We have all heard about people ghosting and getting ghosted. But what does it actually mean? If you are thinking of paranormal activities or horror stories, then you are wrong! Ghosting is a social media term, that is used widely with relationships. If a partner stops communication with the other partner and dodges calls and messages over social media, then they are said to be ghosting the other person. The person being ignored or cut off from social media is called being ghosted.

While this term was reserved for relationships, it is now widely being used in workspace, between friends and also in terms of other social contexts. This term signifies that someone is cutting off communication abruptly without any explanation. This term has gained its use outside of relationships and is even being used in work contexts.
In relationship context
For example, “Hayden ghosted me after our second date and I kind of made it out that he’s not interested in me. I just don’t understand why he asked for a second date when he was actually not interested.” Here the girl was ignored by someone she went out on dates with and is said to be ghosted by Hayden.
In the context of relationships, “He ghosted me for weeks until I confronted him after going over to his place. We had a talk and he expressed how he didn’t want to be in a relationship anymore. I mean how can you expect to solve something by ghosting someone?”
In work context
In case of work-related context, we can use it as follows,
“Ever since she quit the job, she has been ghosting me. We were best friends at work, IDK what went wrong.” – Here the person is explaining how their former coworker is ghosting them after quitting the job. Let’s take another example, “Do you know that Martin has been ghosting me ever since the meeting.”
In friendship and social context
“She ghosted me after we hung out the last time. Did you hear anything from her or is it just me who she is shooting?”
“If you think that she’s busy then you are wrong. She has clearly been ghosting you.”
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