
We have all used punctuation marks, letters and numbers to express emotional faces when emojis were not available during the old internet era. These are called Emoticons and are basically textual representations of facial expressions or emotions, created using keyboard characters such as letters, and numbers. An Emoticon has been used in digital communication for decades to convey tone, mood, and emotions in a text-based format.

Some common emoticons are –

  1. Smile: 🙂
  2. Wink: 😉
  3. Frown: 🙁
  4. Surprised: 😮
  5. Tongue Out: 😛
  6. Laughing: 😀
  7. Crying: :'(
  8. Angry: >:(
  9. Kiss: :-*
  10. Confused: :-/

The use of these characters to represent facial expressions began during the 1980s and was created using basic keyboard characters. In the late 1990s and early 2000s, graphical emojis emerged, offering more detailed and colourful representations of emotions and objects. Emojis were first popularized in Japan and later adopted globally.

Difference between Emoticon and Emoji –

Key FeatureEmoticonEmoji
FormText-based, created using keyboard characters.Graphical, selected from a palette of images.
Visual detailsSimple and basic.Not standardized, and can vary by user or platform.
StandardizationNot standardized, can vary by user or platform.Not standardized, and can vary by user or platform.
RangeLimited to basic facial expressions and emotions.Extensive range, including emotions, objects, symbols, activities, animals, and more.
CreationManually typed using keyboard characters.Selected from a digital palette or keyboard.
HistoryOriginated in the early 1980s.Originated in the late 1990s and became globally popular in the 2010s.

Uses –

  1. Emoticons help express emotions that might not be clear in plain text, making the tone of the message more understandable.
  2. They add a personal touch to digital communication, making interactions feel more human and less robotic.
  3. Emoticons can clarify the intent behind a message, reducing the risk of misunderstandings in text-based communication.
  4. They can make conversations more fun and lively, adding humour and playfulness to interactions.
  5. Emoticons are a quick way to react to messages, posts, or comments, providing immediate feedback.

Examples –

Friend 1: “Hey! How are you? :-)”

Friend 2: “I’m good, thanks! How about you? :-D”

“Just finished a great workout! Feeling awesome! :-P”

Partner 1: “Miss you! :-*”

Partner 2: “Miss you too! <3”

How to use Emoticons effectively –

  1. Use emoticons appropriately based on the formality of the conversation and your relationship with the recipient.
  2. While emoticons can enhance communication, overusing them can make messages appear less serious or professional.
  3. Ensure that the emoticons you use are clear and enhance the message rather than confusing the recipient.
  4. The meaning of an emoticon can vary depending on the context, so use it thoughtfully to convey the intended emotion.

Emoticons remain a valuable tool in digital communication, bridging the gap between text and emotion, and enhancing the way we connect with others online.

Other social media terms –

  1. Persona Marketing
  2. ROI
  3. Selfie
  4. Target Audience
  5. Valid