Many times we all agree to a lot of statements. From agreeing about which is the best restaurant to which is the best movie, we might sometimes differ in our opinions. This is where we might express our different opinions and hope that people don’t judge us based on that. ‘Not me’ is a social media phrase that is used to express agreement or solidarity. Unlike the meaning of the words individually, as a phrase, they mean strong agreement and not negation over something.

If you want to agree with someone’s statement or experience, then you can use this term. Sometimes, we might feel overwhelmed with something and this term can be used to express that as well. In short, not me is used to say that, “Yes I am definitely doing this”. It is mostly used in the form of sarcasm and is used in a lightweight manner. People might sometimes even mock themselves or others in a friendly way using this phrase.
Examples –
“Not me watching The Conjuring even though I’m super scared of horror movies.” Here the person is mocking themselves for watching horror movies even though he gets scared every time he watches a horror movie.
“Not me trying to read Pride and Prejudice for the nth time and denying to like Mr Darcy even though internally I fancy him tons.” In this case, the person is explaining that no matter how much she refuses to like Mr Darcy from the book Pride and Prejudice, she internally fancies him a lot. These examples show how ‘Not me’ is used to show agreement even though it’s a negative term.
“Not me getting into bed as soon as I reach home from work after wanting to be productive and doing all the house chores.” In this example, the person says she will be productive after reaching home but still gets into bed and ignores all the work.
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