We all have all played games at least once in our lives and we know there are rivals in games. These are the opponents or opposition. Similarly, there are opposition parties sometimes and people who do not agree with us kind of seem like the opponents. While this term may seem negative or competitive, it is mostly used hilariously or in a lightweight manner. This opposition or opponent is called by the slang “Opp” on the internet.
If you are someone who games a lot, then you must use the words opponents and opposition a lot. It can also be used more broadly to refer to anyone who is perceived as being against or opposed to oneself or one’s group. To make texting easier and shorter you can use this abbreviation and make your posts and texts concise. This is pretty easy to use and makes texts look cooler.

Examples –
“I’ve got to stay one stay ahead from my opp.” Here the person is explaining how he/she has to strategies in a way they stay ahead of their opponent and win.
“If you think that I’m dumb then you’re wrong. I’ve been working all along with a new strategy against the opp. I might win the election this time.” In this case, a person is explaining how he is working hard on a strategy to win an election. Here, the word opposition is used as an abbreviation.
“He had a big L to the opp in the game.” Here the person is explaining how someone lost a game to his opponents.
“Every time I post something on Social media, my opps copy it and then roast me for my content. I think it’s absurd.” Here the opponents of a content creator are copying the content and spreading negativity even after that.
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