How to Write Good Ad Copy? Tips and Tricks

write good ad copy

Marketing functions in every industry are booming. With an abundance of options, customers are eager to see what businesses can offer before choosing the right fit for their needs.

This ultimately drives companies worldwide to present their best foot forward, not just in the products and services they launch but through their marketing campaigns, festive sales, and existing product range. One of the most effective ways of delivering this is through ad copy.

This abundance of options also indicates the competitive nature of the market. Ad copy presents a business with the most compelling information to drive revenue. When businesses write good ad copy, they can steer the viewer’s focus—which is a huge advantage in itself—drive lead generation and boost brand imaging.

The internet and its technological developments now allow over 5.44 billion people to access content from virtually anywhere. This highlights the importance of creating compelling ad copy in the digital space.

Additionally, customer needs are continuously evolving; businesses must be considerate and innovative in their approaches to effectively write good ad copy.

This article will explore key steps, tips, and effective strategies for creating ad copy and jumpstarting your marketing quality. Read on!

A Quick Recap: What Is Ad Copy?

Ad copy is marketing text that fuels sales and brand awareness.

Whether through a social media post, a Google ad, or a captivating billboard, your brand is given voice to whisper or shout your message directly to potential customers through ad copy. In the noisy advertising world, your ad copy is your secret weapon.

Ad copy’s intent is to go beyond an informative stance to persuade, motivate, and compel action. Effective ad copy stops viewers from scrolling by or shedding a casual glance at a product and piques their interest for a click-through and completed purchase.

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Key Steps to Write Good Ad Copy

With an understanding of what good ad copy can do for you, effectively executing “the how” of the process is possible. Here are five straightforward steps to writing good ad copy:

Step 1: Understand Your Audience and Goals

Your direction and destination must be clear before creating a copy. The first step to writing good ad copy is to jot down your goals and conduct relevant research to understand your audience. 

Reviewing your goals includes addressing your primary intent from the copy. Marketing generally focuses on three main goals: revenue, brand awareness, and positive website traffic. This step also involves infusing your business values and tone into your ad copy.

Understanding your audience is a marketing pillar. It is best done through analytical tools to understand demographics and customer surveys or questionnaires to gain detailed insight into their interests and pain points.

Step 2: Create Your Headlines

The next step is to nail your headline.

Headlines are the gates to your ad copy and the first appeal for your viewers to enter your content. Considering that it is often your first and only chance to stop scrollers in their tracks, your headline must incite curiosity, excitement, and interest in reading the body copy.

Step 3: Craft Your Body Copy

Once you’ve nailed your headline, comes the body copy.

Thanks to the headline, viewers are already interested when their eyes land here. With that in mind, your body copy must focus on benefits, not features. Delivering content that explains what you offer will explain why the customer should care.

An excellent example would be Converse’s Ad for its Creator Edition shoe, which blended a catchy headline as a hook, stunning visuals, and a body ad copy that highlighted its key personalization feature.

With the pain points and interests you have uncovered in your research, addressing the problem your product/service solves is fundamental to writing good ad copy.

Step 4: Finish With Your Calls to Action

The final part of an ad is the call to action (CTA). While this is the fourth step, it is also the heart of your ad copy. 

The CTA must guide your potential customer to the next step, which entirely depends on your objective. Popular CTAs invite the viewer to purchase, subscribe, or share. Headspace, a mental wellness platform, executes this quite well with its “Try for free” that also highlights its free trial plan to its viewers.

Your CTA must be direct and benefit-focused, with action as the required result. It should also direct the curiosity that has carried the customer this far in acting on your product.

Step 5: Test and Optimize

Your ad copy will give you results, and you must monitor them. This final step in ad copy is to test different variations. By monitoring key metrics such as click-through rates (CTRs) and conversion rates, you can adapt and improve your ad copy strategy to what gives you the most results.

With these steps in mind, let’s equip you with what is essential in every ad copy.

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Essential Tips and Tricks for Ad Copy Success

A set process goes a long way toward consistently delivering creative copy; after all, quality content should not be a one-hit wonder. That said, some elements are necessary in every copy you create to keep customers engaged and excited. 

Here are a few tips and tricks we’ve curated, categorized by the general ad copy structure.

1. Build a Compelling Headline

  • Keep your headlines concise and attention-grabbing.
  • Incorporate powerful words that evoke emotion or curiosity.
  • Include statistics to boost credibility and impact.
  • Experiment with different headline variations to find what resonates best.

2. Drive Interest With Body Copy

  • Prioritize readability by using short sentences, bullet points, and subheadings.
  • Include relevant keywords to improve your ad’s visibility in search results.
  • Use vivid language and storytelling to evoke emotions and connect with your audience.

3. Deriving the Most Out of Your Call to Action (CTA)

  • Use strong action verbs to encourage immediate decisions.
  • Create a sense of urgency, such as offering limited time to prompt users to act quickly.
  • Ensure your CTA is visually prominent and easy to find.
  • Test different CTA placements and review which fit your goals the best.

4. Testing and Optimization Approach

  • Begin with small, incremental changes to your ad copy and gradually experiment. Shocking viewers with changes will not help you understand their response.
  • Utilize a reliable testing platform or tool to track and analyze your results.
  • Embrace patience and persistence, as optimization is an ongoing process.

Testing and optimization take far less time with content platform experts such as, who help generate A/B testing-friendly content.

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Key Content Tips

  • Enhance your ads with relevant extensions and rich media for added impact. Considering their AI-powered image and template creation, the platform features tools such as the Twitter Ad Maker and LinkedIn Ad Maker perfect for this.
  • Consider dynamic keyword insertion to personalize your ads based on user searches.
  • Keep your content within the standardized banner ad or content format sizes.
  • Implement remarketing strategies to target users who have previously shown interest.
  • Stay informed about industry trends and changes to keep your ad copy fresh and compelling.

When infused into your ad copy creation process, these tips create a strong foundation for each ad you write. With that in mind, next up are strategies that are a must in delivering the perfect ad copy.

Three Effective Strategies for Ad Copy Creation

With the tips and process set, there are a few approaches that, when adopted, can transform your ad copy’s net impact. While it may seem like going the extra mile, the current customer expectations from content that reaches them are such.

Here are three strategies that are becoming fundamental to delivering a competitive edge in your ad copy,

1. Leverage Psychology in Your Ad Copy

Customer needs and user behavior are crucial parts of the process. Leveraging your customers’ psychology in your content is a sure guarantee of good ad copy. In fact, it increases your copy’s relatability to fuel higher CTRs and lead generation chances.

Here are psychological aspects that, when incorporated, enable you to write good ad copy.

  1. Reciprocity: People feel obligated to return favors. Highlighting valuable content or free trials in your ad copy builds trust and encourages users to take the desired action.
  2. Authority: When businesses are seen as industry experts or thought leaders, customers grow comfortable with what the brand offers. Write good ad copy that features testimonials from experts or happy customers, showcases awards and accomplishments, and highlights collaborations with reputable organizations or influencers.
  3. Social Proof: Viewers trust recommendations from fellow people and organizations quickly. Your ad copy can showcase the number of satisfied customers you have, display user reviews and ratings, or mention social media trends associated with your product/service. Social proof is quite effective on every platform, especially Instagram and Facebook, because of their vast audience reach. 
  4. Scarcity and Urgency: Limited-time offers and limited availability can create a sense of urgency and encourage people to act quickly. Highlight limited-time discounts, mention low stock levels (if applicable), or use phrases like “Don’t miss out!”
  5. Loss Aversion: People are more likely to act to avoid losing something than to gain something. Your ad copy should emphasize the potential negative consequences of not using your product/service.

2. Maximize Impact With Advanced Targeting

While demographic targeting can provide a foundation for writing good ad copy, taking targeting to an advanced level allows you to tailor more personalized messages. 

With this, resonating with specific audience segments is much more seamless. Here are some methods to deliver advanced audience targeting,

1. Interests, Behaviors, and Time Zones:

With technological developments, many preferences have evolved beyond age and geographic data.

While these basic demographics can provide great insight into language and tonality, focusing on interests and behaviors allows you to use relevant keywords and speak directly to your audience’s passion for their niche interests. 

Additionally, timing your copy for your demographic time zones is vital to the best content reception. For this, content calendars built into are exceptionally helpful in delivering occasion-specific ad copy to your audience.

2. Device Targeting

People consume content differently on mobile devices than on desktops. In fact, 4.8 billion people use smartphones as of 2024. Optimizing separate content for mobile and desktop users is a smart way to write good ad copy.

Concise messaging and clear CTAs best suit mobile users, whereas desktop-focused ad copy has more space for storytelling or detailed product information.

3. Connection Targeting

Focusing on recent interactions is another excellent approach to writing good ad copy. You can tailor your content for people who have liked your social media content or web page to showcase exclusive content or special offers. This fosters a sense of community and encourages deeper engagement.

3. Tailor Copy According to the Platform

This strategy is about specifically tailoring ad copy to different platforms and allowing you to maximize their unique strengths and resonate with their respective audiences.

To write good ad copy, you must deliver relevant content while considering each platform’s user activity and focus.

  1. Google Search Ads:
    • Users actively search for solutions, so focus on keywords matching their queries.
    • Keep headlines short and informative, highlighting your core benefit or solution.
    • Use a strong CTA that encourages immediate action, such as “Buy Now,” “Get a Quote,” or “Learn More.”
    • Utilize site link extensions, call extensions, or location extensions to provide additional information and encourage clicks.
  2. Facebook and Instagram Ads:
    • Focus on delivering copy through eye-catching images or videos that stop users as they scroll through their feeds.
    • Craft compelling narratives that connect with your audience on an emotional level.
    • Lean towards informal language and address the user directly to create a personal connection. Of course, this should not conflict with your business tone.
    • Showcase customer testimonials or reviews to build trust and credibility.
  3. LinkedIn Ads:
    • Use a formal and professional tone to appeal to the business-oriented audience.
    • Incorporate industry-specific keywords to your target professionals.
    • Clearly articulate the benefits your product or service offers to businesses and professionals.
    • Share insightful content or industry news to position your brand as an authority.

Considering the depth of customer needs, focusing on identifying and reaching the right audience, and delivering carefully considered content, these key strategies are vital in every ad copy that you generate.

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Ad Copy That Drives Revenue

Ad copy will remain a fundamental part of every business’s marketing strategy. The key steps, tips, and strategies we’ve covered will no doubt jumpstart your journey in creating compelling ad copy.

Although crucial, it is important to remember that marketing is one of many functions that drive business revenue and continuity.

The resources required to write good ad copy consistently are vast and often require a helping hand from experts to avoid exceeding organizational budgets.‘s AI-driven platform becomes the perfect fit to balance costs and deliver impactful ad copy. 

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Tanmay Ratnaparkhe

Co-founder, 2X Entrepreneur, tech enthusiast, and SaaS expert, specializing in Instagram marketing and AI. With a knack for leveraging technology for marketing success, they share valuable insights and strategies to boost your digital presence and productivity.