Content Calendar

Posting content on social media can be really hectic. For businesses and pages posting content on a regular basis is crucial and there is also a requirement to post it at a set time. The technicalities also matter at this level. This is why having a content calendar is absolutely necessary. A content calendar is a tool that is used to organize content creation and their scheduling on various social media platforms, websites, emails, newsletters and blogs.

If you are a business or a service provider then having a content manager can help you handle content creation and scheduling it to save time and create a long-term strategy. This will ensure that you have a clear strategy and know what changes to make from time to time without having to open a lot of files since all the information is organized in one place.

How to create and use a content calendar –

  1. Choosing a format is always the first step. Decide whether you want to use a spreadsheet, a calendar tool like Google Calendar, or a specialized calendar tool to create your calendar.
  2. The next step is to define your goals. What do you want from the content? More CTR? More engagement? More Key Performance Index? Strategize based on your goals.
  3. Identify the kind of audience that your brand is bound to reach. Make a content strategy based on that.
  4. The further process is to consider what type of content will resonate best with your audience – blog post, reel, picture, video or infographics. Brainstorm ideas based on this and create your list of ideas.
  5. Create a schedule based on your impressions. The time at which you post and how often you post will determine the prevalence of your content online.
  6. Create a template for your content calendar that includes columns for the content title, type, publishing date, platform, status (e.g., draft, published), and any notes.
  7. Populate your calendar with the planned ideas – content, schedule, goals and audience insights.
  8. Any important dates and events should be included in the calendar to make it easier for you. This will avoid missing it in case you forget it later on.
  9. If you’re working with a team, share your content calendar to collaborate on content ideas, avoid duplication, and ensure consistency in messaging.
  10. Review your content regularly and alter it according to the trends and insights your content receives.

Wrapping it up –

A content calendar is a very crucial part of planning and organizing content for social media, website, newsletter and email. Make sure you keep in mind the long-term goals of the content, strategize it accordingly and schedule based on your audience. Impressions are helpful in notifying what schedule will work best for your content. You can add this schedule to your content calendar. Overall, content planning and organizing will reduce the hassle and keep all your commands in one place.

Other social media terms –

  1. Finna
  2. Glow up
  3. Hot girl summer
  4. IMHO
  5. It’s giving