
Social media is a platform where we communicate with our friends and family and sometimes we also meet new people and expand our social circle. When we have public accounts on social media, we might sometimes encounter people who might disrupt our peace. Creep is a person who behaves in an inappropriate manner on social media. Their behaviour can include being unpleasant and making you feel uncomfortable.

These people are seen to make advances that are out of their scope and behave in a manner that is considered socially inappropriate. They might try to get very nosy and ask questions that might not be relevant to the kind of relationship that you hold with the person. Many times, we do not even hold any kind of relationship with these kinds of people. They just message and react to our posts in a way that makes us uncomfortable. Anyone with creepy behaviour doesn’t go unnoticed and we would see our friends also feeling the same about them as we feel.

When we find anyone online, who is creeping us, it is better to warn them and make them understand that this kind of behaviour is only going to get them in further trouble. These kinds of people are the ones who create fake accounts and misuse pictures and information online. It is advisable to be careful with creeps online and report them whenever you encounter such people online.

Examples –

“A creep just kept texting me on Instagram. He was asking me weird questions. I had to block and report his account.” Here we see someone making an uncomfortable behaviour. The person reacted by blocking and reporting them online, which is the correct way to deal with these people.

“I like to keep my accounts private on social media because there are so many creeps out there. they even create fake accounts and use pictures in the wrong ways.” We all know how pictures are being misused online. It is better to be safe online and report any unusual activities on social media.

“A creep was sending me my own pictures and asking me for unwanted information. Even after blocking, he created more accounts and kept disturbing. I had to go down to the police station and report his details to get rid of him.”

Other social media terms –

  1. ATP
  2. BFR
  3. Caught in 4K
  4. Cringe
  5. Ded