Conversion Rate

Business in today’s world is all about online search engines and marketing with respect to search engines. It is surprising how many tools are available these days to track business and its growth online. Nowadays, people can track who visits websites through ads and there are various metrics online to measure the success of your ads and online campaigns. Conversion Rate is one such metric to measure the success of your website.

People enter the website numerous times but do not actually complete the actions. For example, it is always desired that businesses that people enter websites place an order. These steps can be measured by a metric online called the “Conversion Rate”. It is defined as the percentage of website visitors who complete a specific goal or desired action. This action could be making a purchase, signing up for a newsletter, filling out a contact form, or any other action that aligns with the website’s objectives.

This metric can be calculated by dividing the number of conversions by the number of website visitors multiplied by 100. For example, if a website had 100 visitors in an hour and the number of people who placed an order was 20 (orders are the desired action here), then the conversion rate is 20%.

How to enhance conversion rate –

  1. Tailor and enhance your messages and offerings according to the needs of your audience. For example, offering anti-tarnish jewellery is going to offer your website better conversion than just ordinary jewellery.
  2. A call to action is a very necessary step in online marketing. This will enhance your social media image and more visitors are likely to trust you and your brand.
  3. Only making an appealing ad or campaign is not going to enhance your conversion as the landing page is also the bigger part of visibility. You need to work on having a polished landing page that the users are going to be hooked on.
  4. Upload images and content that adapts to any situation. A lot of people get irritated when the content takes too long to download.
  5. Ensure that your website is easy to access, user-friendly and responsive on all devices.
  6. Use retargeting ads so that people who visited your website before, make a conversion this time when they visit it.
  7. Experiment with different elements on your website, such as headlines, CTAs, and images, to see what resonates best with your audience. Use A/B testing to refine your approach and improve conversions.
  8. Keep analysing your website for more content improvement strategies and include better options to get more conversion rates.

Wrapping it up –

There are multiple reasons to measure the conversion rate from time to time. This can help in – measuring effectiveness, helps in ROI measurement, identifying weaknesses, optimising opportunities, giving competitive advantage and giving better user experience. This can help us in further altering and weighing our options to enhance results and give our best to the website marketing.

Other social media terms –

  1. Side eye
  2. TBT
  3. Understood The Assignment
  4. Vibe Check
  5. YSK