That Girl

We are all special in our own ways. But, some of the girls have a special aura to them. They exude a certain level of confidence and charisma. This type of energy is so refreshing and positive for the people around. “That Girl” is a slang term often used for girls who are confident, stylish, and have immense charisma or a positive attitude.

If you are talking about someone who has the above-mentioned qualities then you can use this internet tern for them. This term is very explanation in itself and doesn’t require much additional information to it. Once you say someone is that girl, you know that you are talking about their style, confidence, charisma and amazing attitude.

Suppose you have a friend in the group who is always confident, leads conversation, has great leadership skills and organizes things in a very enthusiastic manner then you call her by this term. This is more like putting forth a positive tagline for someone that we talk about.

Example –

“Look at her outfit and confidence with which she’s carrying it. I bet she’s that girl.” Here someone is complimenting a woman, saying how fashionable and confident she looks. She seems to be praising her qualities and demeanour.

“If you want to be that girl, be confident. Don’t let your overthinking get the best of you.” In this case, we can see a friend advising another friend on how to be that girl and stop worrying about things too much.

“Being that girl gives you an aura that attracts pretty much everyone and positive energy only.” Don’t we all like people who have a positive and confident aura to them? A lot of times we try to be that person as well.

Now go ahead and be that girl and use this term to compliment your girl pals!

Other social media terms –

  1. Girl math
  2. Highkey
  3. Innit
  4. Lurker
  5. Rent Free