Rent Free

If you are someone who uses the internet often and is hooked to social media, then the term ‘Rent Free’ deserves to be in your social media dictionary. This term is slang that usually implies that something or someone occupies a significant amount of space in your mind in a negative way. The amount of space that something or someone holds in your mind is unhealthy. This is what the slang implies.

This can often be used in a hilarious way to explain that a certain song or certain movie is in your head all the time and after some days you tend to forget it with time. This term is usually used in a lightweight manner. In other cases, someone might describe being so attached or obsessed with someone that they cannot shake the thought of them even when they are busy. This term can even be used in such cases.

Examples –

“The song ‘Lover’ by Taylor Swift lives in head rent-free.” Here the person is explaining how a certain song plays inside her head all the time. Don’t we all experience the same?

“Maluma is so amazing. It’s not just his music, he is so handsome. I guess he lives inside my head rent-free.” In this case, a fan is describing her obsession with an artist and this term is teasingly explaining her likeness towards the artist.

“The movie ‘Twilight’ lives inside my head rent-free. I guess some movies have that impact on you.” In this example, we see how someone can’t get over a movie and how much they liked it. Don’t we all have that one movie that always stays in our minds no matter how many more movies we watch later on?

“This joke I heard the other day is staying in my mind rent-free.” This was a hilarious way of explaining how good the joke was.

Other social media terms –

  1. Hot girl summer
  2. IMHO
  3. Lurker
  4. TBH
  5. SYAC