Hot Girl walk

We have all gone through mental health crises over the past few years. With COVID-19, it became difficult to keep track of our goals and most of us felt helpless and depressed. To combat this situation a famous TikTok user Mia used the term ‘a walk for silly little mental health’. This became her everyday way to take care of her mental health. This term was further changed to what we know now is “Hot Girl Walk”.

But in no time, this trend grew further where he walked 4 miles and urged the followers and watchers to go on this walk not with physical goals but with mental health as the target. She walked 4 miles per day with three conditions – She was allowed to only think about the following three things –

  1. What she is grateful for
  2. Her goals
  3. How hot she is

Her motto was to make people understand that it is not about physical health but mental health where the healing and a step towards a healthy body begins. She is popularly known by the name @exactlyliketheothergirls on TikTok. This trend became very popular and was all over the internet. Mia also explains this trend by saying that physical fitness begins internally. This means that when you are fit mentally, your physical health also starts to get better.


“The Hot girl walk trend is not just for the sake of posting it on the internet. It is about glorifying what you’re grateful for and how much you are oriented towards your goals.”

“If you think that hot girl walk is all about losing some pounds, then you’re wrong. It is all about self-love and loving your body the way it is.”

“You are bound to be so much healthier if the process starts internally. This is what hot girl walk trend is all about.”

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