
Have you ever come across ads from brands that you have already purchased from? Or Have you seen products in search results that you searched before? This happens quite often with most of us and let us tell you it is not a coincidence. A lot of brands use something known as “Remarketing” to make their customers and service users come back to their websites repeatedly. This is a technique of retargeting customers by showing ads to the people who have already interacted with your brand or website in some way.

These kind of ads are often displayed on other websites or platforms and are aimed at enticing the viwers to open the ads and complete certain actions. These actions can inculde the purcahse of some products from teh webiste, filling out a form or subscribing to a service from the website. This will make the customers return to the website.

How does Remarketing work?

Remarketing is also known as retargeting and allows to target users who had already visited the website or brand previously in the following way –

1. Tracking –

When the users visit your website they generally take some action or visit some pages in your website. This can be monitored using something known as a pixel or a tag code. Tools like this will help you understand what pages the users visited or what products they viewed on your website.

2. Building an audience –

You can build an audience using the data collected through tacking. This data will help you in understandin what part of the population liked which products or services and which part of teh population added products to the cart but did not complete the action.

3. Create Ad campaigns –

The data collected through tracking will let you build an audience. Furthermore, you need to create ad campaigns to lure the customers back to your website. This can be done through displaying ads using Google ads or facebook ads. These ads will be shown in websites and apps that are supported by this ad network.

4. Showing Ads –

When people visit other webistes, they will be shown ads from your webiste or brand. This will be done to show your previous customers or potential customers to remind them of their cart that still needs proceeding and the action will be completed. Not all the customers will complete action, but remarketing will ensure that certain number of people come back and buy the products they were planning to buy before.

5. Optimizing and monitoring –

It is always necessary to monitor your rebmarketing strategy from time to time. Are the customers coming back and still not completing the action? What could be the reason? Is the website too complicated to use? Or does your interface need polishing? Keep monitoring various metrics like clickthrough and conversion rates to understand customer behaviour.

Wrapping it up –

If you think once a person leaves your website, they will nor return back, then you are making amistake. Remarketing is an essential tool to enhance your marketing strategy and lure people because we already know that the person is interested in the product or service. Moreover, if they view the product ads again, they might be enticed to complete the action they begined with. Sometimes, these ads could include Emails that mentions coupon codes that would help the customers choose to complete the actions knowing they will get a discount. To comeplete this goal it it imporatnt to follow the steps mentioned in the above blog.

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