Ok, Boomer

As humans, we all have opinions. Having an opinion is something that gives us individuality. We tend to differentiate things and understand things from our own perspectives. But sometimes two opinions collide. Two people might sometimes not feel comfortable with each other’s opinions or might simply not agree. Ok, Boomer is an Internet slang that is used to signify the same.

If you do not agree with someone or think that someone’s opinion or thoughts are not in alignment with yours, you can simply use this internet term. While some people might think it’s hilarious. it might feel disrespectful in other settings. Imagine telling this term in front of your boss or colleague, not so appealing right?

This is a long debate on where this term is hilarious and disrespectful. However, we can keep two things in mind. If we are sharing opinions in an informal setting between friends then we can use this slang. Make sure that you know which of your friends are sensitive to avoid making it a bad experience. Never use this slang in a formal setting as it is very disrespectful. Other than that it is up to us to determine the situation and be careful about our expressions.

Examples –

Person 1 – “Let’s not watch this movie. It’s too sad and such a mood destroyer.”

Person 2 – “Ok, Boomer.”

Here the person is showing disagreement on the first saying saying no to the sad movie. Here the conversation is between friends and hence it doesn’t seem to be as disrespectful.

Person 1 – “I think that we should avoid alcohol at the party.”

Person 2 – “Ok, Boomer.”

In this case, someone is being a party pooper. Hence this term is hilarious here.

Person 1 – “Eww, that’s such a short dress. I think you should wear something that covers more.”

Person 2 – “Ok, Boomer.”

Here the person hilariously shuts down a bully and disagrees with her. Here it is totally not disrespectful.

Other social media terms –

  1. Aesthetic
  2. Boy math
  3. Clout
  4. DC
  5. Fam