If you get anxious reading texts because you don’t understand certain social media terms, then do not worry. This article will help you understand yet another social media term that is used widely. Finna is a short form for expressing the following –
- When you are trying to explain that you are going to do something
- It can be used when as slang to convey that you are about to do something or go somewhere.

Case 1 –
Whenever you want to tell someone that you are going to do something, this slang can be used. It is a social media way of expressing “going to” and sounds so much like how GenZs would communicate. For example, “I might finna post the edit that I made last night on Instagram reels. It looks good enough for my fan page.” – Here the person is trying to say that they are going to post an edit that they made.
If you are going to attend an event and want to tell someone over text, then you can simply use the above-mentioned term and type a text. “Finna attending the Comic-con on this weekend. I might dress up as Naruto for the event.” When you are going to do something after a long time, then you can use this term. For example, “Finna submitting the assignment, took me ages to complete it!”
Case 2 –
If you are trying to express that you are getting ready to do something or about to do something, then you can simply use this term. It is equivalent to “Fixing to” and can be used in the following way –
- “Imma finna study for the exam, or I might fail.”
- “If you are planning to attend the interview then I’m finna accompany you to help you out.”
- “I hate to say this but I’m finna change my apartment because I found a cheaper option. I know we would live far but I’ll visit you often.”