Brb! Got a text from work with the abbreviation IMHO and I am freaking! Is this you too? Do not worry, we have got you covered. IMHO means “In my humble opinion”.
The usage is simple and makes everything easier without having to write long messages or posts on social media. In my humble opinion simply means that you are trying to give an opinion on something or someone in a very polite manner. As humans we have a lot of opinions and while it can sometimes come out in a negative way, there are ways to express it in a healthy manner. Using IMHO is a great way to put forth your opinion without being negative or rude.
This abbreviation can be used in day-to-day life and makes complete sense as it makes texting so much easier and concise. In a work-related context, you can simply use it like, “IMHO the report could have been more detailed.” Or “IMHO the content can be more diverse and longer”.
“I guess, IMHO the presentation could have been more brief, it had lots of information that was of no use to us.” This was not rude but explained the point very briefly. Hence, the abbreviation IMHO is basically a text-saver when it comes to expressing opinions.
Wondering if this can be used casually. Of course yes! You can use it like, “IMHO you can wear pink rather than orange.” Or you can simply use it like, “IMHO the brightness of the picture can be increased to make it look better.” Expressing opinion and suggestions just became so much easier, isn’t it?

In other ways –
“IMHO you can download the content from this website, it is much easier and the content is better.” Here a suggestion was made without making it look like a forceful assertion. It was a simple way to suggest someone something that could be better. “Very much digging the vibe of your outfit. But, IMHO you could have used other earrings!” Here a simple suggestion was given based on what the person thinks. In this way you can use IMHO over text.
When trolls or negative comments come on social media, you can even get back to them by using IMHO and expressing in a sophisticated way rather than lashing out. For example, “IMHO, the information that I shared was well-researched and it was pretty useful to many of my followers.” Or “I post content based on followers request because IMHO that works best for me.”