We all know what aesthetic means. It is the appreciation for beauty, art, sounds and visuals. But there is another term on TikTok that has the word aesthetic in it. Does Old Money aesthetic have a similar meaning to that of aesthetic? Here the meaning is similar and it represents the appreciation of beauty and art but in a different context. ‘Old money’ means generational wealth.
Here, Old money aesthetic means style or living standard that matches people who are rich. These are the type of people with generational wealth and come from wealthy families. Unlike new money owners, they have always been rich. Their taste, style and aesthetics are termed by the above social media slang. This gained popularity after it was used on TikTok.

Examples of Old Money Aesthetic –
1. Fashion –
This includes classic tailored suits, trench coats and pearl necklaces. Certain brands like Ralph Lauren, and Burberry are associated with this aesthetic.
2. Home Decor –
All the elegant furniture that is antique, oriental rugs, and classic artworks come under this aesthetic. Imagine old libraries with books with leather covers and a fireplace. Doesn’t it sound just like a rich people’s place?
3. Leisure activities –
Playing games like Polo, sailing and Golf with the utmost level of skills and etiquette exhibits this kind of aesthetic.
4. Vacations –
Trips to historical places, luxury resorts, and cultural events like ballet or Opera.
5. Dining –
Emphasis on formal dinners with proper etiquette and manners is considered to be old money aesthetic.
Examples of usage –
“This library is giving me the old money aesthetic vibe.”
“Art in this museum is giving me old money aesthetic vibes. I guess this is what the rich people like to hang in their living rooms.”
“Etiquette while speaking and proper mannerisms are very important for rich people. It’s their aesthetic.”
Other social media terms –