
There are many words which have African American origin. Simp is one such word. It was derived from the African American Vernacular English and is a very widely used internet term. It is often used derogatively. The initial meaning of this term was a person who is “Simpleton” which means a foolish or a gullible person. But the meaning has evolved over time and now this term is used in various ways.

In modern times, this term is used to describe someone who is overly submissive or attentive to someone they are attracted to. We have all seen this kind of person in high school who would do anything to get attention from that particular boy/girl and acted all simp for them.

It is often used for men who are too eager to impress their love interest or are too invested in their romantic interest. This term is used in a lighthearted way as well as in a sense where you put a person down for liking someone too much. Sometimes, we are just trying too hard and it becomes evident.

Examples –

“He is such a simp for Lea. He keeps following her and doing everything she says. Sometimes it feels like Lea might be taking advantage of him because he likes her.” Here we can see how someone is acting all simpleton for a girl he likes.

“Don’t be such a simp for her. You know she already has a boyfriend and doesn’t really like you that way.” In this case, a friend is advising his other friend not to lose his dignity over someone who doesn’t really care about him.

“If you really want to simp, do it for someone worthwhile.” Don’t we all wish we had friends like this who supported us as well as advised us when needed?

Other social media terms –

  1. Gymbros
  2. FTFY
  3. Finsta
  4. Extra
  5. Ded