggers is a crucial step for ad copy optimization. These words can elicit urgent responses that inspire people to buy, driving more conversions. 

Here are some ways to trigger emotions by using words such as: 

  • Hurry: Play with FOMO (Fear of Missing Out) and create a sense of urgency. 
  • Discover Now: Arouses a sense of curiosity. 
  • Wait till the End: Make your users sit on the edge. 

Similarly, you can play with emotional words such as “Save Your Seat Now” or “Limited Offer… Sale Ends Today.”  These will nudge potential buyers not to delay and make purchases. 

5. Visuals That Conquer Hearts and Get Conversions

Did you know people come across roughly 5,000 ads per day? Now, that’s an insane number. 

Making your ad copy stand out in this crowded place is a real challenge.  Along with wordplay, you need visually appealing graphics. They are like two peas in a pod! 

Right color combinations, attractive illustrations, and other graphic elements add value to the text, making the ads click-worthy. 

Let’s see how a single picture can speak more than words and make your ad copy attention-worthy. 

This viral ad campaign by Vaseline doesn’t use any text; the graphics do much of the talking. It gives a visual testimony of the soothing powers of Vaseline on dry skin.

Want to create extraordinary graphics but lack design skills? No worries! Tools like Predis.ai make it easy to create beautiful social media ad copy generators. 

Now that you have a glimpse of how to create captivating ads let’s quickly review ten creative ad copywriting examples. 

10 Creative Ad Copywriting Examples (and Why They Worked) From Top Brands

1. Hostinger International – “On a Mission” Campaign

With its minimalist and neat visuals, this ad copy instantly grabs the eyeballs of users looking for easy website hosting services. 

What Made This Ad So Catchy? 

  • Creative Tagline:  The “Three. Two. One” immediately captures your attention, raising your target audience’s inquisitiveness. 
  • Attractive Color Scheme: There’s something royal about the color purple, and this ad copy beautifully integrates this color’s “power” vibes. And the astronaut in the background gives a subtle message of reaching new heights. 
  • Relevance and Relatability: This copy seamlessly links the launch of a new website to a space mission. As a spaceship travels against gravity to touch the sky, Hostinger’s hosting plans help users take their website to the next level.

2. Nike – “Just Do It” Campaign

Nike is one of those iconic brands that has smartly leveraged the power of creative copywriting. Over the years, its “Just Do It” campaign has evolved and redefined marketing messages.

While there are several viral ad campaigns by Nike, this creative ad copy example caught our eye. 

And Why? Let’s see what makes this particular ad copy so attractive: 

  • A Tagline that Inspire: “Just Do It” inspires action, urging the target audience (athletes) to overcome hurdles and achieve their goals. It creates an emotional connection and a sense of determination, making the brand synonymous with “Go-Getters.”
  • Minimalism: Less is More—With neat visuals, this ad copy conveys an impactful message without any fluff. 

3. Heinz – The Wait Campaign

Heinz launched a global campaign called “The Wait” to celebrate consumers who are willing to wait for their ketchup before eating. 

The Heinz ad copies recognize and acknowledge consumers’ “irrational love” for their product. 

So, what worked in favor of this viral ad campaign? 

  • Emotional connect: This campaign is a testament to the brand’s commitment to connect emotionally and foster community engagement. 
  • Powerful visual elements: The creatives (print and video ads) don’t feature the Heinz Tomato Ketchup bottle, making it the real hero. The bottle’s absence and waiting customers show the unwavering love for the ketchup. 
  • Slack Website – Home Page 

One of the leading SaaS products, Slack harnesses the power of the right words for its ad copies. 

Look at this creative ad copywriting example. The headline on its homepage—“Made for People. Built for Productivity”—is a major highlight. It reminds potential customers that becoming productive is just a matter of a few clicks. 


Why is their copy so attractive? 

Because the copy is straightforward and concise. It talks on points like:

  • What is Slack – a collaboration and productivity platform 
  • How does Slack help? – Makes team communication streamlined, ensuring a productive work environment. 
  • The main benefit of Slack – is a well-connected team. 

5. Dollar Shave Club – Summer Shave

What makes Dollar Shave Club connect with customers? 

Simple answer: Brilliant storytelling, quirky humor, and a unique brand voice make Dollar Shave Club ads enjoyable. 

Dollar Shave Club draws viewers’ attention with persuasive, memorable, and shareable ad copies, ranging from eccentric videos to unconventional product demos. 

Take this creative ad copy example — the bright, minimalist graphics and a catchy tagline hit differently. 

This ad works because:

  •  It’s short, crisp, and punchy. 
  • It leverages the idea that shaving feels smooth even during hot summers with Dollar Shave Club products. 

6. Loreal – This an Ad is For Men Campaign

This six-word creative ad copywriting example by Loreal challenges the cultural paradigms within the beauty industry. 

Rather than playing the stereotypical notions associated with beauty, this ad copy brings a breath of fresh air. It conveys a strong message that women make capable leaders, just like men. 

What do we love about this ad?

  • Creative Use of Data:  Showing data can sometimes become boring. However, when presented creatively, it can convey the message across a broad spectrum. That’s exactly what Loreal’s ad has done in this campaign. Using lipsticks shows how hiring women for leadership can grow revenues. 
  • Bold Color Scheme: The striking red background further amplifies the themes of power and authority. 
  • Challenging the Conventions: This ad breaks away from stereotypical notions of gender roles and beauty standards. It emphasizes the phrase “Beauty with Brains,” thus creating a strong emotional connection with its target audience. 

7. Lyft – Homepage Copy

In the world of copywriting, less is always more! 


Lyft beautifully incorporated this principle for its homepage copy. The clear and point-blank writing doesn’t leave anything to assumptions or imagination. It creatively sets a narrative about how it’s not just a cab-hailing service. 

What do we like about this creative copywriting ad copy example? 

  • Simple Yet Effective Storytelling: The brand positions itself as a friend with a car for the riders. For drivers, Lyft is a community that allows them to give a friendly lift to someone from within the circle. This fosters a sense of trust among the users. 
  • Solution-Oriented Approach: You can earn quick cash by giving someone a ride! The copy clearly shows this solution-providing approach. 

8. De Beers – Diamonds Are Forever Campaign

When talking about viral ad campaigns, skipping De Beers’ Diamond are Forever campaign is unacceptable!

This is a classic example of how great copywriting can set a narrative. Do you know this campaign changed the public’s attitude towards diamonds and engagement rings? 

Now you know why this ad copy is the mother of all campaigns!

Here are some points you take into account to create your viral ad campaign: 

  • Strike the right emotional chords: Diamonds or precious stones were only meant for the rich and famous. Cut to the 1930s; one line by De Beers changed this perception forever!  The copy struck the emotional cells of the brain, creating a situation where almost everyone proposing marriage felt compelled to get the bling for the lady. Getting down on one knee almost became synonymous with diamond rings. 
  • Always keep it simple: Fancy words only make the message complicated. Rather, you should opt for simple vocabulary to reach everyone’s heart and mind. 

9. Hinge Dating App

How can we not add this ad copy to our list of 10 creative ad copywriting examples? 

The witty wordplay strikes the heart of the target audience’s ultimate desire – a true emotional connection. 

The tagline “Fall in love. Delete Hinge” cuts through the noise and clearly shows what the company intends to deliver. 

What do we love about this ad copy?

  • The Confident Tone—The tagline oozes confidence that Hinge will do anything to get the users what they want— a real love connection. 
  • Fosters a sense of trust—With so many dating apps on the market, finding a true soulmate can be difficult. But Hinge is different. The tagline shows that the app will help users find someone worth deleting the app. 

10. Coca-Cola – Share a Coke Ad Campaign

Imagine walking into a supermarket, and a red bottle caught your attention. But, instead of its logo, there’s a name written on it. 

Would you buy it? 

Yes! That’s exactly what happened when Coca-Cola started its “Share a Coke” campaign. 

With just three words, this personalized ad copy transformed Coca-Cola into a cultural phenomenon. 

This is how this creative copy created a stir in the world of advertising: 

  • Power of Personalization: The “Share a Coke” ad copy leverages the power of personalization by tapping into the consumer’s desire for personal recognition. 
  • Harnessing User-Generated Content:  The “Share a Coke” didn’t just have a personalized consumer experience. The brand encouraged users to share their bottles on social media, giving the campaign an authentic touch from UGC. 

Wrapping Up

Attention spans are shrinking. Making people stop and look at your products or services is like nailing the ocean. But, with captivating and creative copywriting, you can create viral ad campaigns that stay in people’s minds and hearts forever. 

Whatever medium you choose to post your ad copies, having the right tools makes the process smooth. That’s where Predis.ai comes into the scene. Predis kickstarts your ad campaigns, from creating attractive graphics to writing taglines. 

Want to know more about Predis.ai? Sign up for free and explore its wonderful features. 

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Akshay Kulkarni

is a passionate tech enthusiast with a robust background in marketing and operations. With a focus on growth marketing, they have developed deep expertise in eCommerce and social media marketing, consistently driving measurable business results for a variety of brands. Their ability to craft and execute scalable strategies has positioned them as a go to expert in leveraging digital platforms to fuel sustainable growth. When not busy helping businesses scale, Akshay stays active by maintaining a fitness routine and enjoys winding down with a strong cup of coffee. Why trust us? Predis.ai is trusted by over a million users and business owners worldwide, including industry leaders who rely on our AI’s output and creativity. Our platform is highly rated across review sites and app stores, a testament to the real world value it delivers. We consistently update our technology and content to ensure you receive the most accurate, up to date, and reliable guidance on leveraging social media for your business.