
A shadowban on Instagram refers to the act of limiting the visibility of a user’s posts without their knowledge. This means that while the user is not aware that their posts are not being shown to a wider audience, their content is effectively hidden from anyone who doesn’t already follow them. This restricts the visibility of a user’s posts so that they do not appear in hashtag searches or on the Explore page. Users are not notified when they are shadowbanned, making it challenging to identify the issue.

Why does Shadowban occur?

  1. Violation of Instagram’s Guidelines: Shadowbans can occur when a user violates Instagram’s community guidelines or terms of service, such as engaging in spammy behaviour
  2. Hashtag Misuse: Using banned or irrelevant hashtags, or using the same hashtags repeatedly, can trigger a shadowban or using bots to inflate their engagement.
  3. Algorithm Changes: Sometimes, shadowbans can occur due to changes in Instagram’s algorithm, though this is less common.

How to know you are Shadowbanned –

Detecting if you’re shadowbanned on Instagram can be a bit tricky, as Instagram doesn’t officially notify users when they’re shadowbanned. However, you can check if you are shadowbanned in the following ways –

  1. Using a different account or device, search for the hashtag you selected. If your post doesn’t appear in the hashtag feed, it could be a sign that you’re shadowbanned for that hashtag.
  2. If you notice a sudden and significant drop in likes, comments, or overall engagement on your posts, it could indicate that your posts are not being shown to a wider audience.
  3. There are third-party tools available online that claim to test if your account is shadowbanned by analyzing your recent posts and engagement. However, these tools are not always accurate.
  4. Ask someone who follows your account to search for your posts using hashtags or to check if your posts appear in their feed. If they can’t find your posts, it might indicate a shadowban.
  5. If your posts typically receive a lot of engagement from hashtag reach, but suddenly see a drop in reach, it could be a sign of a shadowban.
  6. Use Instagram Insights to monitor the reach and impressions of your posts. A sudden decrease in these metrics could indicate a shadowban.

How to avoid a Shadowban –

  1. Adhere to Instagram’s community guidelines and terms of service to avoid being penalized.
  2. Check if any of the hashtags you’re using are banned or restricted, and refrain from using them.
  3. Use hashtags that are relevant to your post and audience. Avoid using the same set of hashtags for every post.
  4. Avoid spammy behaviour, such as excessively liking, commenting, or following/unfollowing accounts.
  5. Use Instagram’s features, such as Stories, Reels, and IGTV, to create engaging content and avoid relying solely on feed posts.
  6. Stay informed about Instagram’s guidelines and best practices to ensure you’re following the rules.

How to fix a Shadowban?

  1. Review your recent activity on Instagram to identify any behaviour that may have triggered the shadowban, such as using banned hashtags or engaging in spammy behaviour.
  2. Cease any activity that violates Instagram’s community guidelines or terms of service, such as using bots or engaging in excessive liking or commenting.
  3. Review your recent posts and remove any banned or irrelevant hashtags. Replace them with relevant, approved hashtags.
  4. Consider taking a break from Instagram for a few days to allow the shadowban to lift. Avoid posting, liking, or commenting during this time.
  5. If you believe you’ve been shadowbanned unfairly, you can report the issue to Instagram through the app. Provide details about your account and the suspected shadowban.
  6. In some cases, a shadowban may be temporary. Continuing to post high-quality, engaging content while avoiding any behaviour that may have triggered the shadowban can help resolve the issue over time.
  7. When using hashtags, ensure they are relevant to your content and audience. Avoid using the same set of hashtags for every post, and rotate them regularly.

Other social media terms –

  1. Creator Economy
  2. Churn Rate
  3. Bounce Rate
  4. Ad Impressions
  5. Finsta