
If you are a student then you must watch a lot of videos online. From different study materials to all those last-minute YouTube videos saviours are always there for you. But isn’t it annoying to watch the whole video even though you know most part of it? This is why there are lots of upgrades on the internet. Now you can slide through the videos and stop where you want to play the video. This will save a lot of time and save your internet too! This process is known as scrubbing on the internet.

Another meaning of scrubbing on the internet is to remove posts, comments and data from your social media. Sometimes we post images and videos that we like but years later we might just not feel the same about it. A lot of us scrub through the videos and pictures that were posted by us during our teenage times. This slang is also used for this process. Sometimes some of us might even feel vulnerable online wanting to protect our privacy. Hence, we might scrub our social media profiles from time to time.

Examples –

“Don’t waste your time watching the whole video. The part where he solves the equation is around 5 minutes. Just scrub through it.” Here the person is asking the other person to skip the video part for 5 minutes to get to the part where the equation is being solved.

“If you don’t want to waste time on YouTube, then scrubbing is the best way to watch videos.”

“Last night I was scrubbing through my Instagram profile. I removed almost 6 posts that I thought were too funny. I don’t even know what I was thinking when I posted them.”

“If you are so worried about them judging you, just scrub through those highlights and you’re good to go.”

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