“Ahh tbh I don’t feel like working” – did this get you wondering what tbh means? If yes, then we have the perfect explanation for this abbreviation! TBH can be expanded as “To be honest” and is widely used over texts and while communicating or commenting on posts on social media. It can also be used in work Emails and texts. It is basically used to give an opinion about someone or something on social media. Just like its abbreviation it shows a person being honest regarding something or some situation.
When your colleague isn’t cooperating with a joint assignment, for example, you can simply use tbh and softly slide in with a message which would come out less harsh. You can go like, “Tbh the report was perfect. Just wondering if you can make changes with the font and background colour of the images to match our company theme”.

With friends, you can use it in any way possible. For example, “Tbh the skirt you wore to the concert was giving such an aesthetic vibe, where did you get it?” Or you can go like, “Tbh I think you are rude sometimes when you are discussing something with us. Just thought YSK!”
You can also use it to give opinions, for example, “Tbh you are doing hard work instead of smart work. You can generate posts, captions, hashtags and even schedule posts through Predis.ai. Why don’t you consider using it?”
Or when someone is trash-talking to you simply say, “Tbh you should not be spreading so much negativity.” or “Tbh you sound so rude, anyone could feel offended.”
In simple context, for instance, use it like, “Tbh you could have used some more colour in the painting,
it looks very dull.” “Tbh you text very late, can you reply faster when it’s an urgent situation?”
Feeling lazy to do something? Simply use TBH. “Tbh I really don’t have the energy to do this right now.” Or you can even use it like, “TBH I feel feverish, can I hit the gym tomorrow?” In this way you can express your intent not to do something when you are lazy or drained.
Another way of using TBH is when you are suggesting something, “Tbh you need a better accessory to match this fit.” Or “Why did you go for pink blush? Orange would have looked so much better on you TBH.” This way suggestion was made and it did not come out too loud.
Now go ahead and flaunt your online texting skills by using Tbh in your comments and text messages!