Ad Extensions

When we go through ads online, we see a lot of information on the ad in addition to the Ad copy. This information can include phone numbers, links to specific pages on your website, location information, additional text, and more. This information that is added to online advertisements to make them more informative and compelling to the users is known as “Ad Extensions”.

By using these extensions you are basically providing additional information to the users and further increasing the chances of users clicking on your ads. This can help to create ads with improved visibility and help you stand out in the competition.

Types of Ad Extensions –

There are multiple extensions to enhance your online advertisements. They are as follows –

1. Sitelink Extensions –

These types of extensions allow the addition of a link to your online advertisements. This can include a link to a landing page. You can add a link to a landing page which will make it easy for the browsers to open the product they are looking for.

2. Callout extensions –

These enable you to add additional text to your ad, highlighting key features or benefits of your products or services. This will help users to understand why choose your products among many other products that are available in the market.

3. Snippet Extensions –

You can target certain information in your advertisement and highlight the information. Snippet extension works in this manner. This will allow viewers to get an immediate notice of important information.

4. Call Extensions –

These extensions will display your phone numbers making it easier for the customers to make phone calls. This is especially useful for service providers as this can help them in booking appointments and selling services.

5. Location Extensions –

The presence of a location extension will help the audience find your store location if this is the goal of your advertisement. This is why using this extension will help you circulate your store information online.

6. Affiliate store Extension –

Sometimes brands have multiple stores that sell their products. For example, a lot of makeup brands have their individual stores as well as available on Sephora. These extensions will help people find the nearest store around then which sells the advertiser’s products.

7. Price Extensions –

This is most often seen on Google ads and Facebook ads. The price of an item is displayed along with the ad and further helps people understand the details of the product.

8. App Extensions –

These extensions are linked to advertisements with the goal of taking the users to the app to get more conversion rates. These allow you to link to your mobile app from your ad, encouraging users to download or engage with your app.

9. Promotion Extensions –

These highlight any special promotions or offers that you are currently running, such as discounts or sales. Hence the people viewing the ad will be notified of it and will complete the action on account of the discounts.

10. Review Extensions –

These showcase positive reviews and ratings from third-party sources, helping to build trust with potential customers.

Wrapping it up –

Ad extensions are very practical for advertisers as they make information clear and visible. This increases the brand visibility and enhances the website views of the brand. There are different types of extensions that can be used based on the goal of the advertisement. they can range from Call extensions to location extensions making information available to the audience. This can enhance the relevance of the brand, give a better user experience, highlight special offers, build trust and drive offline actions.

Other social media terms –

  1. Avatar
  2. Banger
  3. Caught in 4K
  4. DC
  5. Extra