
We have all been on the internet and found a lot of information unreliable and not serious. Sometimes we want to express our opinions on these things and express how we feel about the unreliability. Unserious is a social media term, that is used to explain that something is not seriously taken, unreliable or superficial. If you think that some piece of news is important and people around you aren’t taking it seriously then you can use this term and catch everyone’s attention.

You can also use this term to show people’s negligence and insincerity towards things that you might have communicated with them. For example, we have a lot of group chats and sometimes we might not be able to catch up with all of them and miss some content. This is when we might be termed no serious. This happens widely in class group chats and who knows, sometimes we are actually being negligent on purpose.

If you think someone is ignoring or not taking something seriously then you can use this term to make them pay attention. It is like a trigger warning and denotes that attention is required. This term can be used both in formal as well as in informal conversations on the internet.

Example –

“I think that most of the students are unserious about this assignment because it gives extra credit and is not a necessity.” Here an issue is being addressed with a possible reason why students might be dodging the assignment they were asked to do.

“Why don’t you never reply to me? You see unserious all the time.” We all know that one person who is never serious about replying properly on social media.

“Don’t be so unserious about everything. You need to pay attention to issues when they require attention.”

Other social media terms –

  1. Fire
  2. Extra
  3. Delulu
  4. Boy math
  5. Hot girl walk