Crisis Management

Online advertising and social media marketing is a great tool for businesses and service providers. However, there are drawbacks to this as well. There can be crisis that occur or a regular basis. This could include social media blunders, negative publicity and so on. To manage this it is essential to understand the depth of the crisis and how it can be managed. Crisis management involves preparing for and handling unexpected events or situations that could negatively impact a brand’s reputation, operations, or overall success.

Types of crises –

1. Social media blunders –

  • Offensive Posts: Posting content that is offensive, insensitive, or inappropriate can lead to backlash from the audience.
  • Hijacked Hashtags: Using trending hashtags without understanding their context can result in negative associations with the brand.
  • Inappropriate Responses: Poor handling of customer complaints or negative comments on social media.

2. Cybersecurity breaches –

  • Data Leaks: Unauthorized access to customer data can lead to privacy violations and loss of customer trust.
  • Hacked Accounts: Hacking of social media accounts can result in the dissemination of harmful or misleading information.

3. Negative publicity –

  • Bad Reviews: A sudden influx of negative reviews on platforms like Yelp, Google, or social media.
  • Influencer Scandals: Collaborations with influencers who become embroiled in controversy can negatively impact the brand by association.

4. misleading or false advertising –

  • Deceptive Claims: Promoting products or services with false or exaggerated claims can lead to legal action and customer distrust.
  • Fake Reviews: Using or promoting fake reviews can damage credibility if exposed.

5. Technical failures –

  • Website Crashes: Website outages during critical times, such as a product launch or sale, can lead to lost revenue and frustrated customers.
  • Broken Links: Non-functioning links in digital marketing campaigns can lead to poor user experience and reduced campaign effectiveness.

6. Regulatory issues –

  • Non-Compliance: Failing to comply with advertising regulations, data protection laws, or other legal requirements can result in fines and legal challenges.
  • Copyright Infringement: Using copyrighted material without permission can lead to legal disputes and penalties.

7. Reputation and management issues –

  • Viral Backlash: Viral spread of negative content about the brand, such as a controversial video or tweet, can damage the brand’s image.
  • Customer Service Failures: Poor handling of customer service issues can lead to public complaints and negative perceptions.

8. Product failures –

  • Defective Products: Launching a defective product can lead to recalls, refunds, and customer dissatisfaction.
  • Supply Chain Issues: Delays or problems in the supply chain affecting product availability can frustrate customers.

Crisis Management –

1. Preparation and planning –

  • Crisis Management Plan: Develop a comprehensive crisis management plan outlining potential crises, response strategies, communication protocols, and key personnel responsibilities.
  • Monitoring and Alerts: Use tools to monitor social media, news outlets, and online forums for early detection of potential issues.

2. Rapid response –

  • Timely Communication: Respond quickly to the crisis to control the narrative. Delayed responses can exacerbate the situation.
  • Designated Spokesperson: Have a trained spokesperson to communicate on behalf of the company to maintain consistency and professionalism.

3. Clear and transparent communication –

  • Acknowledge the Issue: Publicly acknowledge the crisis, showing that the company is aware and taking it seriously.
  • Provide Updates: Keep the public and stakeholders informed with regular updates on the situation and steps being taken to resolve it.
  • Transparency: Be transparent about what went wrong and how it’s being addressed. Honesty builds trust.

4. Engagement and listening –

  • Social Media Engagement: Monitor and engage with customers on social media, addressing concerns and questions directly.
  • Feedback Channels: Provide clear channels for customers to voice their concerns and feedback.

5. Problem resolution –

  • Action Plan: Implement a clear action plan to resolve the issue. This might involve recalling products, issuing refunds, or other remedial actions.
  • Internal Coordination: Ensure all departments are aligned and informed about the crisis management strategy.

6. Post-crisis analysis –

  • Evaluate Response: After the crisis, conduct a thorough analysis of how the situation was handled, identifying strengths and areas for improvement.
  • Update Plan: Revise the crisis management plan based on lessons learned to better prepare for future incidents.

7. Rebuilding reputation –

  • Positive Content: Publish positive content and engage in community outreach to rebuild the brand’s image.
  • Customer Outreach: Reach out to affected customers to rebuild trust and show commitment to improvement.

By having a robust crisis management strategy in place, businesses can effectively navigate and mitigate the impact of crises, maintaining customer trust and brand integrity.

Other social media terms –

  1. Drip Campaign
  2. Flex
  3. Ghosting
  4. Inbound Marketing
  5. Landing Page