
Aren’t we all surprised by the how much internet has evolved over time. We are using words and slang that made no sense before. A lot of terms and abbreviations have been created and given meaning over the time the internet has evolved. This is all the contribution to Genzs and their use of slang and terms. Shook is one such term.

This term is used on social media to engage over topics that are exciting, surprising and shocking. If you are shocked by something that something that happened or something that someone said, simply use this term to express your concern about it. It is also sensible if you are using it to share excitement. Sharing important news that you least expected deserves a term just like this.

This term originated from African American Vernacular English and has acquired a use all over the internet. People use it widely to show excitement and shock.

Examples –

“I cannot believe they broke up. They were like the perfect couple. I am shook.” Here someone is shocked about a couple breaking up and is expressing the same using this term.

“Yay, we are going on a trip to Paris. I am so shook. This is really happening.” We can all spot the excitement here!

“I was shook when she burst out like that. But good for her since she’s taking a stand for herself.” In this case, a person is shocked by how a person burst out and usually is very polite and calm.

“If you still think that you can pass the text after one night’s study then I’m nothing but shook.” Don’t we all have that friend who walks into an exam after one night’s study claiming to have studied enough? Yeah! That definitely is shocking.

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